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[League of Legends] General Discussion

wtf... wards to place? morgana? wtf? >.< morganas ulti doesnt really show where u are moving if thats what u mean lol

nono, you know the fog of war. you're about to make a skillshot & THEY cannot see you, you cannot see them.
place ward > skillshot > kill. I do it all the time.

Morganas ulti does actually show where you are aswell. The string (+ the skill will 'glow' up if invisible enemy in range) will lead the way to the enemy.

Akali it's perfectly viable at high elo.

tier 3. that's mid.
nono, you know the fog of war. you're about to make a skillshot & THEY cannot see you, you cannot see them.
place ward > skillshot > kill. I do it all the time.

Morganas ulti does actually show where you are aswell. The string (+ the skill will 'glow' up if invisible enemy in range) will lead the way to the enemy.

tier 3. that's mid.

Sorry but nope the "line" on morganas ulti does not follow you if you are invis. Get your facts stright first please ^^ Also Akali is perfect high elo.. even 1.9k elo guys are playing akali.
nono, you know the fog of war. you're about to make a skillshot & THEY cannot see you, you cannot see them.
place ward > skillshot > kill. I do it all the time.

Morganas ulti does actually show where you are aswell. The string (+ the skill will 'glow' up if invisible enemy in range) will lead the way to the enemy.

tier 3. that's mid.

Actually i know better than you if Akali it's viable or not at High elo.

Anyways akali it's tier 2

* Tier 1: Ashe, Janna, Morgana
* Tier 2: Sona, Miss Fortune, Galio, Kassadin, Kog'Maw, Kennen, Anivia, Twisted Fate, Amumu, Pantheon, Garen, Tristana, Gragas, Vladimir, Twitch, Shen, Akali, Warwick
* Tier 3: Taric, Annie, Lux, Master Yi, Olaf, Rammus, Swain, Malphite, Sion, Cho'Gath, Xin Zhao, Soraka, Nunu, Zilean, Kayle, Ezreal, Nidalee, Corki, Karthus, Shaco, Fiddlesticks, Poppy, Malzahar
* Tier 4: Mordekaiser, Udyr, Heimerdinger, Blitzcrank, Katarina, Tryndamere, Gangplank, Urgot, Jax, Teemo, Ryze, Singed, Veigar, Mundo, Nasus
* Tier 5: Evelynn, Sivir, Alistar
Sorry but nope the "line" on morganas ulti does not follow you if you are invis. Get your facts stright first please ^^ Also Akali is perfect high elo.. even 1.9k elo guys are playing akali.

lol yes it does ahahaha
"Get your facts stright first please" lmao say that to urself.

I play Morgana a lot, I know what I'm talking about.

no, akali is not perfect high elo.

Actually i know better than you if Akali it's viable or not at High elo.

Anyways akali it's tier 2

* Tier 1: Ashe, Janna, Morgana
* Tier 2: Sona, Miss Fortune, Galio, Kassadin, Kog'Maw, Kennen, Anivia, Twisted Fate, Amumu, Pantheon, Garen, Tristana, Gragas, Vladimir, Twitch, Shen, Akali, Warwick
* Tier 3: Taric, Annie, Lux, Master Yi, Olaf, Rammus, Swain, Malphite, Sion, Cho'Gath, Xin Zhao, Soraka, Nunu, Zilean, Kayle, Ezreal, Nidalee, Corki, Karthus, Shaco, Fiddlesticks, Poppy, Malzahar
* Tier 4: Mordekaiser, Udyr, Heimerdinger, Blitzcrank, Katarina, Tryndamere, Gangplank, Urgot, Jax, