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Best ISP?


Amateur Web Developer
Mar 31, 2009
Reaction score
Anyone know a good ISP, in usa. I have verizon and the highest they can give me is 7m, thatll gimme an upload speed of like what? 2.0? How do i get an upload speed of say 10? or 20? I've seen a lot of people that have like 30's 40's, even in the 60's. What ISP's provide like 10 or 20?
Thoose ISP's only exists in the land of technology! (Sweden)!
Why do Swedes think their country is the one with fastest internet access? It clearly isn't.
It might just be a country where fast internet isn't expensive.
Why do Swedes think their country is the one with fastest internet access? It clearly isn't.
It might just be a country where fast internet isn't expensive.

Well.. We can have 100/100 pretty much anywhere in sweden.. Now they are starting to give out 1 gb/1gb for private users aswell ^^ and yes its cheap :p
Well.. We can have 100/100 pretty much anywhere in sweden.. Now they are starting to give out 1 gb/1gb for private users aswell ^^ and yes its cheap :p

Japan/China got faster and cheaper internet then we have..

Sweden is in the top 10 tho
how about telling me a fast isp? What do you mean about google?
how about telling me a fast isp? What do you mean about google?

He means nothing :p

The fastest would be if you had fiber :p but that's really expensive if your "street" or "Apartment" doesn't already have it.

You have to check with your local something to see what kind of internet your house can access
Sweden ain't that good. I've been trying to get 100/100 here, and I'm ready to pay for it but not as much as they charge :O
Why do Swedes think their country is the one with fastest internet access? It clearly isn't.
It might just be a country where fast internet isn't expensive.

Well.. We can have 100/100 pretty much anywhere in sweden.. Now they are starting to give out 1 gb/1gb for private users aswell ^^ and yes its cheap :p
As far as I know. Japan is. Private persons can buy 10gbit lines. And I've not seen any ISP there supporting less then 10mbit at all anymore. It's about 18EUR/month for 100/100mbit line in Japan. ~100USD for 10gbit.

Japan/China got faster and cheaper internet then we have..
China does only provide that it the big cities.
Sweden is in the top 10 tho
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As far as I know. Japan is. Private persons can buy 10gbit lines. And I've not seen any ISP there supporting less then 10mbit at all anymore. It's about 18EUR/month for 100/100mbit line in Japan.

I'd like to see your fact's on that Japan can get 10gbit lines to private persons, cause as far as I know the fastest to private persons is still 1gbit (except that old bitch in Karlstad,Sweden who has 40gbit)
The Japanese government (the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Post and Telecommunication) are going to start a development plan next year that will increase the speed of the internet in Japan to 100 times faster than the current 100MB fibre internet, with partner companies it is aiming for completion by 2010. It plans to develop a unique technology, expecting to increase competitiveness in the network equipments market, which is currently dominated by the American IT company, Cisco Systems. The Ministry is going to make a budget request of 10 billion yen for the project over the next five years.

Current router technology for fiber optic networks must covert the optical (light) signals to electrical signals and back again to process them, this causes a delay in processing and as such a slowing down of internet communications. The group plans to develop technology that does not requite the conversion steps and so make even faster broadband internet services practical. If successful, the internet connection speed available could become more than 10G bits/sec (10 billion bits), which is 100 times faster than the current fastest speed of 100 Mbit on current fiber internet connections. This will take only about 35 seconds to send a 2 hours long video, which takes around 57 minutes with the current technology. The ministry has asked for support from NTT and Fujitsu and will form an organization composed of government and private companies to start the project.

IJJ sells STM-64 (9.6gbit)
He means nothing :p

The fastest would be if you had fiber :p but that's really expensive if your "street" or "Apartment" doesn't already have it.

You have to check with your local something to see what kind of internet your house can access

What's Fiber ;o?
yea i know now, its FIOS. Didn't know it was called fiber too. I gotta wait until its available in my area though ;(. Cuz my current isp has fios that would give me a 25 mps upload speed, but it aint avaible for me yet. Do you think another isp might be able to provid eit for me, or is it pretty much the same with all of them?
Jup, FiOS = Fiber Optic Services

But if its not in your area that means they don't have fiber optics installed in your...area, if im not mistaken, so no I don't think you would have much luck.