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Gunzodus.net "Staff Corruption"

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Back to the topic:

Another situation which has just occurred and once again GM Ellvo/Vallais ignored the person when he tried to reach out to him privately to ask for explanation but then replied to him when he made a public post (same as our story).

Gyazo (https://gyazo.com/cd976e78a0ec700afb985f3c0267acb1)


Gyazo (https://gyazo.com/90571d15230badb527a2ac9e22f08016)

GM Ellvo/Vallais not following his own rules, the person said he never got banned before and yet he got banned for 7 days instead of 2 days as it shows here:


Gyazo (https://gyazo.com/4c6efaddc62b531f9a5f337ead27bdc1)
Back to the topic:

Another situation which has just occurred and once again GM Ellvo/Vallais ignored the person when he tried to reach out to him privately to ask for explanation but then replied to him when he made a public post (same as our story).

Gyazo (https://gyazo.com/cd976e78a0ec700afb985f3c0267acb1)


Gyazo (https://gyazo.com/90571d15230badb527a2ac9e22f08016)

GM Ellvo/Vallais not following his own rules, the person said he never got banned before and yet he got banned for 7 days instead of 2 days as it shows here:


Gyazo (https://gyazo.com/4c6efaddc62b531f9a5f337ead27bdc1)

Go play fortnite or something
Annonying rl map player community
Even if he bans him for 1 year, who cares
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People like you are the reason why people avoid visiting otland bcus of useless dramaqueen threads which has nothing to do with a open discussion at all anymore.
Gunzodus has a own forum, use it, be annonying there and leave us alone with that dramaqueen system.
If the server is really corrupted as you say, I give you the easiest way to solve the problem: stop playing the server
If the admin write in their rules "you will be banned for two days" but u getting "7 days" instead who cares lmao
Its his server he can even perma ban you if he want
Am now unbanned on Gunzodus.net but am not gonna play since many of my friends got permanently banned cus of whole situation on Gunzodus/Ixodus
but still a dramaqueen with no sense.
Im suprised this thread is still open

How old are you? 30? And still you crying about a open tibia server instead of quiting it

All 20 message u got are about Gunzodus LOL you are not here bcus of the open tibia community
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People like you are the reason why people avoid visiting otland bcus of useless dramaqueen threads which has nothing to do with a open discussion at all anymore.
Gunzodus has a own forum, use it, be annonying there and leave us alone with that dramaqueen system.
If the server is really corrupted as you say, I give you the easiest way to solve the problem: stop playing the server
If the admin write in their rules "you will be banned for two days" but u getting "7 days" instead who cares lmao
Its his server he can even perma ban you if he want

but still a dramaqueen with no sense.
Im suprised this thread is still open

How old are you? 30? And still you crying about a open tibia server instead of quiting it

All 20 message u got are about Gunzodus LOL you are not here bcus of the open tibia community

As I told you via private messages, there is no need for the aggressive tone. I stopped playing the server, and regarding Gunzodus forum, there is no freedom of speech. Am here to deliver the truth and inform OT community about Vallais's unfair actions. You're the one saying how weird the community is but you're supporting Vallais's behaviour, saying that he shouldn't respect his own rules and deliver any bans of his choice?
Damn, am speechless.

Am done replying to a person with such mindset, have a good one!
People really got god complex, thinking they are the tibia community sheriff, reporting what they call corruption, touch grass everyone.

translate: crying on otland after getting banned on an ot.
I love you Vallais. Gunzodus in my heart.
@Flawless Tibia

You can also inform community and other server owners about your friends actions and why are they banned. ;)
Hello Gunz,

He doesn't have to, I will as I am one of the friends who got banned for blocking the library as Vallais thought it was 1 guy on VPN, while we were 5 guys from several different countries. I reckon, he was too lazy to actually check us and he acted immediately from what he thought is correct.

And after we proved that it was not VPN, Vallais being Vallais, not able to admit he is wrong, he just ignored us.
I wrote a forum post, which was deleted. That really tilted me.

I want to emphasis the fact that I've been playing on Gunzodus for ages, and I and other players have been dealing with the same Vallais's shit over and over again.

So I had it enough, I found him on facebook and I started spamming his friends that I play on the server where he is GM and he scammed me and stole my money, which in fact he did, as I have donated money. (Later on that money was returned over PayPal, but that is not a point)
I'm not saying it was a right call at the time, but being powerless and ignored, sure some people can understand you act out of frustration.
I don't regret tho, I have same opinion of Vallais.

I just don't know, why are you protecting him so much? Does he has anything on you or what?

Best Regards,
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Hello Gunz,

He doesn't have to, I will as I am one of the friends who got banned for blocking the library as Vallais thought it was 1 guy on VPN, while we were 5 guys from several different countries. I reckon, he was too lazy to actually check us and he acted immediately from what he thought is correct.

And after we proved that it was not VPN, Vallais being Vallais, not able to admit he is wrong, he just ignored us.
I wrote a forum post, which was deleted. That really tilted me.

I want to emphasis the fact that I've been playing on Gunzodus for ages, and I and other players have been dealing with the same Vallais's shit over and over again.

So I had it enough, I found him on facebook and I started spamming his friends that I play on the server where he is GM and he scammed me and stole my money, which in fact he did, as I have donated money. (Later on that money was returned over PayPal, but that is not a point)
I'm not saying it was a right call at the time, but being powerless and ignored, sure some people can understand you act out of frustration.
I don't regret tho, I have same opinion of Vallais.

I just don't know, why are you protecting him so much? Does he has anything on you or what?

Best Regards,
He protect him because you are cwels and Vallais isn't I think. Cry more after getting banned for breaking the rules, maybe go post on people's facebook again XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. hatfu.
You guys care too much about a ban on the ots, enjoy your lives.

