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Update: ) Well, My mom forgot me because she haves visitors.. :)

I had fun with Admin Gunner.

Heres some SS




1 Peach 65
2 Speak 52
3 Drain 48
4 Joey 46

Fourth now. :3

Hail Peach <3
New Areas

I'm working to create more RPG areas at same time I updating Aztrix to a pure RPG map..

This is a new area located west of Orc Lands.



I hope you'll like the new areas!
Ps: I wont post to many pics of new areas, after all you have to explore some your self ;)

Edit: Peak in what's happening to Aztrix!
New hunting areas and weird stuffs coming!



Ps to people that doesn't think well as other people:
These pictures are not finished areas! Specially not the first two pics!

I'm working to get Aztra to a pure RPG map (you can see at the 3:d picture, to the right there's still some area looking like a messed up OT-ROX map <.<
I know i promised you mike that ill play your server 24/7 but.. :D ill start to PG my 15~16 pall at friday till saturday morning =)

Give me a word on that!!! 30 lvl here i come!:peace:

Today I make this promise..

Right now my World Map size is: 27,17 Mb big.

At Friday it will be 35+ Mb big! (RPG Map! and not any cheap drunk-made)
Aztrix Should be Updated Fully without any excuses!
30+ New Quest for All levels!

Quest Log should be fixed on Website!

The challenge here is that I work 9 hours per day, (10 now on Tuesday).
and will have little time to expand the map :p

Current Aztrix (Much left to do)

and I hope to gain allot more players along with the updates ;)

Edit: West is the new areas that are under updating, while areas to east is old areas that are going to have update!
Today I make this promise..

Right now my World Map size is: 27,17 Mb big.

At Friday it will be 35+ Mb big! (RPG Map! and not any cheap drunk-made)
Aztrix Should be Updated Fully without any excuses!
30+ New Quest for All levels!

Quest Log should be fixed on Website!

The challenge here is that I work 9 hours per day, (10 now on Tuesday).
and will have little time to expand the map :p

Current Aztrix (Much left to do)

and I hope to gain allot more players along with the updates ;)

Edit: West is the new areas that are under updating, while areas to east is old areas that are going to have update!

woah nicE!!!
very nice mapping;) but maby make a dl spot there? :p for lvl 20 palas where they can out run dragons ore something because the dragon spot at avadana, you always get hitted by dragons and its pretty hard then:S
very nice mapping;) but maby make a dl spot there? :p for lvl 20 palas where they can out run dragons ore something because the dragon spot at avadana, you always get hitted by dragons and its pretty hard then:S

There are several new hunting areas coming. but there's already a few dragon spots that you can use ;)

if you explore inside Avadana mountain you will find a Dragon nest above the dwarfs.. ;)
Nice Revamps man, maybe change the ground floor in the city to road instead of house tiles. :3
Nice Revamps man, maybe change the ground floor in the city to road instead of house tiles. :3
Yea, Stone floor (
) would look a lot better than wooden floor (
thanks for the suggestions, I will look on that when I'm done with Avadana Dungeon! :p


As you can see there has been a bit clean up, and an allot bigger area have been added!

What's next in it you can explore in the next save ;)

Edit: something familiar with Pits of inferno has been added, Where to find it, and how to access it is up to game chat to discuss ;)

I will not even tell Administrators nor friends! Have fun! :p
Far to many trees, try use bushes instead. :3

Lookin alot better though.

I just took level 60, second level 60. :)
Far to many trees, try use bushes instead. :3

Lookin alot better though.

I just took level 60, second level 60. :)

1: those trees is old. they are part of what Avadana are.
(Element of Avadana, Mountain, Old Forest)

2: the new area is that area with bushes, if you walk there with your character and compare you'll see...
At school atm, Holy.. level 60? Damn, I will need to have to work hard this weekend. My mom doesnt let me play a lot on the week or even not at all.. Hopefully i can play today so i can PG with my friend Crow!

14:56.. ima be home at 3:30
edit the worl map on the site aswell do you? not that the half of your updates don't update in your world map on the site. you don't have to put where the hunt spots are exaclty just the map.
WOW! Is it me or my house is gone? I`m checking the website houses.. WHERE IS MY HOUSE! Peach! I had the house to the east of cykotitan! Did i lose it? I have 100k in there! ASk the GM! Take a look at my pictures, where is my house? it doesnt appear on the website!
edit the worl map on the site aswell do you? not that the half of your updates don't update in your world map on the site. you don't have to put where the hunt spots are exaclty just the map.

That map is not updated, Nor show all hunting spots,

The Hunting map is just there to give beginners an idea where to start. nothing more..

if I would list up every hunt that would become a long list, I'm sure someone have faced way more monsters then he thought existed in RealSoft OT.

and between the way, you can find ALL monsters that existed in real tibia 7.6 in RealSoft OT! Every single one of them.
Just Explore some and you're good.

(Except Jungle a few creatures, as the dungeon area is not accessible yet!)
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