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[Germany] OriginalTibia 7.4 (HR) - DX9/OPENGL

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sorry but im not gay to find out who looks worse haha
now yoy crying why u looks how u looks and why u got firends just in tibia.. you dont have to looks many times just 0.1 sec and u know who is worse ;)
very smart to laugh at someones pic on public forum not even sharing your own photo when there is a possibility that u look 20x worse
now please add your picture with flowers ... so cute motherfucker
why would i cry u are making fool of yourself, what u post here doesnt bother me since there is nothing in what u do that can hurt me
hahahaah u fucking funny mex i just proof u that u are ugly motherfucker u said add photo with urselft so i added now u are crying cause everyone know that u looks like shit and can u explain me what is this black something on your face ? its enter to maze tomb ?
ender zrobie sobie fote jakos tera to ci pdoesle, ale po twoim wzroku i jakims pedalskim wisiorku widac ze cie mecza na osiedlu, a to co ma mex na policzku to jakies znamie, 3/4 spoleczenstwa ma jakies znamie mniejsze czy wieksze ty pewnie masz na dupie z 10x wieksza
hahahaah u fucking funny mex i just proof u that u are ugly motherfucker u said add photo with urselft so i added now u are crying cause everyone know that u looks like shit and can u explain me what is this black something on your face ? its enter to maze tomb ?
being insulted on forum by some trash like you really wouldnt hurt anyone. I have met atleast few ppl already who had same thing but in different parts of body, that black thing, its nothing wrong with it. But if it makes your day, enjoy it.
wzork jak na twoja stara patrze zeby sie rozbierala ... zawsze dziala , wlasnie kleczy na kolanach bo jej 30 minut temu wyslalem zdjecie i wpadla do mnie z twojej wioski do wroclawia zebym ja zruchal :/ glupia kurwa ... a ty sie tam podlizuj mexowi bo pewnie masz taka sama krzywa morde

na osiedlu mecza mnie mdz innymi twoja siostra matka kuzynka chrzestna bratowa itp wszystko chca sie oddac za darmo glupie kurwy .... chyba zbieraja hajs na internet zebys mogl oplacic sobie i mexowi
Its good to see it hurt u that u lost on original that hard that u have to spam on forum and try to make me mad atleast here. Sorry bro but u wont make me mad by doing it. U can try again in few weeks on new original if u still will have a team.
lol i dont care if i will have team or not u look so bad and its important.... i know that for u its everything with who u will be on next original but i dont give a fuck cause for me tibia is as last .. in your life tibia is first so now u think what name u will make on next original and where u will hunt .... so sad mr.ugly
if it was last thing that u care why do u even spam in game 24/7 then? when i dont even talk to anyone of u except few ppl that are worth to talk with.
your imagine is so high ...3-4 times i wrote someting to u about u in tibia that u run away etc so stfu ;(
its enough 3-4 messages from you + 20 messages from your other teammates makes your team embrassing to fight againts. Just drama on privates.
I na chuj odpisujesz temu zjebowi mex? Chce sie kompromitowac to mu pozwol niech mysli ze jest pro ogarem i potrzeba 7 ludzi zeby go zabic. Legenda jebana co nowego chara musiala na originalu robic ahahaha.
its funy that people like ender,koval and rest of shit spam the rest of being adicted to tbia or claming them tibia is their life, and then u see them posting 24/7 or reply. im 100% right its hard for them to take that Mex is 100x better in tibia thats why they starting blame his rl life, sad

idzta lepiej wylizac samare po fecie ender z kovalem a potem z placzem do matki ze ci serducho za ostro wali, ja pierdole jakie to sa zjeby

ale nie powiem tekst z maze tomba byl nawet smieszny
For fuck sake, grow up people. You're an embarrassment to the whole tibia community.
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