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Da Got Owned.... AGAIN

HAHAHA Canvi ur a joke! all u just said is how u act in OB's, u little pussy, fack off would ya? ur just another wannabe gangstah. Playin nigger in rl but ur like what turk?? or something lol
make me laugh
HAHAHA Canvi ur a joke! all u just said is how u act in OB's, u little pussy, fack off would ya? ur just another wannabe gangstah. Playin nigger in rl but ur like what turk?? or something lol
make me laugh

Sawg Majn Kuwk, förresten, du vill vara som jag mes ;), MEN DU KAN INTE!!!!!!!!!
Stop flaming, lol.

Pierce, I admit it, you killed more of us and I suppose we got owned. I'm just pointing out that it's pointless trying to kill you out in the open.
Sawg Majn Kuwk, förresten, du vill vara som jag mes ;), MEN DU KAN INTE!!!!!!!!!

Could you atleast keep it English? It's not that hard you know... so just keep your UFO language to yourself.
Dam it's crazy how people insult a guy who plays just like every single one of you. Probably better cause he's higher than everyone else and he rarely dies.
Funny thing is , you all used dash. So whenever u runned into our screens we couln't even take attack cus ur to fast.

Don't even call that a battle, and your pvp is so pathetic.

Funny thing is , you all used dash. So whenever u runned into our screens we couln't even take attack cus ur to fast.

Don't even call that a battle, and your pvp is so pathetic.


Go buy a experience scroll instead of crying out, could work better.