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[Germany] OriginalTibia 7.72 - Porthope, SVARGROND(OKOLNIR) - ONLINE!!

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Ya dont change the desert quest, it will be abused. AND ofc there should be 2x sds in runeshop and 3x in making em' stop fucking this up u retards.
Guys remember its a highrate, desert quest should be able to be made alone and trust me theres no way to abuse that, you earn faster cash in tombs than making bunch of lvl 20's and walking all the way to desert quest. Sd charge from shop should be 1x and made runes should be 2x. You COULD create custom spawns but demona should still be the best hunting spot since its fun to fight for a spawn :D Deathloss should be high as in oldera since its very high exp rate. Most important of all make sure that there wont be any ddoses or crashes, Im sure that ryan will try to DDos it, so just be ready, Everyone be ready to start this ot !!!
The only update of those I mentioned that could cause a "crash" is the party fix, the rest is harmless and takes few minutes to configure. However like zaowan said.. the guy "abusing" this is just waaaaaaaay no life.. it goes faster to go to Necros and loot 10 boh than go all the way to make desert quest.
Well suit your self guys... everyone in this topic saying "2x for sds" will never ever be able to hunt in demona - Im just doing it for u guys :p
The guys who said it was "ok" is those few that actually will be able to hunt there.
However, honestly don't really care about that, but it is actually making more fair.
Nice too see that most of people agreed with the things i added :)
He cant assure that there will be no crashes ever as they can be unpredictable and you never know what ryan can do, he might've recruited a few new botnets via his custom client.

But about desert quest, if it is easy to gather 10k in a tomb then it should stay as it is, because people will walk down there to get 10k, some people will anyway, But as you said zaowan it's easy to gather 10k in a tomb so just make a bp gfb and go hunt a tomb for money instead. I know quite a few people who would abuse this because they're too lazy to exp at low levels so they would just do this until they had enough money to buy sds and go straight for dragons and dls.

1x sd in shop and 2x by making them is a good idea though, it might open a market for people who wants to sell runes if people don't have time to make them.

@Up yeah but then just go necros in the first place instead of doing dq before, won't take you too long to make a backpack gfbs. And also in the start you might not get to hunt necros since there will be a ton of players online so a lot of people will probably abuse desert quest if you can do it alone.
@ up well as I said none of those things I mentioned can cause a crash, its so easy fixes..
except party share

Well Im telling you those 10k is nice the first you start the server.
But as fribben mentioned.. he already added a teleport so there is only 1 person can be making the quest... Its kinda a pain to make level 20 chars and run all the way to desert quest - so people doing that let them. When they got 100k Im leveling 80+

Also another thing Id like to mention, if there is seals at banshee quest they should be removed.
Nobody will bother making this quest unless its just "go there, make final room and collect reward"

Promotion should be 10k
On banshee quest i definitely agree with you. Some people will do it because there will always be some rpgers even though most people play highrates to pk or war. But yeah it's not really worth doing if you have to go through all of the seals.
listen guys if you want make desert quest solo you can do it quickly even without changed quest by Fribben...
Its not hard to make 4 characters on highrate. For sure its a better option cuz u will have 30k more than normal :]
Tp at desert quest is going to destroy the server's economy, cuz even at begining people will have so much money and runes at trade will be so cheap :( Why I'm telling about economy?
Cuz even with highrates, it's still oldschool but oldschool without fine market on trade isn't a good oldschool.
About sds and other runes - imho runes made by yourselves should be 2x, runes in shops - 1x.
Banshee quest should be able to be completed via without seals. Desert quest really doesn't matter since I never do that quest on any high rate anyway. If you need that quest so badly then you have more problems than we can begin to discuss. Knights are going to be training at the start, paladins at poh, and mages will be at tombs regardless so why does that have any impact on the server anyway? People say it can be abused but really if they are willing to make multiple characters to get the 10k, what is stopping them from doing 1 of each vocation and getting the 40k....
Dessert quest should require four people, but the vocation should not matter.
Banshee quest should only be the final room.
I did just start playing on the 7.4 high rate server *sigh*
I did an account and i saw that there's a donate shop, but it's not working, i hope there's not any premium roses
It's currently disabled, we have yet not decided what should be in there, due to the rates it has to be discussed.

It will remain disabled atleast for another day :)


It's currently disabled, we have yet not decided what should be in there, due to the rates it has to be discussed.

It will remain disabled atleast for another day :)


Just don't make the same mistake as oldera do not make exp donations...
Put perhaps a small ammount of cash and/or some semi-rare equipment. Don't put exp/skill/mag advantagement, it ruins the server for those who does not pay.
Dessert quest should require four people, but the vocation should not matter.
Banshee quest should only be the final room.


If it is a tp though, it doesn't matter that much. Other highrates had it and its not a big deal
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