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[Germany] MediumRate - OriginalTibia FULL 7.72 - ONLINEEEE!

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if u want server success make sure teams are gonna play it, its the most important thing. Of course dont add premium as donation.
Your hits are skill dependant not lvl newbie, the hit fix was ok becouse at the beginning they were too high
bolt hit wasnt ok, last night we fought i was missing even 2 times in a row with bolt on player : o and i hited very often below 10, even on tibianic bolts are 10x better in pvp.
People want to fight at levels beetwen 60-90. Thats truth. Thats why many people (also me and kijek) proposed the high rates till lvl 60-70 then it should be way lower. But you cant get it thats your server isnt serious and longterm. People want to play here to fight and instead of wasting here 20h to get lvl to fight they rather exp on tibianic/realots and take some lvls.
I told Fribben about all this things about rates,premium that it wouldnt work, but nobody can blame him, he did a great job and he wanted to try something new, obviously it didnt work out very well because there is already 2 "lowrates/mediumrates" running (tibianic/realots)
Open highrate server and everyone will be satisfied, and if u can make some kind of proxy in usa then my team will play it for sure. HIGHRATEEEEE PLOXXX !
how is the rate the problem ? it's ridiculously easy to exp here

djinns, pacc rose, etc is the problem

anyways i wont play next time, another fail from fribben xd
Fribben make new server with all quests free, all runes free , all items free, 100lvl at beginning, and 100x exp , and when someone make lvl 200 you gonna pay HIM 50 euro's , oh and ofc - pacc for free ! lol...
Fribben make new server with all quests free, all runes free , all items free, 100lvl at beginning, and 100x exp , and when someone make lvl 200 you gonna pay HIM 50 euro's , oh and ofc - pacc for free ! lol...

what if a girl reaches level 200 ? won't he pay her ?
In my opion Fribben should open server like last time (with okolnir) but i have some ideas :
- lower exp after lvl 70 around 5x and 3x at lvl 90
- delete okolnir or open it if 50 players reach lvl 80 or something. Last time it was nice, when all ppl had to pg at tombs and after week he added okolnir
- add to premmium shop enfo, low frags and this other shit it was nice because ppl were selling it at trade
- high loot because we want to fight ONLY
- fix tibianic tools for everyone because I cant use it ; /
- buff other tombs (like oasis)
- delete pz at ships but add "bring me to" but if u got pz u cant use it.

@Fribben I think that u want to create server like tibianic, but u shouldn't because if someone want to play rpg he for sure plays at tibianic. We need war server like oldera or something, your servers always were great ofc if the were high rate. Just create server give us 1-2 months for play next make some changes and put it online again and everyone will happy. If u want more players stop listen shity rpg players who says " WOW LOW RATE YEEE SERIOUS SERVER MMM". You can ignore me again but I think that I'm experienced player and I know a thing or two and I really want good for you, I'm sure that high rate bring more players and more donations : ) Do u remember 8.6 servers where all ppl were only botting and fighting? You should create something like this, easy exp and FIGHT FIGHT, ofc bots should be still illegal.
In my opion Fribben should open server like last time (with okolnir) but i have some ideas :
- lower exp after lvl 70 around 5x and 3x at lvl 90
- delete okolnir or open it if 50 players reach lvl 80 or something. Last time it was nice, when all ppl had to pg at tombs and after week he added okolnir
- add to premmium shop enfo, low frags and this other shit it was nice because ppl were selling it at trade
- high loot because we want to fight ONLY
- fix tibianic tools for everyone because I cant use it ; /
- buff other tombs (like oasis)
- delete pz at ships but add "bring me to" but if u got pz u cant use it.

@Fribben I think that u want to create server like tibianic, but u shouldn't because if someone want to play rpg he for sure plays at tibianic. We need war server like oldera or something, your servers always were great ofc if the were high rate. Just create server give us 1-2 months for play next make some changes and put it online again and everyone will happy. If u want more players stop listen shity rpg players who says " WOW LOW RATE YEEE SERIOUS SERVER MMM". You can ignore me again but I think that I'm experienced player and I know a thing or two and I really want good for you, I'm sure that high rate bring more players and more donations : ) Do u remember 8.6 servers where all ppl were only botting and fighting? You should create something like this, easy exp and FIGHT FIGHT, ofc bots should be still illegal.

listen to this guy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
and when u die u lose like 5 levels, so u don't come back without bp while war and ue the shit of the ennemy's and die again like u don't care

edit: plx no okolnir some op shit
just wait for fribben he seems to be busy irl. anyway as i said first of all ask teams if they are gonna play or it will end up again the same.
well for SURE such med rates of him i won't try out anymore. A real highrate i/we would.
I'd rather prefer 7.72 version, much better and funnier :)

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