You are suggesting these players to be manually checked and calling that easier?
Nop, I'm suggesting that you still need to check your players for many other possible cheats regardless. And for any more sophisticated inspecting method (or manual check) those macros would be falling before everything else anyway. So there's no such dilemma, unless you limit fighting cheaters ONLY to those primitive macros left to run fully-afk all days.
I just saw someone post in their discord stating they love the new verification system because it helps get rid of cheaters, even though it is super disruptive (you are teleported, walk to a place then need to answer a math question). I can only see legit players actually approving disruptive measures and getting good impressions from it, not the opposite.
Some players might not be aware enough to realize that those measures are not necessary and/or flawless, which is exactly why they will be happy with them, but it doesn't disprove my point.
In fact I remember I ran a very simple macro to afk rune making in Tibiantis and did not get caught, I am sure a captcha system would have stopped me lol.
Sorry, it's nothing but an anecdotal evidence, and like with any anecdotal evidence, it's a clear attempt to discredit the adversary only by taking advantage of the fact that it cannot be verified.
Anyway, captcha in Tibia is a lazy and invasive method to counter only the most primitive cheat, i.e. a tasker that runs for hours fully afk. It would be enough for a cheater to watch their screen once in a while or set up a very basic sound alarm on pixel change - and it will do literally nothing to them. It's kinda like cip sending gamemasters to stop bots, when every bot had an option to pause on gamemaster's approach (and gamemasters were disallowed to take action then). Sure, they could ban those who forgot to turn it on, but that's about it.
You're saying that captcha is more effective - in the sense that you potentially test every player, and not just some like a gamemaster would - yes, that's right. But it happens at the cost of also potentially annoying every player, while it's still not touching the core issue and it remains just as easy to bypass. A sieve with holes this big can possibly be used as additional check, one of many layers, and that's fine (again, if it only wasn't so intrusive to legit players), but you cannot rely on it so much as you suggest. And it doesn't really matter how good that captcha is, it's still going to be at least this easy to bypass, because it goes against another cardinal rule: a cheater should never know when they are tested.
By the way, it's not those basic macros that inflate the rune market the most. It's multi-clienting. Of course, these two can go together, but it's the multi-clienting that is responsible for boosting production capabilities to enormous proportions.