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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Ok look guys srsly .. I dont know if anyone has seen anyone play longer, but I shat brix when my friend show me this today:

Btw lolz .. my ping ftw?


About the 118minutes i guess its just this chat disconnect, you have to relog almost everytime u play a match. About the ping LOL:p
Ok look guys srsly .. I dont know if anyone has seen anyone play longer, but I shat brix when my friend show me this today:

Btw lolz .. my ping ftw?


Why dont you buy a new champ with your IP?

Gaah, 118 minutes! i sure wish it was a fun game XD

Nice icons on the minimap! How'd you do that
Are you older than 13? Then play hon :p
Yuuup, I like to pay money instead of downloading LoL for free.
Go play your 45yr olds game please, you coming in this thread trolling shows you're not better than a 13yr old.
Fact: Hon tournaments have a much larger spotlight on them
Not really, you made that up
Side Note: I hardly call 10-13 year-olds saying words they shouldn't know yet at each other competitive
There's 10-13 year-olds in every game including HoN? no?

What champion should I buy? I want something similar to Master Yi but stronger.
edit: OR Sivir =)
Buy Corki if you want to pown them all. Buy Yi if you want to destroy the enemy turrets quickly, buy sivir if you want to be an epic pusher.

I'd buy Corki or Sivir. Epic's
About my post .. 999 ping is max only on load screen , ingame u can have more ,as you can see .. I will show you more screenshots when I get , I always forget to take em .. 10k+ pings happen to me often .. D:

And yeah , about those icons .. I downloaded a mod for LoL , it's basically just new loading screen images for all champs since vladimir update or something ... They're refreshing , and looks more mature :p .. U can try on leaguecraft.com , there are free skin mods and stuff , good site.

And It's not my acc , friend send me that screenshot .. I cried when I saw his IP .. I can't have more than 1000 and not to spend it .. xD
Fact: Hon tournaments pay more
Fact: Hon tournaments have a much larger spotlight on them
Side Note: I hardly call 10-13 year-olds saying words they shouldn't know yet at each other competitive

Could you tell me which of the 2 users you are so I can revoke my respect for you?
Buy Corki if you want to pown them all. Buy Yi if you want to destroy the enemy turrets quickly, buy sivir if you want to be an epic pusher.

I'd buy Corki or Sivir. Epic's
Thnx I'll check em out =P
Nevalopo: Is there point buying the tier1,2 runes or should I wait until lvl 20 and buy tier3 runes =P
Idk how they work
Every player will say you to buy runes at lvl 25 or 30 but not before because it's a waste. ^^ ier 3 runes always.
New champ rotation:
Karma is the next week free. Like all champions. They come out and then after 2 weeks they are free ^^'.
Yay, Gankplank time... And iv never played Galio, hes one of 3 champs that i havent played yet! D:

Alistar, Galio and Trundle are the only champs i haven't played xD