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Current Mini Map:

I'm building/updating so the mini map should look cool, When I started to build the server I was only thinking of make in game look cool, not the mini map ^^

Compared with the old one:
D : Can you check my house realsoft? I think its gone.. East of Cyko`s house
No houses have been deleted! don't worry.. :p

But I can`t find it in the house list of the website! is theres a problem there?

crow spirit, if you can read this please make mores runes, dont stop! :D ill come tonight and PG like afreak fucker.

G2g.. iim done my computer class xD
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are you talking about this line?
South Village Street 3	Avadana	Peach	64	2000

What the! How did you find it? I was at school going throught the list.. I didn't see it, was it taken from there? going to double check!


I'm sure you just added it! It wasn't there at school ( hours ago ) I check the name of cyko, than looking mine.. didnt find it. I pretty sure you just added it right? :D
What the! How did you find it? I was at school going throught the list.. I didn't see it, was it taken from there? going to double check!


I'm sure you just added it! It wasn't there at school ( hours ago ) I check the name of cyko, than looking mine.. didnt find it. I pretty sure you just added it right? :D

no I didn't... the house was there all the time..

all I did was made server save the houses and your got added to the website list ;)

when you're buying a house you'll not be showed in the list until next house save or server save ^^
no I didn't... the house was there all the time..

all I did was made server save the houses and your got added to the website list ;)

when you're buying a house you'll not be showed in the list until next house save or server save ^^

OOH :) thank you, I was bad trippin for the whole time in my class because i had all my cash + UH supply
I had a great time hunting with crow spirit.. even if we had some little problems such as a death from us because I runned out of UH's :( My bad..

I went on hero hunt, We've looted C-legs ( first ) c-arm ( first ) and it was soo fun that we also killed a few DEMONS!! :) ( first on server? ) We killed 3 demons :) Here's the pictues

1 knight ( 67 ) blocking, average UH ... 10~
1 mage ( 36? ) using explosions rune's average... a lot







i just notice, I was making more DMG than my friend crow was doing :) I'm cracking up :) Exori + wep DMG FTW :D
Nice Peach<3

I'm going out with some friends, so probably won't level much today.

Me and you so should team stuff >: D 2 60 Knights = DEAD ALL. :D
What time for you? :) I'm almost tired.. but i can level up a bit more.When we have time, and we are both online.. ( not now, soon gota go bed ) and like.. We could team hunt shitload of things.. We could also team hunt demons.. and since we are 2 knights.. it would be way faster than me with crow :) ( sorry crow, but i get more exp than you do so HAH :p <3 ) I hope you have a UH maker.. I'm making 5 BP explosions and 5 BP uh.. + tomorow I'll make at least, 15 BP Uh for demon hunt. hopefully, with 20 BP UH + 5 BP explo i'll be able to loot rares.. I will go solo if no one comes with me.

edit :

SHIT! the only time we could hunt together will be on friday, and the whole weeken.. When you get back from school, i'm going to sleep almost:S No time to hunt. see ya on friday; )
Yeah i'm about to go to the beach with the missus. :3

Nah ill just buy UHs >: D Cbf making.
Yeah i'm about to go to the beach with the missus. :3

Nah ill just buy UHs >: D Cbf making.

If you buy, i'll make a big laught at you. how rich are you to afford buying fking uh's?! I'm making them 2x each 1 UH.. 1 BP takes me at least 15 minutes.

buying 1 BP = 3.5k and also 1x each.
If i'm waisting 10~ UH per demons, you'll waste 3.5k per 2 demons and you'll probably not loot any rares quick enought to make back the cash you wasted...

Bad idea my friend.. Bad idea..
I got 350k atm. D:

Sold 2 RHs to Djinn, + Dragon Loot.

I lost my fucking RH though when i died, so i gotta try re-loot.

+ waste is fun. Who cares if i don't profit ill just go Dls make the cash back.
The druid's UE is unbalanced (exevo gran mas pox). A lvl 41 1 hitted me 3 times lol... Change it please.

PS: He's only mlvl 37 maybe hes bugged, his name is Reborn.

How can he 1 hit me? Im mlvl 40 and cant 1 hit a lvl 40 with UE I hit 300- and he hitted 345 3 times.
: ) Dean, I hope one time , you could show me a nice DL spot :)

No school today,well.. im skiping to stay home :p


Woah, my internet is fking skippy. I might die palying on peach..

I always get freeze, lag, DC.. -.- fk my iinternet provider!
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