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[France] [7.4] Hela High Rate Real Map, Mysteriandos, New Spawns, Monsters, Items [04.08.2023]

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Aug 11, 2007
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Odenia is happy to announce the launch of our second server Hela, this server will be a seasonal server with higher rates. It will have a definitive end to it and is planned to revive multiple times throughout this year and the following.

So make the most out of your adventure in each season.


Hela Rates
Level 1 to level 10: 10x
Level 11 to level 20: 15x
Level 21 to level 30: 12x
Level 31 to level 40: 10x
Level 41 to level 60: 8x
Level 61 to level 80: 6x
Level 81 to level 100: 4x
Level 101 to level 110: 3x
Level 111+: 2x

Skills, Loot and Magic Level are all now using custom Odenia Systems and don't have conventional multipliers.

Skills and Magic Level both uses a system that's optimized to make the skills and magic level follow more organically as the character levels so that your character have more appropriate skills for the level you're at.

Our Loot System has also been restructured, monsters drop more minor valuables like pearls and gems as well as other valuables like the vampires Emerald Bangle or the mummys Silver Brooch, now having actual value and being sellable for a reasonable amount.

NPCs also pay more for the loot you sell them, for those wishing to lootbag. However in return, typically rare items like fancy armors are retaining most of their rarity, to make sure that it remains exciting to loot a Dragon Scale Mail or Mastermind Shield.

-Hela will go live on August 4th at 18:00 CEST-

Played the low rate was amazing!! Wars were awesome so made me want to grind! Super stoked for the high rate an wars!!!
Not recommended, bought download and run engine by a corrupt administration, which will ban you if you PK one of their playing colleagues.
Don't waste your time here.
this is the recovery of fail delvine ... just different name.. played little bit last time will skip this time.. also agree with above
This GM will ban you and your friends if you kill him or his friends and brother. Major red flag!
GM is very sensitive and protective of the server, causing him to interfere with banning people he think is playing "the wrong way".
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This server is not highrate, please change Title thread. Maybe you should higher rates at late stages.

Level 81 to level 100: 4x
Level 101 to level 110: 3x
Level 111+: 2x

Not recommended until you stop baiting highrate players into playing your servers.
Gyazo (https://gyazo.com/f00d2acb52a795f5f40caeea227bc60c) Very emotional GM, Told me to remove post from this thread i did not even make. decided to ban my chare on his old server.. Dont waste ur time playing on this corrupt server. The GM is sensitive and gets emotional instantly if thigns dont go his way.

Worst gamemaster in history of open tibia servers
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This server is not highrate, please change Title thread. Maybe you should higher rates at late stages.

Level 81 to level 100: 4x
Level 101 to level 110: 3x
Level 111+: 2x

Not recommended until you stop baiting highrate players into playing your servers.
I wouldnt recommend this server for anyone that enjoys tibia becouse if he disagrees with u he will get very emotional and delete ur chare.
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Gyazo (https://gyazo.com/f00d2acb52a795f5f40caeea227bc60c) Very emotional GM, Told me to remove post from this thread i did not even make decided to ban my chare on his old server.. Dont waste ur time playing on this corrupt server
No emotions involved in this. Since the first lauch of Odenia, you've actively been trying to discredit Odenia here and on Discords while trying to make everyone quit in-game by way of mass PKing everyone, including level 20s.

From a business perspective, there's no point in letting players on illegally bought characters kill everyone who's still trying to play the server. Especially after those players having asked me for several months to ban you, and especially since you're actively trying discredit our new server before it even launches.

I have respected the idea of letting players deal with in-game problems between themselves, but we don't consider you a player of Odenia anymore as you've failed to show even the slightest interest in making Odenia your home ever since it's inception.
No emotions involved in this. Since the first lauch of Odenia, you've actively been trying to discredit Odenia here and on Discords while trying to make everyone quit in-game by way of mass PKing everyone, including level 20s.

From a business perspective, there's no point in letting players on illegally bought characters kill everyone who's still trying to play the server. Especially after those players having asked me for several months to ban you, and especially since you're actively trying discredit our new server before it even launches.

I have respected the idea of letting players deal with in-game problems between themselves, but we don't consider you a player of Odenia anymore as you've failed to show even the slightest interest in making Odenia your home ever since it's inception.
As you can see, this is my first account on OTland and accusing me of propoganda. You are a joke of a gamemaster.
This is not Delvine - we have absolutely 0 ties with them nor is this a download click'n'go server as someone stated.

