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HesteN's mapping thread [The Scarlet Horn teaser]

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I was thinking about open my own RPG [my own map] untill i saw this tread. This server looks amazing have you been thinking about when to launch the server and what the exp/skill/m lvl rates will be?

Date when its launched is not yet set. About the exp rate it's gonna be maximum 2x. Was thinking 1x even but we'll see people might dislike that.

I don't like how you have ruined brick walls on the bottom, and non ruined ones on top of them. If that tower was constructed in real life, it would have fallen by now. :D
Otherwise, I like it. Looks like you could implement a quest or a story there with that npc.

Well first of, it there is broken underneat and non ruined on top the ones on top are attached to other ones, its not unrealistic ;D

And yes I already have a quest story with the npc, thats what I said xD "here is a piece of a chain quest" this npc is already scripted, and that leads me to a little announcement!

Freeq132, and Spoking have been removed from the team, due to lack of intresst and communication.

But not to worry, the good announcement is that we can all welcome two new scripters to the team which both have already showed me alot more dedication and result then the others before.

So they both seems really promising, please welcome : Bintzer And Xeta to the team. :)
Walking around in the dwarven kingdom~

Nice stairs/bridge or whatever, and nice birds also.
The pic is simple but very well done.
Thanks everyone! Its well appreciated :)

Here's a the piece I made for page number 200~

My version of the classic demon helmet quest. :)


Dont worry, I'll keep them coming!
Looks really nice Hesten! I like how you take the things from real tibia and make them your own. I get a good feeling from that. Keep it up with the project and I hope all goes well.
Here's how I feel atm... : View attachment 12306

Why? ;o

Looks really nice Hesten! I like how you take the things from real tibia and make them your own. I get a good feeling from that. Keep it up with the project and I hope all goes well.

Thanks Kereyza :) Yeah I like doing that aswell, I want to keep the classic feeling of originall tibia but to make it look better :]
Could have been a lil more epic like how you made the Annih ~
But, I would have prefered the altars to be symmetrical, aswell as the flooring continuing UNDER the pillars for a slightly better effect. Aswell as the left and right side to be symmetrical!
Still looks pretty great though, alot better than the real DHQ :)

But yeah, nevertheless, I congratulate you on your 200'th page!
And also I'd like to congratulate you on coming this far with your project, whilst others have failed to maintain a project for a very long time, you stood up and succeeded with this, the future of this server is looking extremely well!
And I long to play on it ;DD
Sincerely Falarion :3
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Could have been a lil more epic like how you made the Annih ~
But, I would have prefered the altars to be symmetrical, aswell as the flooring continuing UNDER the pillars for a slightly better effect. Aswell as the left and right side to be symmetrical!
Still looks pretty great though, alot better than the real DHQ :)

But yeah, nevertheless, I congratulate you on your 200'th page!
And also I'd like to congratulate you on coming this far with your project, whilst others have failed to maintain a project for a very long time, you stood up and succeeded with this, the future of this server is looking extremely well!
And I long to play on it ;DD
Sincerely Falarion :3

About the altar, I kept them in the same position they were from the start, I wanted it to be exactly the same space as in real tibia, which it is now, and sure I want to make it look "more epic" but I dont know really how I would do that in this piece, its not the best piece but Im satisfied with it, the flooring could go under the pilars yeah I was about to do that, but let it be.

Thanks for the nice words! And dont worry, you'll be playing it soon enough. :)

edit: do'h
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