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[League of Legends] General Discussion

Yea Lolaye this week went so quickly... Sad but true
I hope Vladimir comes free next week cause Im going to buy him when I reach the 6k IP
Wooooot" :eek:

And Corki was free at 2009 for everybody but nowaday is hard... IMPOSSIBLE.
I bought tryndamere on a noob account and i have to say, hes rather fun! :)

but... i bought a ton of runes and used rune combination and turned 6 or 7% total of crit chance into .50 somethin attack damage..


it says you can combind runes for equal or greater value or somethin and imho that wasnt equal or even greater, was way less value.
I bought tryndamere on a noob account and i have to say, hes rather fun! :)

but... i bought a ton of runes and used rune combination and turned 6 or 7% total of crit chance into .50 somethin attack damage..


it says you can combind runes for equal or greater value or somethin and imho that wasnt equal or even greater, was way less value.

You cant combine tier 3 runes.. They just take eachothers out and turn into a random rune. The rune combiner is for tier 2 and tier 1 runes.. You can combine (5?) tier 1 runes into a good tier 3 rune. And like 2 tier 2 runes into a tier 3 rune etc.. Tier 3 runes never get better ^^
1337 stats with pantheon on ranked :D

Alistar is poop imo ^^ He can be played as a caster wich is very nice early-mid game but shits on himself hard endgame. Also.. There are far better tanks than him so i suggest not to play him xD If you MUSt play him he should be played just as any other tank. Not invervating locket etc, Ur not there to support.. Ur there to tank ^^ Aegies, Sunfires etc.. Not warmogs and hp stacking tho
Alistar is poop imo ^^ He can be played as a caster wich is very nice early-mid game but shits on himself hard endgame. Also.. There are far better tanks than him so i suggest not to play him xD If you MUSt play him he should be played just as any other tank. Not invervating locket etc, Ur not there to support.. Ur there to tank ^^ Aegies, Sunfires etc.. Not warmogs and hp stacking tho

Ok ;p I donno why but I love him late game, W spell rock on him and Ulti ;) Q spell too :D and E can be spammed to heal teammates , so I liek him late game but I think they will buff him abit ;p
I've found out that ryze's ulti is OP o.o

get hexdrinker so when u almost dead its like BOOM I GOT JANNAS MOTHER STORM NOW BIATCH.. kinda thing.

Also iv learned something. Brolaf sucks unless you get used to him, i just finished a game about 20 min ago where i was up against ashe/tristina in 1 lane and we had an AFKER for about 25 mins, i killd tristina by lv 5, then ashe at lv 6 but tristina killd me with ignite. When i came back i got lv 7 and killd both of them. At lv 8 i got "ganked" by shen, trist and ashe. I killd ashe then trist and our Yi was very close so i led shen to yi and yi finished him off. At lv 15 i was up against 3 people and i took them all down without any problems. I got down to about 300 hp and then their ashe used ult on me which killd me ;(

my build consists of 3 items because games dont last long enough. I went 11-4-9 and won even with a leaver. Our yi was good too so it made for a great dps combo. I slowd, he pwnd.