Our first server launch, Loka, had a very bumpy start but is now a small, but tight-knit community of 7.4 enthusiasts.

We're excited to show you how far we've come and suggest you play and judge for yourself, and not let the loudest people in the room discourage you :)
This is not Delvine - we have absolutely 0 ties with them nor is this a download click'n'go server as someone stated.

Our first server launch, Loka, had a very bumpy start but is now a small, but tight-knit community of 7.4 enthusiasts.

We're excited to show you how far we've come and suggest you play and judge for yourself, and not let the loudest people in the room discourage you :)
theres 3 people playing haveing 10 mcs, these 3 people lick ur asses becouse theyr scared of pvp and wanna see PKers get deleted. i think noone really interested in this tight-knit community of urs.
As you can see, this is my first account on OTland and accusing me of propoganda. You are a joke of a gamemaster.
There's no possible way for me or anyone else who isn't an administrator on Otland to see whether that is your first or twenty-second account on Otland.

Either way there's a plethora of reasons behind this, excessive cheating (by way of runefarms assisted by cheating tools), illegal account trading, destructive behavior, propaganda against the server (ie verbally trying to prevent players from playing Odenia).

Unfortunately for you Tristan, even if you personally potentially have plausible deniability in the case, you're sharing your characters with a group of other people who undeniably don't.

I wish you well, and hope that if you were to decide to level up new characters on any of Odenias servers, you will have a great experience and that you will try to enjoy more of what Odenia offers other than killing low levels until banishment on a weekly basis.
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This server is not highrate, please change Title thread. Maybe you should higher rates at late stages.

Level 81 to level 100: 4x
Level 101 to level 110: 3x
Level 111+: 2x

Not recommended until you stop baiting highrate players into playing your servers.
I apologize for the misunderstanding, I consider a lowrate to be 1x, which is the base Odenia is developed for. Comparatively, Hela offers a very fast paced experience where you can reach a high level in just a few days. It's also still oriented towards a level range that befits 7.4, so you won't get hundreds of levels.

The level ranges of a 7.4 server is very different from a 8.0 or 8.6+ server, while on a 8.6+ server, level 100 is still low level, on 7.4 you're already capable of clearing all of the content available at level 100, and much more of the content happens between level 50-80 therefore our rates will never reflect High Rates of other versions.

Hela is our first seasonal server, but we will strive to develop away from antiquated rates system similar to how we've done with skills and magic levels, and design our own system that better reflects the state of the game. Currently however, you can expect to achieve 4-6 months of progress on a 1x, in around 1 week on Hela.

So as a previous player coming from low rates, I considered Hela to be a high rated server with that level of accelerated progress, we will however make an effort into labelling ourselves better in the future. If your idea of a Highrate is to play for 1 week or weekend only, then I would not recommend Hela either.

As I've said on Odenias official channels previously. The Goal and Vision of Odenia is to recreate an authentic experience of playing a 1x server, at an accelerated pace with less time investment.
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After spending some time playing the OT. I got banned for killing one of the admin his friends, after I told him it's a game stop crying. Wont recommend playing here unless you play for the drama.
Dudes got kick from Tibiantis and now they have plenty of time to flame here.
U make account to asslick ur corrupt gamemaster friend?
I have nothing to do with that guy. I just decided to create an account just to tell you facts cause it's embarrassing reading you blaming all day long. From discord to otland from otland to discord. You end up focusing Ur tibia gaming on flaming forums instead of gaming.
I have nothing to do with that guy. I just decided to create an account just to tell you facts cause it's embarrassing reading you blaming all day long. From discord to otland from otland to discord. You end up focusing Ur tibia gaming on flaming forums instead of gaming.
ok clown, if u wanna play non pvp it might be a good server for u yes
How easy you go for the insult. Come on Tristan you're nearly 35 son. Time to grow up.
Lol, not even close, im just warning people that they shouldnt start playing a corrupt ot where gm deletes your chare cuz hes a bit emotional
Stupid kids playing pks on the ots are now coming here to try to get revenge for being deleted for destructive behaviour.....
Typical case of frustrated kids.

This Ot is VERY nice, custom quests realy interesting.
Also the custom loot that keep items rare, but still allow profit from hunts by selling things like silver brooch or pearls that have an increased drop rate and better prices.

I recommend this.
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