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[League of Legends] General Discussion

a game just lasted an hour for me i was using olaf i was fking raping them lol. I couldnt kill kass tho cuz he would just ult away when i engage him ;/

phantom dancers, phil stone, frozen mallet, stark's fevor, bloodthirster, ninja tabi = pro olaf
haha you buy so funny things ^.^

xD i focus on attack speed


To all of you who are having problems getting out of low-elo hell: PLay ChoGath or Pantheon since they dont require any team effot ^^ Panth is just dive in, Get fed, Rape other team. Cho is just.... Run in and just hit the tower untill the tower is dead cuz they wont deal any damage to you. (Thoose 4 deaths are fountain-dive deaths )
omgomg teemo is best!!!

On teemo I buy..

In this order

dorans blade, berserker greaves, Madreds (the hand or something) and then malady and nashor tooth

The more atk speed you have the more effective is madreds.

Remember that max atk speed is 2.500
Anybody play Olaf here? I wanna know if there could be any other "better" builds for him than what i build, every match.

1. regen pendant, 1 mana potion.
2. at 1,000+ Gold, port back and get: phil stone (pendant forms into it), vamp sceptre.
3. Sark's fevor/start working on boots
4. Phage/get boots fitted for scenario
5. Frozen Mallet
6. upgrade phil stone to shurylia (great escape and gives CD for your E + some more HP)
7. If the game last this long i get: banshee's veil, thornmail or more attack damage depending on scenario, once i went with more Hitpoints :p

Btw reason i start off with building a phil stone is because it gives nice mana and nice hp regeneration, especially for olaf. The mana regeneration is great it lets u use your Q more freely in a lane and you can just sit at turret for a minute and be near close to full hitpoints/mana. I get sark's fevor secondly because early game i used to do phage, but i started having issue's with not doing enough damage because usually we are still in the lanes where we have a little CC or we are getting ganked and they might not have boots so whats the issue?

And i use Exhaust/ghost as my summoner spells. Main reason i started using exhaust is to catch people when they are close to turrets yet you know you can obliverate them, this happens a LOT when i play olaf. It gets down the point where they r sitting at their turret with less than 100 hp and my Q isnt doing enough damage to finish them off..

And, finally, the main reason i got olaf is because of his ability to dominate in a 2v1 fight, just beat him up more and hell just hit you faster, combind with your W your hitpoints actually dont really drop much after your below 30% of your hitpoints because of attacking so fast and regenerating so much. at lv 6 or 7 if you have a good ranged dps like Ashe near, you can clear the lane!

On average i get anywhere between 5 or 10 kills and i usually will die 5+ times. I usually take 1-2 deaths/game just so that they would waste summoner spells on me when in ult form. It has happend plenty of times where i get exhausted twice then ignited and people start using cc spells on me just wasting mana. Then team shows up not even a second later and dominates them. Sometimes ill live sometimes ill die but if you do die while in ult form you know that if they used any precious CC spells on you, well they arent really gonna be able to defend off the 4 other team mates :).
Next weeeeek

Vladimir +111111
He should be forbidden, since if you play with randoms, they always chase on him first ;DDDD They will keep even atking when he is using his ult
He should be forbidden, since if you play with randoms, they always chase on him first ;DDDD They will keep even atking when he is using his ult

Ye.. I hade people focusing Trynda @ teamfights, they dont understand that he got an ulti which makes him unkillable for a few seconds and which makes him do more crit & crit dmg (stack of Q spell) or what it was :p xD
Vladimir and tryndamere is pretty good :D but i just purchased tf so ima play it a bit :p
Hey guys, where can u see the champion rotation before its out?

US Schedule =P If they sometimes fail on cutting the screen and posting it you can see some green boxes under next week and then you can see what champ is ment to come next WEEK :d