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Realsoft :) I did it on purpose lmao. Ask all my guild. I all warned them. I did this for me. I wanted to get deleted. I was passing 15 hours in front of my computer watching my character.. I mean, i seriously had to stop that :p

I enjoyed playing there. I could of done a drop party but i decided to get deleted with all my stuff. :)

100k, blue robe, vamp shield, c legs, crusader helmet, fire axe, crown armor.. more more more ;o

have fun homies!: )

I'm going to start a new server. :p

Let me guess... it's because I've activated my Auto Bot Detection & deletion system?

you cannot stand a server there you can't stand afk and make runes 24/7 and bot your knight in Cycs all day long?

I can't Believe there's guys that actually quit a server because they cannot bot on it.. omg
Let me guess... it's because I've activated my Auto Bot Detection & deletion system?

you cannot stand a server there you can't stand afk and make runes 24/7 and bot your knight in Cycs all day long?

I can't Believe there's guys that actually quit a server because they cannot bot on it.. omg

i'm not the type of guy plays without a bot. I could play without a bot, i did so for 7.4 till 8.20 than i started botting but im such a lazy ass, dont like walking 10 hours in the same cave attacking the same monsters.. rather use a bot :p
i'm not the type of guy plays without a bot. I could play without a bot, i did so for 7.4 till 8.20 than i started botting but im such a lazy ass, dont like walking 10 hours in the same cave attacking the same monsters.. rather use a bot :p

that means you're lazy.. and you don't play because you like it, you play because you want status in a game..

or, there's a discuss in game chat, that you used bot because you can't play tibia as you died very easy on all pks "wars" you had.
well.. to be honest. A fucking bot doesn't worth shit in wars. I'm using tibiabot NG 7.6 for my bot and I can say, it doesn't help me at all in wars. The auto healing delay is sooo damn fucking slow. I have time to get red before it heals ( i set it up to 700 ) and well, the time I died in wars was pretty lame of me. I agree. I don't bot beause i suck in tibia, I bot because I like to get the hightest level and make hard hunts. If Id want to play serious, Id be playing real tibia. I'm playing Ot. I for sure will bot, I don't care getting banned in a ot, I wasted what. 1-2 days of botting. :)

I'm not as good in 7.6 than 8.5 aiming.. just soo damn hard :p

but eyah, What ever
21:11 This chest is empty! return to Andree the gurad and ask him for 'more'!

Gurad? ;s isn't it guard? :eek:
21:11 This chest is empty! return to Andree the gurad and ask him for 'more'!

Gurad? ;s isn't it guard? :eek:

hah gurad :p probably written wrong ;D ey, what lvl is needed for that quest now? i did it before was no req. now I cant do it on my lvl 8 :S
There's already 5 60+'sses! Cmon guys :D


Dragon lord Hunting!
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Play, i'll help you!

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Can somone gimme some cash for promotion please? :O

I'm 22 atm

bye botter. (did i say that:O)
Lmao the funny thing is that you. "Don sata" Is cheating aswell.
When I killd you while you were afk you're char was spam healing with uhs and didnt even move. You logged in like 15 minutes later and said that you were eating.
Lmao the funny thing is that you. "Don sata" Is cheating aswell.
When I killd you while you were afk you're char was spam healing with uhs and didnt even move. You logged in like 15 minutes later and said that you were eating.

i used to cheat thats why i said "(did i say that:O)?", second thing what you say is not true if you got proof of it post it, but you killed me while i wear eating next to my computer and my dad was angry on me and you were killing me, so i had to concentrate myself on my dad and couldn't heal so good as normally ore run away:peace:
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