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[Germany] OriginalTibia 7.4 ( + 7.72 ) - Realmap Stages

Why does the server keep freezing for 5 seconds at a time?

Everyone who I know who's playing is getting the same freezes.
its server save i think i got the same freezes sometimes and monsters dont move :]
The skill rate is high enough, you are not supposed to have 80 skill in 4 hours, so I don't understand what point your trying to make.

delete this shit demona we dont need pgers here who take lvl 70+ and kill every noob arround not giving noob teams any chance to fight back. My team could easily farm runes and take 70+ lvls but then it would become boring like on previous edition, thats why we stay at 45-60 lvls. Now Durin taking 70+ there and he will think hes a god cause he will be outrunning everyone and will destroy the pvp gameplay. Im for deleting demona cause it was one of the reasons why last edition died due to one team (us) having top lvls cause we got boosted at wrls with farmed runes and some members were running arround randomly pk anyone. Wont be that easy for ppl to take lvls on tombs cause anyone can make trap or mass log inside, most ppl who play here dont even know the way to wrls and will never stop pgers from pging there. Fribben think about it.
Whats more, i'm for raising lootrate from Giant Spiders, Heros, Dragons, Dragon lords so it wont be only profit on necros or tombs, paladins must have some profit on other monsters if they dont like to farm gfbs and exp on tombs.

Today i used about 15bp gfbs and my loot was 3BOH, 3 VAMP SHIELD, 1 SKULL STAFF on paladin at peninsula tomb. Why would i then go and kill any other monsters if its so profit at tombs?

PS. Durin known as a Notabilis aka Botabilis.
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delete this shit demona we dont need pgers here who take lvl 70+ and kill every noob arround not giving noob teams any chance to fight back. My team could easily farm runes and take 70+ lvls but then it would become boring like on previous edition, thats why we stay at 45-60 lvls. Now Durin taking 70+ there and he will think hes a god cause he will be outrunning everyone and will destroy the pvp gameplay. Im for deleting demona cause it was one of the reasons why last edition died due to one team (us) having top lvls cause we got boosted at wrls with farmed runes and some members were running arround randomly pk anyone. Wont be that easy for ppl to take lvls on tombs cause anyone can make trap or mass log inside, most ppl who play here dont even know the way to wrls and will never stop pgers from pging there. Fribben think about it.
Whats more, i'm for raising lootrate from Giant Spiders, Heros, Dragons, Dragon lords so it wont be only profit on necros or tombs, paladins must have some profit on other monsters if they dont like to farm gfbs and exp on tombs.

Today i used about 15bp gfbs and my loot was 3BOH, 3 VAMP SHIELD, 1 SKULL STAFF on paladin at peninsula tomb. Why would i then go and kill any other monsters if its so profit at tombs?

PS. Durin known as a Notabilis aka Botabilis.

If you don't want pgers in demona so go and kill him there.
If you don't want pgers in demona so go and kill him there.

we were blocking it whole day having masslog but then Durin logged in at 3 am and went there same goes for Zabije Cie gnoju. Hunting warlocks is too OP and we will see lvls 60-70 running arround killing every one with lvl 40-50 and will cause them quit.
we were blocking it whole day having masslog but then Durin logged in at 3 am and went there same goes for Zabije Cie gnoju. Hunting warlocks is too OP and we will see lvls 60-70 running arround killing every one with lvl 40-50 and will cause them quit.
Lol warlocks aren't the problem man, if the monster AI was anything realistic (like in realots) then it would be impossible to hunt them as you would get mana drained/hit every time you tried to stairhop and would run out of manafluids fast because they heal 40-80.
But still it should be deleted to balance this server between pg mongols and noobs who can take only lvls 50~~
But still it should be deleted to balance this server between pg mongols and noobs who can take only lvls 50~~
They would just PG dragon lords or something.

I have no idea what he should do, but I agree demona is very OP IF it is easy to stairhop (which it is here) because you can block it off and drag a shit load of SD's there.

Could perhaps add a TP to demona so its easier to kill people there before they log?
They would just PG dragon lords or something.

I have no idea what he should do, but I agree demona is very OP IF it is easy to stairhop (which it is here) because you can block it off and drag a shit load of SD's there.

Could perhaps add a TP to demona so its easier to kill people there before they log?

Or delete the lvl gate + tp. About pging on dragon lords etc, no way cause its too close to cities and everyone can enter there.
Or delete the lvl gate + tp. About pging on dragon lords etc, no way cause its too close to cities and everyone can enter there.
exactly. that is why im saying to add a TP in carlin that takes you directly to demona so it's easy accessible aswell.
exactly. that is why im saying to add a TP in carlin that takes you directly to demona so it's easy accessible aswell.

NO, why wouldnt there be a tp to dwarf guards, or to darashia dragon lair, or a troll cave
Right now its "hard" to acces, but "hard" to leave aswell, so if someone is pging to much, go pk them (if it annoys you)
powergamers will powergame, removing demona would simply make them go somewhere else, and go slightly slower.
so if someone is pging to much, go pk them (if it annoys you).
No? It's a 10 minute walk and all they have to do is have a noob character on the path and then just logoff 5 minutes before you get there.

You fail to see the point.