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Bug on twitbeef?!


New Member
May 29, 2009
Reaction score
Hello. Yesterday my friend - Quantum was first with ~~131,000 points. Today there is new first person on Hall of Fame.

# Name Reputation Kills Deaths
Master Berg + 227,200 6 15

He have killed just 6 people and he have 227,200 points! Wtf?! How?
6 kills and 227200 points. Last day? Any bug or friend of GM? In fair play Quantum should won-.-
I might know the problem. But im unable to check this before I get back to my office. I'll take a swip by the office tomorrow and solve the problem by programming a new version of the deathadd-script.

It will all be fixed, don't worry :)
I might know the problem. But im unable to check this before I get back to my office. I'll take a swip by the office tomorrow and solve the problem by programming a new version of the deathadd-script.

It will all be fixed, don't worry :)
You know you havent fixed the low-level bug yet? ^^

Nobody, but if someone is first and should win its normal that he/she want to have her/his rewards...