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LOL they can HEAL people... He could 1 hit me and I couldnt and he had mlvl 37 and Im mlvl 40
the pox make same damage as the normal ue,
and how can you say druid is overpower by one spell?

you kniow a sorcerer exevo mort hur make more damage then druid Ue? is sorcerer overpowerd for that?

oh crap don't forgett a paladin can use sd + bolts, OVERPOWERD!

Seriously, mas pox is one thing that make druids not suck to hard..

so if exevo mort hur hits the same as max pox damage, then you can 1 hit lvl 40s (ms, and ed) with a exevo mort hur?? faill..

+ the server isn't getting more players it keeps around the 0-15:s:(
LOL they can HEAL people... He could 1 hit me and I couldnt and he had mlvl 37 and Im mlvl 40

so if exevo mort hur hits the same as max pox damage, then you can 1 hit lvl 40s (ms, and ed) with a exevo mort hur?? faill..

+ the server isn't getting more players it keeps around the 0-15:s:(

ops, I was at work when I saw the question, I answered fast and had to go offline fast again without complete my message to you..

anyhow, Mort hur doesn't hit more then ue (I was thinking of sd damage, lol)

anyhow, I got a few plans of druid, etc low the damage of pox ue, but add some other spells that could be useful for druids.

Still I will not make anything that make druids overpowered nor can block a whole town in one spell..

about people, yes, about 15~online, and that's good to me,

beside that most of OT players will not login to an OT before it has 30+ players..

and almost everyone do not login to a server with less then 10 players.


Edit: just got home btw, and I'm going to eat some and watch a Simpson episode, after that continue with the map update, (Next save will have the biggest update so far about the world map)
so if exevo mort hur hits the same as max pox damage, then you can 1 hit lvl 40s (ms, and ed) with a exevo mort hur?? faill..

+ the server isn't getting more players it keeps around the 0-15:s:(

I would play if it was a funny start, so boring being a low lvl xD
I would play if it was a funny start, so boring being a low lvl xD

did you know, if you have to work to become a high level, you will appreciate everything way more.. every level, every skill up, and ofc every new crystal coin ;)

if it was to easy become a high level, that make you go: "eh, I'm hunted, eh, what ever, lets get rs and then create a new character"
there is a bug i did send myself some cash to my other account to avadana so i go check on the account and it didn't work:O? but the parcel is gone with the cash in it:s + if i walk to my depot 18:00 Your depot contains 4 items. but i don't have any items in my depot lol
did you know, if you have to work to become a high level, you will appreciate everything way more.. every level, every skill up, and ofc every new crystal coin ;)

if it was to easy become a high level, that make you go: "eh, I'm hunted, eh, what ever, lets get rs and then create a new character"

I didnt say its slow lvling... I think it sux to hunt Orc Warriors and Rats >.<, you maybe could try to make a funnier start (maybe quest like kill 100 troll and you get exp as reward maybe 10k EXP)
there is a bug i did send myself some cash to my other account to avadana so i go check on the account and it didn't work:O? but the parcel is gone with the cash in it:s + if i walk to my depot 18:00 Your depot contains 4 items. but i don't have any items in my depot lol

Yes, you will see that to next update.
a few weeks ago I tried something with the map and apparently it deleted the Depot cities, I've fixed that, all depots will be normal at next save, and a extra depot chest have been added in Avadana with signs around, that depot will stay there for few days and will continue all items you have put into your depot the last days.

I didnt say its slow lvling... I think it sux to hunt Orc Warriors and Rats >.<, you maybe could try to make a funnier start (maybe quest like kill 100 troll and you get exp as reward maybe 10k EXP)

Explore more holy jesus.. seriously, orcs are the only thing you find? then you only checking one cave..

and yes, there's more quest coming, but everything must be correct balanced before I put it into the game, I don't want low level to be rich already the first hour online..

Atm working on map, a New big area have beem added above Aztrix dungeon, what more about it you'll have to explore yourself :p
Yes, you will see that to next update.
a few weeks ago I tried something with the map and apparently it deleted the Depot cities, I've fixed that, all depots will be normal at next save, and a extra depot chest have been added in Avadana with signs around, that depot will stay there for few days and will continue all items you have put into your depot the last days.

