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[League of Legends] General Discussion

New Sneak Peek, Trundle the Cursed Troll

At last no girl with b00biez
im savin up my ip for no champ atm xD might buy vlad but not sure i need to play him more before i make that decision.

also, would be funny if Troll came with a "Cyber Troll" outfit LOL! btw the troll's creator created Mundo.
Doesnt work ,your name is wrong :(!!!!1

He probably play the NA version ^^

Also.. Here is a leak from PTR on Trundle skills:


Decompose(passive): Whenever an enemy dies near Trundle, he is healed for 4% of their maximum health.

Rabid Bite: Trundle leans in and savagely bites his opponent, dealing physical damage and sapping their Attack Damage stat for himself. “On-Next-Attack” functionality.

Contaminate: Trundle afflicts the ground around him with his curse, gaining a massive movement speed, attack speed and crowd control reduction boost as long as he stays on it.

Pillar of Filth: Trundle raises a pillar of filth at target location, blocking collision next to it and eminating a slow aura around it.

Agony (ultimate): Trundle immediately drains hp, armor and magic resist from an opponent, and drains these values once again over the course of the next 6 seconds. Trundle gains these stats for himself.
Anyone else having problems in north american server? Ffs whole server = lagchampion........
Arthur what level is your summoner? Im not lv 30, lv 18 atm almost 19! but i play NA as well. Im pretty dedicated to a game, i never vote "yes" to a surrender or "leave" I have actually been forced to leave once on my old account due to a internet connection problem for about an hour (still don't know what the problem was though)

I usually play ranged DPS or tankish champs ;P

I own morde, evelynn(mistake),and Olaf.
Arthur what level is your summoner? Im not lv 30, lv 18 atm almost 19! but i play NA as well. Im pretty dedicated to a game, i never vote "yes" to a surrender or "leave" I have actually been forced to leave once on my old account due to a internet connection problem for about an hour (still don't know what the problem was though)

I usually play ranged DPS or tankish champs ;P

I own morde, evelynn(mistake),and Olaf.

11, haha. Just started 4 days ago. >.<