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[Germany] MediumRate - OriginalTibia FULL 7.72 - ONLINEEEE!

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so gm claeron give lvl 60 back for judave and he dont want to do it for me
im done
As always Fribben, your servers are nice, there's been some minor problems which I guess every server has sometime.
Just ignore all this kids and just fix your rl problems and the make if you see it's necessary some changes.
Fribben is the best owner so far, although all his opinions might not be the best all the time.
everyone can do something wrong, but at least fribben is big enough to admit it and change.
well its not that bad rates etc what i would change is:
1. gfbs 4x buying/making
2. higher dmg of paladins again it should stay as it was at begining <- maybe raise it a little bit
3. remove fucking premium time as donation, change it to djin vases, remove frag etc
4. fix that death looses bug
5. change back to creating 20 bolts instead of 10 bolts
The OT is relly nice i will play whatever happened but ...

I think loot rate is to low, people cant afford to exp so how they can fight ? I think loot rate should be higher cuz exp rate is low enough so give noobs a hand and let them be rich so they wont quit :D !

P.S. Nobody will sell premium rose for 20 k -30k it is like 3 bp sds handmade but if u higher the loot people will be able to pay like 100k or so and people will sell p roses
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I just want to tell players that if you are broken you can earn money on beholders ( almost every beho there is two handed sword ), bonebeast ( p armors and cash ) or minotaurs and giant spiders (almost every gs there is p armor or steel helmet )
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Sad but true, dont think the ot will come back after this ^,^ I would really like to see original success
Should be 10x exp all the time 7x after 120
PVP enf with skull system
DJINN QUEST = EXIST / BUT you can sell for 50% without quest
Djinn vases in shop
Pvp enforced in shop (stronger than regular)
and all those other donates
we just can see there is no point of hosting server when there is realots and tibianic and ppl are busy playing that servers. Ofc u can host it for 50-60 players but dont count on more for now.
server would succed if it was highrate like last time, originaltibia highrate perfect server_/
still doubt any teams would play just ppl like witek and punio + chinatown. xD
anyone with a brain would not waste time on shit servers that last 1 week and instead play tibianic so there time wont be wasted
Most of the people from oldschool tibia have grown older and have responsabilities, (except mex and few others) therefor they rather put some effort on long term server like tibianic or realots as guy above previously well said.
The server itself is good but it is not what is people looking for atm.
Most of the people from oldschool tibia have grown older and have responsabilities, (except mex and few others) therefor they rather put some effort on long term server like tibianic or realots as guy above previously well said.
The server itself is good but it is not what is people looking for atm.
Tibianic has been up for 2 years. You could play 1 hour a week and still be a high level.
still doubt any teams would play just ppl like witek and punio + chinatown. xD
Said the guy whose almost whole team is playing and got top lvl's - hipocrite. btw punio and koval quit yesterday. gz mex gz go loose another OB on tibianic ;)
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im not playing but ofc i gave it a try i got char from someone but i see its only u and some randoms playing from enemy team so its just pointless to care about this server and the ones who are playing from my team are playing only because they arent playing tibianic or realots. Deal with it noone got enough time to waste time on 2 servers. And its not your business actually if i'm loosing on tibianic or not.
server could be fun to war without these nerds rpging 24/7 to get lvl 100 on such a server, lol.
I am having deep issues in real life, but after I see all these comments. I am wondering how you can treat me like this when all I have done is nothing but to be kind, honest and non-corruptive with you all. You talk about reputation Assasshino; please enlighten me what my reputation is, so I know. Arrogant? Greedy? Please, mudthrow me and the server more, so you will end up having hosters who love to abuse you, greedy and corruptive, so you know what kind of a hoster you are actually dealing with.

It's like controlling babies here, I do my BEST to maintain the server, I put MANY hours into this and yet I get flamed over such things, this is a medium rated server and I have told you for a very long time that I want this server to success and stay for a longer period of time, but with all your comments, I guess the end is near since you are the ones dooming it.

I will hopefully be able to become active in 1-2 days and try to deal with all the issues.

I sincerely on the behalf of everything that I have done, kind of regret what I have put into this project when I see how the community is treating me.

Those who remain loyal to me and the server - I want to give you a special thanks, you are my stamina, without you I would never host my passion(OriginalTibia).


ot community is shit, one of the main reasons I just stopped hosting servers. nobody appreciates you when theres 1 bug, everyone has to be fixed within 1 sec and if you can't you're a noob that shouldn't be hosting ots lololol and then they cry plzzzz host serv tomorrow plzzzzzzzz tonight plzzzzzzz now plzzzzzzzzzzz 1 min

gl irl its more important then this shit community, i did the same
ot community is shit, one of the main reasons I just stopped hosting servers. nobody appreciates you when theres 1 bug, everyone has to be fixed within 1 sec and if you can't you're a noob that shouldn't be hosting ots lololol and then they cry plzzzz host serv tomorrow plzzzzzzzz tonight plzzzzzzz now plzzzzzzzzzzz 1 min

gl irl its more important then this shit community, i did the same
100% agreed, 95% of players have no respect to hosters or players they would rather name your mum than for example say good job
still doubt any teams would play just ppl like witek and punio + chinatown. xD

mex is one of this 95% he started to fight me on forum once again, this time reason is : i play otiginaltibia ; o best reason ever
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