@Flawless Tibia

You can also inform community and other server owners about your friends actions and why are they banned. ;)
Definitely, so lets get right to it.

I will provide a list of banned people from my team and the reason behind their banishment:
  • Kiperlana/Raznar - banned for reaching out to Vallais's friends on facebook and writing stuff about Vallais (such as him being a scammer), @Kiperlanaa wrote his side of story in the post above this one.
  • Guess Whos Black - for having link of this thread as part of his comment on Gunzodus website and for writing "corrupted ots" below it.
  • Ammar - for insulting Vallais on the beginning of this thread.
  • Hussein - totally innocent person, got permanently banned cus he's Ammar's rl brother and they are playing on same IP (even tho we sent multiple videos long time ago as an evidence that they are brothers, not the same person/mc, and back then Vallais allowed it, but now once again he's making his own actions)

Basically, lets go a bit deeper in the story, each of these players been on Gunzodus servers for many years (up to 5 years) and if you could @gunz please tell me, did any of them ever do such thing in the past or was it their first time? In addition, I would like to ask a different question? What were the reasons behind an aggressive reaction? Since these same players are not known in the past for insulting Vallais or writing to his facebook friends about Vallais's actions, moreover it was their first time to lose their temper in such way, so what caused it?
  1. Vallais's behaviour - ignoring private posts and deleting public posts on Gunzodus forum while respectively trying to ask for an explanation behind our banishments and to provide evidence that we didn't abuse VPN.
  2. Vallais's unfair actions - banning our team for abusing certain rule but when we send multiple reports of enemy team breaking the same rule over and over, then we don't even receive an answer from his side.
  3. Lack of respect towards community - hard to reach out to him (as I wrote earlier, dozens of unanswered posts and reports), hard to ask for any explanations, hard to prove him that he's wrong in certain situations without getting banned on Gunzodus forum or in-game. And overall no freedom of speech.

To conclude, Vallais's actions did provoke some aggressive reactions due to the lack of respect and making people feel worthless.
Definitely, so lets get right to it.

I will provide a list of banned people from my team and the reason behind their banishment:
  • Kiperlana/Raznar - banned for reaching out to Vallais's friends on facebook and writing stuff about Vallais (such as him being a scammer), @Kiperlanaa wrote his side of story in the post above this one.
  • Guess Whos Black - for having link of this thread as part of his comment on Gunzodus website and for writing "corrupted ots" below it.
  • Ammar - for insulting Vallais on the beginning of this thread.
  • Hussein - totally innocent person, got permanently banned cus he's Ammar's rl brother and they are playing on same IP (even tho we sent multiple videos long time ago as an evidence that they are brothers, not the same person/mc, and back then Vallais allowed it, but now once again he's making his own actions)

Basically, lets go a bit deeper in the story, each of these players been on Gunzodus servers for many years (up to 5 years) and if you could @gunz please tell me, did any of them ever do such thing in the past or was it their first time? In addition, I would like to ask a different question? What were the reasons behind an aggressive reaction? Since these same players are not known in the past for insulting Vallais or writing to his facebook friends about Vallais's actions, moreover it was their first time to lose their temper in such way, so what caused it?
  1. Vallais's behaviour - ignoring private posts and deleting public posts on Gunzodus forum while respectively trying to ask for an explanation behind our banishments and to provide evidence that we didn't abuse VPN.
  2. Vallais's unfair actions - banning our team for abusing certain rule but when we send multiple reports of enemy team breaking the same rule over and over, then we don't even receive an answer from his side.
  3. Lack of respect towards community - hard to reach out to him (as I wrote earlier, dozens of unanswered posts and reports), hard to ask for any explanations, hard to prove him that he's wrong in certain situations without getting banned on Gunzodus forum or in-game. And overall no freedom of speech.

To conclude, Vallais's actions did provoke some aggressive reactions due to the lack of respect and making people feel worthless.

Its an ots, grow up sherlock holmes
Im really suprised how much time that guy spends on otland just to tell everyone "GuNZuDoS iS CoRRupTED"
But at the same moment people trolling him, love to all trollers <3
Im really suprised how much time that guy spends on otland just to tell everyone "GuNZuDoS iS CoRRupTED"
But at the same moment people trolling him, love to all trollers <3
Well @gunz asked for it and regarding the person who is trolling the most in this thread, he was actually our enemy on Gunzodus, so theres nothing weird about it, already used to it.
He protect him because you are cwels and Vallais isn't I think. Cry more after getting banned for breaking the rules, maybe go post on people's facebook again XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. hatfu.
You guys care too much about a ban on the ots, enjoy your lives.

I had to ask Flawless who are you. Apparently, you Cavassy?
I never did nothing wrong to you, why are you typing such retarded stuff?

Do not be hypocrite and liar, we both know how many times you said in teamspeak that you don't understand what is he (Vallais) doing.
FYI, I couldn't care less about Gunzodus, I don't even have time to play, however, I'll write whatever I want online if I feel something is unfair or just wrong.
Note I won't reply anything further if it's going to be offensive/trolling from your side and not constructive.

Take care.

Best Regards,
I had to ask Flawless who are you. Apparently, you Cavassy?
I never did nothing wrong to you, why are you typing such retarded stuff?

Do not be hypocrite and liar, we both know how many times you said in teamspeak that you don't understand what is he (Vallais) doing.
FYI, I couldn't care less about Gunzodus, I don't even have time to play, however, I'll write whatever I want online if I feel something is unfair or just wrong.
Note I won't reply anything further if it's going to be offensive/trolling from your side and not constructive.

Take care.

Best Regards,

Vallais in my heart, Gunzodus in my heart <3.
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