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New Member
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Since many new starters are complaning about getting killed in the start, I've came up with this idea:

All the players around level 100+ should give around 50k to every single starter, you can always give more or less.
I am not doing this for compliments from the GM's but for the community, we could break the record of the online list for example.
Many new players around level 30 without wearing Amulet Of Loss are getting killed and lose all the money they had, we could stop that and give a change to the new players.
It' just an idea ofc.

Flame on!
They can also put there money in there depot:eek:

You could also get pk'ed on the way towards the depot while carrying your money which you've recently collected, so in some cases your suggestion doesn't always work... unfortunately :/.

@Naglorian, why should the higher leveled players give away their money? Im not saying this because im egocentric or greedy, I personally think that sharing is better for both you and the one you share with, at least you'd get a good feeling. On the other hand it would be easier for Talaturen to add an AoL with your starting equipment... well if you could convince him to do that. ';p
Sharing is a good idea, I already gave away like 1 milion total to other players, I still don't regret it tho ;)
whats up with u and ur damn online list?
in every post i see u sayin sumthing about "we need to get more ppl online" "go back to 8.3 cuz no one is online anymore"
You could also get pk'ed on the way towards the depot while carrying your money which you've recently collected, so in some cases your suggestion doesn't always work... unfortunately :/.

@Naglorian, why should the higher leveled players give away their money? Im not saying this because im egocentric or greedy, I personally think that sharing is better for both you and the one you share with, at least you'd get a good feeling. On the other hand it would be easier for Talaturen to add an AoL with your starting equipment... well if you could convince him to do that. ';p

@ the aol thing.

If you started out with an aol people would make like 10 characters and take them to level 8 (it goes pretty fast) and they would save 50k each character..

tell me ur nick so I will create noob chars so I can msg u when I need cash
Make a talkaction that sends your money to the depot? Like "!deposit "10000" (10000 is the quantity of money you'd like to send to your depot.)

And maybe only usable under a certain level.

Just a suggestion.
Or maybe:

function onPrepareDeath(cid, killer)
    if getPlayerLevel(cid) <= 50  then
        doSetCreatureDropLoot(cid, 0)
	  return TRUE

It will make 50lvls protected from loosing itans plx?