• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!


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Also, Dean, I am using 7.6 client on Windows 7 and it laggs like hell? How can I fix it?

Try updating your graphic card drivers. To do so you need to know the manufacturer and the model of the card. Then find the manufacturers site and look for updates for the correct model. Its probably under 'support'. Another thing you can do is to use fullscreen while playing and close programs like spotify and steam.

Im not sure if it has any effect with windows 7 but you can try to open properies for tibia and change 'compatible with' to windows xp (or any other that seems to lagg less for you).

Finally, try which laggs the least for you looking what fps (press alt+f8). If you have anything above 30 you're good enough, then its probably you connection/the server host.
Hunt from the day

Peach ( 52 EK )
crow Spirit ( 28 MS )

We hunted necros and vampires. We have looted 2 vampire shield. We aren't selling them for your information. We have looted 2 skulls staff, 3k GPs and 1 ice rapier! :)

We had many deaths.. I was hunting there with no supply ( my stupidity ) I died twice : ( He died like 4x times: P Was a fun experience..


bring uh's knight! :D

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Getting back the levels I lost from the fking hunt. Almost 54, in 10 minutes. Looted 10k GOLD. ML 5.. I've being with ml 5 since like level 35... Ever going to get 6?!63% left.. I'm just using exura gran.. maybe the spell is to weak? :D

is there any forum coming soon? I'm tired of posting my journal in this thread :D

edit : 12:25 AM.. I started playing this OT yesteday, 8AM.. I'm still in'front of my screen. It has passed what? 17hours? We say lets go 24hours? :) than.. big sleep time for me ^_^ Level..55 :O going for 56 in 10 minutes i think.. : ) 57% left for ml 6. ^_^20k pure cash :D . Tomorow.. Probably few hours of sleep.. than wake up, team hunt to what ever not sure yet, hero's or.. black knights. Will go solo GS to loot knight legs. After all that, study a bit because school tomorow and mom will be made if i did 50hours of pc this weeken ( 4 days off ) and never stuied.. I have math homeworks.. than maybe will look arround for my project in PPO ( Project personal orientation )After that, PG a little more.. off to bed and go at school.

I can't play much during weeken beacuse of an accident that occure in my life.. ( got busted with weed at school + stoned ) and now my mom said no pc during weekend.

edit 2 : Druid : Finaly have done 5 BP of UH's. Yes, we have a UH maker. Druid Phorn. I will be selling 1 BP uh for 2.5k ( 40 charges 1 BP, 1 BP = 3.5k in shop + 20 charges , best deal here. ) I'll try my best to make rune and hunt on peach but i can't do both at a time. 200 UH to waste tomorow . :) I will have a happy time :D
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:O Notice with my eq + my uh i would have 1337 cap D : ( bored, 8:32 am )
> : O I'm jealous of your RH + blue robe :( I died twice trying to make that quest..

There will be forum, Ventrilo servers and more when server go enough players for that.

atm I'm working on getting a Quest list up.

you will have a list sorted up by name, show level and maybe (MAYBE) there will be a pick where you should look for this quest (some quest will not be spoiled at all to keep stuffs secret)

Aztra is going to have big time update as many maybe noticed.

There will come a new Npc to Avadana temple, (below spawn floor)
he will give you some Eqs (etc a nice weapon for your vocation) if you make he some favors (etc find him a few items and/or others)

Hope you're enjoying RealSoft OT! :p

Your Administrator
Things to fix:

1. Ice rapier DMG ( 60 ) should be 100
2. UH I'm level 60, ml 5 and i only heal 350! I'm a knight. UH are supose to be OP back than.. Not OP for me..
XARIZON IS BUGGED, ITS NOT POSSIBLE TO EXIVA HIM, Please fix it, we are in war and we need exiva.
I own

Mlvl num 1


Warmaniac and Crown Spirit ---> 2 frags

Speak and Xarizom ------------> 1 frag

they got 2 frag, they killed pringles.. but he was level 19 that time xD
nice war, 2 vs 2? xD

Not really :) its more like a my guild vs their guild , and uhmm.. we are more than 2, we are 11.. Like 11 vs 2 :)

he just put the down the frag they did. ;P Not the guild war members :p

@at Cyko, I made bluerobe quest after with warmaniac. So much easier, Sd sd sd pew pew ded ded hurayy
Things to fix:

1. Ice rapier DMG ( 60 ) should be 100
2. UH I'm level 60, ml 5 and i only heal 350! I'm a knight. UH are supose to be OP back than.. Not OP for me..

in level 60 and magic level 5 you should heal between 270 to 378 Hp! so please stop telling me it's a bug <.<

All Spells are same damage as real tibia 7.4! you cannot compare my spells with Holdera or what you are comparing after! specially Ultimate healing rune as they often are way overpowerd in any oldschool server!

News: Avadana have been modified a bit, login to see what. :p
I love new avadana.
New picture :) I can't play now. Last level for the night. Mom want me to stop : (

Tomorow after school, PG with my friend Crow Spirit.Team hunt hero + maybe later again GS hunt or BK
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