Explore more holy jesus.. seriously, orcs are the only thing you find? then you only checking one cave..

and yes, there's more quest coming, but everything must be correct balanced before I put it into the game, I don't want low level to be rich already the first hour online..

Atm working on map, a New big area have beem added above Aztrix dungeon, what more about it you'll have to explore yourself :p

Oh so noobs can be rich from exp quests?..
well i just made a druid xD lvl 8 , mlvl 3xD training mlvl is fun xDDDD I've heard they pwn so :D
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Oh so noobs can be rich from exp quests?..
well i just made a druid xD lvl 8 , mlvl 3xD training mlvl is fun xDDDD I've heard they pwn so :D

do whatever you want =)

if I went to a 10 vs 10 vs 10 vs 10 war, there it was sorcs, druids, knights and paladins, I would care much about what side I would be on, but probably pally as I really love archers. but after that I don't care much, they all have their strength, and their weakness..

Knight side, Ouch that that ek got Combo, but mostly will still stand.

Sorcerer, imagen 3 knights get one mage blocked, ouch.

Druid, same at sorcerer.

Paladin, they can heal as long they don't miss uh/manas, but get stuck by a few knights can't be very fun, even less if 3+ mages are incoming...

in one or another way they are balanced no matter if they're 10 vs 10 or 1 vs 1..

just because a sorcerer have most damage in combat it doesn't mean they rule, miss a few sd's, make a fail ue, and once mana is gone and enemy is coming, you're pretty screwed unless you can outrun them, which can be hard in most combats which magic walls are used..
do whatever you want =)

if I went to a 10 vs 10 vs 10 vs 10 war, there it was sorcs, druids, knights and paladins, I would care much about what side I would be on, but probably pally as I really love archers. but after that I don't care much, they all have their strength, and their weakness..

Knight side, Ouch that that ek got Combo, but mostly will still stand.

Sorcerer, imagen 3 knights get one mage blocked, ouch.

Druid, same at sorcerer.

Paladin, they can heal as long they don't miss uh/manas, but get stuck by a few knights can't be very fun, even less if 3+ mages are incoming...

in one or another way they are balanced no matter if they're 10 vs 10 or 1 vs 1..

just because a sorcerer have most damage in combat it doesn't mean they rule, miss a few sd's, make a fail ue, and once mana is gone and enemy is coming, you're pretty screwed unless you can outrun them, which can be hard in most combats which magic walls are used..

1. Im druid
2. I never said that Druid/Sorc are strongest vocation I just said that druid pwns.. Since they can Sio and Mas res , using Pox doing damage like UE (Not doing poison damage only like it was on rl tibia 7.6 :p)
1. Im druid
2. I never said that Druid/Sorc are strongest vocation I just said that druid pwns.. Since they can Sio and Mas res , using Pox doing damage like UE (Not doing poison damage only like it was on rl tibia 7.6 :p)

and I didn't say that you said mages rules,

I just said that because most people take the vocation make most damage as the ruler..
1. Im druid
2. I never said that Druid/Sorc are strongest vocation I just said that druid pwns.. Since they can Sio and Mas res , using Pox doing damage like UE (Not doing poison damage only like it was on rl tibia 7.6 :p)

at numer 2: fucking sad you make it same damage as ue you keep telling me that you want the real RPG oldschool feeling here and now you do this lol.... pking is from the oldschool as well and pretty good and fun and then you do that sad...
at numer 2: fucking sad you make it same damage as ue you keep telling me that you want the real RPG oldschool feeling here and now you do this lol.... pking is from the oldschool as well and pretty good and fun and then you do that sad...

what? im not GM? >.<
Current World Map:
CHENGE pox UE, it makes MORE dmg than sorcs UE, I agree with it doing the same dmg but not more!
ye change it and how can you come at the new mapped island?

the big place to north is closed because I wasn't done with it when server save had to be runned.

and about Pox ue, It IS Doing The Same Damage As Sorcerer Ue!

They're both on same script! same value ticks and code damages.
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