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AAC Guild War system for MyACC tfs 1.5

Tibia Idle

Nov 23, 2023
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Hi. I'm using TFS 1.5 Nekiro Downgrades 8.6 and I'm looking for a guild war system. I can not find anything. I also use myacc as a website. please help. Where can I find a working war system?

The guild war system has been built into tfs since version 1.0? no need to add anything to the engine?
wars run from a webpage? I can't find such a system for myacc anywhere, I looked for Index of /plugins (https://my-aac.org/plugins/) and there is no wars option in the config either
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To be fair I was trying to add it to MYAAC. I did not managed slaw said you have to add manually. I don't think anybody made tutorial how to do that. Would be nice.

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