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Good Hoster?!


New Member
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
hi, I am looking for a host company but I do not know what I should choose.

My server will be custom map (teleports) so it will not be as big as Tibia real-map.
So what do you think I should choose?, I would like to have a cheap and good one! (24/7 ofcurse)

Ddecided or VPS!

Our story begins on the street .. That's why we are forgotten brothers!
My company (Crewebs) has a 20 % discount on all first orders so you can be able to try it out. 99,9 % uptime, our network has never crashed.

If you're planning to host a real-map, you shouldn't go for a VPS but a dedicated server instead. A 2 GB RAM dedicated server should be fine but it depends what you are planning to host on it.