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[Germany] OriginalTibia 7.72 - Porthope, SVARGROND(OKOLNIR) - ONLINE!!

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would be more balanced if u made exura vita taking 120 mana instead of 160
also make gfbs 4x when u create them instead of 2x
delete exhausted after mana fluid
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Remove exaust after mana fluids? Yeah, why don't we give mages another advantage.
Remove the exhaust after manas indeed, this is sucky
ye the mana exhaust isn't even proper, it's like buggy. It shouldn't be this bad
Also fix wand of inferno so we cans ell it to djin..
HELLO? fix woi?? we can't sell it to djin.. while veryone is hunting drags ofc in the beginning...
gm wtf.. stop making it lowrate again. if dragon are to weak who cares? now its dem hard to hunt them again boring... also the loot of it became shit?
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