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Gaming [Aurora] My Adventures

Took level 27 while lootbagging

Final loot result after 15-20 minutes wasn't alot there to be honest, it was spammed yesterday :p

That's not including the DHam, Small health pot, cyc toes or stars :) Pretty nice for 15-20 minutes! Gonna do this once maybe twice a day. Hopefully there's more tomorrow :)
wtf?! I hunt cycs all day long and get half of that... lawl I just suck

I killed maybe 10 cyc smiths for that level.. I was already half way..
The rest, I found on the floor. (I only looted 2 battle shields)
dang ppl leave all that on the floor? omg everyone must be rich, where I play can't even find food on the floor...
No, their just botters and throw it on the floor ;d
Anyway, I'd like to introduce you to my cashmaker, I hope he'll pick up some more fkin cash -.- My sorc made more in them 15-20 minutes than what this does in a day.. xd


He won't be in this project, I'll just show one or two screenshots every now and then of him :)
what does a cashmaker hunt? never knew, I mean how does they work as cashmakers lol

It's a knight, you bot them in caves just for cash for your main. :)
Knights are most profitable. Atm I get around 4k daily from this char, nothing much but better than nothing. Eventually, when it's higher I'll be earning more from it (not too much but something to help me).
I don't want to bot my main, and the place where I'm botting this is a cave full of botters anyway, so it's not harming anyone I guess.
Miscalculation on previous lootbag here is the actual total;

And new lootbag at dwarfs

Going to try other places, been told a few where there is shit tons of loot on the floor (apparently) let's hope and pray!
p.s this thread will be less pg at the moment <3
Not rly aiming for levels atm xd
Trying to gather some cash before I'm totally broke.
Gonna sell all my shit tonight anyway and start hunting again.

New lootbag!

Not bad for just picking up botters shit on the floor ;)
Nice bro, you've checked cormaya dwarves yet? =P When I used to lootbag there 2 or 3 times a day, I used to drag away approx 8-10k averagely.. But I spoke with the botter there that I wud help keep the cave empty n' we kinda helped eachother out like that =P

Perhaps a new guy bots there or the same ol' Smask Ilu/Prolzzon, u could talk with em ;P

Btw, msg me tomorrow if ya will, ill pass ya 10k to help u get started xd kept forgettin' cuz my brain doesnt function properly due to the weed abuse </3 Lulz ;D
Level 28

Level 29

Level 30

Mlvl 44


I tried, but the loot was bad on the floor. Hardly anything, had to waste a bit of pots to get it going a bit. There was a botter there but was looting everything lol
Mistrock :)


And also some guy from my guild gave me boots of haste ;) I think he had too much to drink.. haha
Yep first time I spoke to him too lol and I told you I would ;)
idk if these lvl advancements were posted before the new updates but i suggest u do venore daily tasks(u can earn like 5k daily)+the coryms there are AMAZING. On my lvl 27 rp free acct i bring in 5k worth of items and use like 9 hp pots. Like today i made a total of 14k in 2, 45 min hunts. Just saying idk how it is on your world(im guessing its packed) but on antica its empty like 24/7 lol
Just a lil suggestion and i hope it helps