• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[Germany][8.6] Exysia RPG || Giant, custom map! || NOW ONLINE!

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I don't know if its some thing wrong with my eyes or do this knight have this ml?
The fuck? lol I'll look at it when I get home.
No i cannot, i can load char account page but that is all. Says "Connecting to game world" but wont load game world. Most likely bugd ;p
K well I'll check it out when I get home.
Well since i bored i guess i will drop this here

This is off of the site...
Note: This does NOT mean we are hiring right this second. We are only accepting applications for the future, when we plan on hiring. To be even considered you need to have at least 3/4 votes from the current staff team.

i think your own staff should elect future possible staff not have noobs fill out applications, yea that sometimes work but if u wanna get to know somebody why not just really, get to know them. but i hope people get option to turn down an application as a "mentor" "tutor" "gm" "senior gm" or w/e will exist :p
dude quit posting pics of u MCing, noobs get pissy and say "BOTTAR WHY I R TEH BANZ AND HE NOT"
yup thats the prob tho, some quests need lv 200+ EK, and ek on old serv got rather boring around lv 150 ^^

edit: unsure of if i will continue playing EK
I meant exp rate gets lower, but EKs are still fun at higher levels :p
I recommend the server to every OTLander out there, the server is quite stable. NOT! The server has kicked twice.
Whats going on, suddenly froze. Even though it says on homepage people are online + server, I just get char list, not in game >.<
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