Source: Nekiro 7.72 downgrades 1.5 TFS
Problem: Hello after compiling in Object Builder my sprites from 740 to 760 or 770 after login to game i have black screen and can't see anything.
Someone can explain me how to make it good and worth? I think here is problem with my items - propably i need some changes in source if i want use 7.40 items with 7.40 map.
Bonus TIP: I just deleted from my TFS otmb reader and i use 7.40 map on 7.72 source.
For any help big +!
Problem: Hello after compiling in Object Builder my sprites from 740 to 760 or 770 after login to game i have black screen and can't see anything.
Someone can explain me how to make it good and worth? I think here is problem with my items - propably i need some changes in source if i want use 7.40 items with 7.40 map.
Bonus TIP: I just deleted from my TFS otmb reader and i use 7.40 map on 7.72 source.
For any help big +!