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[Canada] [1098/Custom] Ascension Online ~~ Last beta phase ~~ STARTS April/19

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Server starts in 3 hours.
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Server starts in 8 minutes.
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I think that ppl use some terms too loosely. This definitely resembles more of an Alpha rather than Beta.
I think that ppl use some terms too loosely. This definitely resembles more of an Alpha rather than Beta.
That is a pre alpha with stock bugs from both tfs and otc, with added bloat and laggs with 40 people online xD
"Last beta test" - you would assume then its finished and you want to catch last bugs, not see if it starts up
Your server is truly impressive! The performance and reliability are outstanding.
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lag fixes should be fixed by now, server stability improved by a large margin with latest update.
changelog will be posted on discord.
This OT so amazing thus far. Quite unique, fun, and new and exciting. Been very much enjoying figuring it out! I think lots of people will enjoy it for its diverse gameplay and fun!

Very enjoyable and fun at the same time. New unique take on custom servers! The crafting, and many professions the game as to offer amongst the variety of unique and custom classes with each having their own individual unique passives to liven things up is a super neat take! Looking forward to spending lots of time figuring this server out!
Server review
The server is just in BETA and already feels like it has plenty of content to play through, which is good.
I played Archer and a little bit of Dragon Knight.
These are my opinions, please feel free to disagree or agree. I've only had time to get around level 120 so far, so take it with a grain of salt.
I might update it if I play more.

  • I like the way you progress through quests. You don't even think about "leveling", levels just come to you as you go, which feels amazing.
  • I like the power progression. You basically go from a complete pleb, struggling on rats, to slaying everything in your path with ease.
  • The dungeons system is cool. I like how you can do them multiple times (with a cooldown ofcourse).
  • I like how you can buy "tier-sets" for "tier tokens".
  • Some spells have synergies, which is very cool. Example: Beer Barrel amplifies some of your spells as Archer.

  • In my opinion, it feels like your base class is pretty weak. What makes you strong is your enchants. My enchants are doing like 80% of my damage. This isn't really a "problem", but the only time I ever killed anything was when my passive/enchants were proccing, which means you're very RNG reliant. It would feel better if the base classes were stronger and enchants was a bonus.
  • You have way too many spells. I was using F1-F9 for my rotation, including healing. This is alot of buttons to press all the time in combat. It would feel way better if your rotation was around 3-4 spells and 1 healing spell. Example of a rotation would be: Beer Barrel, Explosive Shots, Arrow Rain, Arrow Barrage. That would be enough to still keep it "interactive".
  • Monsters take less damage if you're lower level than them. I don't like this one bit. If I've succeeded to become strong enough to move forward to stronger monsters, I should be rewarded, not punished. Just make them give less exp, 1% per level or something.

In general it's a great OT with potential to probably be top 5 of all servers I've ever played.
Good job, Nokturno!
i do not like the idea of offering store points in exchange for reviews on otland(even if asked for a honest opinion), so i'll leave my honest, but unpaid review

server feels like early alpha, has some potential in unique maps/dungeons etc but this is nowhere close to "last beta"
classes are completely unbalanced, lvling/getting gear is unrewarding, new spells are underperforming compared to early game ones
loot from mobs is all over the place(80% of mobs drop should be deleted as its complete trash, just makes it harder to manage loot/inventory)
random mobs added to every place of the map just makes it harder to move around/target what you want, it's okay in low lvl area but why put spiders you'll 1shot in high lvl zones
a lot of client side errors(ui not working, battle performing weird, crashes)

this needs to relaunch an extra 1-2 betas without completely rebalancing the whole game, but rather improve the current gameplay
i've seen too many servers trying to rework everything each few months and they keep relaunching in unbalanced/bugged state, instead of polishing existing systems/slightly adjusting numbers etc

owner seems to be active tho
keep up the good work and it has a chance to be a good server in a future
this is for sure feels like alpha.

here is some constructive feedback:

Remembering where the npcs were at to turn in multiple quests that you take. Exclamation mark never dissapears so it looks like they have quests still. this part sucks and just wastes a lot of time.

It would be nice to just auto complete the quest or
it would be nice to remove the exclamation when their quests are done, or change it when the quest is completed.
Quest log does good from yellow to green, but the visuals and finding/remembering the npc's on first city is a big hinderance. Multiple of my friends complained or brought this up.

I personally don't like the actual gear progression in terms of lootable gear. I think it could be better and monsters can drop more slightly upgradeable pieces. I like that the dungeon tokens give good gear but it would be nice for other ways to gear up aswell.

Elite monsters on here: boring, i suggest buffing them a bit and allowing them to drop dungeon tokens and such more often. Sometimes i don't even bother killing them.

A lot of items have no description or bugged descriptions'.

A lot of classes are just extremely weak compared to others

I believe the server would benefit from higher density mob spawns, especially in tier 2 zone.

I think there should be more to the enchants eg. only lootable ones, or more expensive ones/rares. I felt like there was nothing left to learn/do or look forward to with the enchant system.

We need some way to progress and unlock things at higher level besides higher number rolls on the same enchants we've been using since level 30.


I stopped playing on tier 2, i had two spawns to realistically hunt from 150-170 that were low density and slow and paralyzed, no new spells, no enchants to look forward to, and so i got bored. didn't have the same content/quests as tier 1. a lot more options and things to do in t1. I looted 0 upgrades my entire time on t2 besides one ring and was not strong enough to clear the dungeon mobs which is where the only real upgrades were i'm assuming (since i had looted no other items the entire time)
i do not like the idea of offering store points in exchange for reviews on otland(even if asked for a honest opinion), so i'll leave my honest, but unpaid review
Ooh, so thats it... haha
Played it very little because the client, map sprites and custom items are way too fucking ugly to watch.

Vocations are pretty fun to play and very diverse, cool shit.

Also, just played it for like 30 min and already had 3 backpacks FULL of so much random shit, that was insanely overwhelming.
Beta will be back in about 20 hours from now after a huge changelog with aditions and enhancements
11 am GMT - 5
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