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Guerilla Warfare

In Poland maybexD

Hahah,Swedish and nothing else _/

I'm polish one and I don't care what you want said to me from your post :)

But as can u see(about Tibia), polacks take control over of most world at tibia,thats it ! :)

Habibi xD
Hahah,Swedish and nothing else _/

I'm polish one and I don't care what you want said to me from your post :)

But as can u see(about Tibia), polacks take control over of most world at tibia,thats it ! :)

Habibi xD

A perfect example of the point i tried to prove.

when u read that sentence and see all the incorrect grammer
, you just build up a picture in your head that he is a real
dumb hobo in a wheelchair.

u cant apear tough/smart when u write like that, you just look like a stupid fool.
I accually respect a polak on this server very much, and that's Nevarah<3
He speaks great english and you wont misstake him for a fool, he dosent spam KURWO ITEMS JEBANY SWEDKE in Thais like alot others. He earns his respect!
I hate the way swe's insult the poles,
lets face it, sweden ain't exactly a powerful nation,
so stfu?

No one said that Sweden is a powerful nation.
I'll simply put it this way, Sweden = not an eastern europe country, Poland = Is an eastern europe country.
We simply live in a better country than you. :) Don't blame us who live here now, it's your ancestors who fucked it up.
I mean come on, attacking german panzer squads with horse and lances? ;)
No one said that Sweden is a powerful nation.
I'll simply put it this way, Sweden = not an eastern europe country, Poland = Is an eastern europe country.
We simply live in a better country than you. :) Don't blame us who live here now, it's your ancestors who fucked it up.
I mean come on, attacking german panzer squads with horse and lances? ;)

You live in a better country than Chaos?
Your totally wrong, he lives in England so get ur facts straight.
No one said that Sweden is a powerful nation.
I'll simply put it this way, Sweden = not an eastern europe country, Poland = Is an eastern europe country.
We simply live in a better country than you. :) Don't blame us who live here now, it's your ancestors who fucked it up.
I mean come on, attacking german panzer squads with horse and lances? ;)

i live in england u retard,
if you call sweden better than england,
you truely aren't educated.
Oh my bad then, your post made me believe that you lived in Poland. :)
But you're the retard since your knowledge of your own language doesn't seem to exceed a 5 year olds. You always write "I" not "i", and you always spell the name of countries with a capital letter, oh and yea, "truly".
haha incase u didn't know, not all of us speak properly over the internet,
i've got noone to impress, especially not you.
Who's talking about impressing anyone? Just shows that you're not retarded to speak it properly. :)
strong as in,
can make ur country a pile of dust in 1 blow?
and eh, also connections,
so sweden"little america" arent friends with the us? hahaha

go to school and u might learn something

btw who said england had bad wellfare etc in the first place?

im sure ur little island is ok
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sweden is not an LEDC country your clearly uneducated

there is nothing special about england, i saw that their army is almost as big as ours rofl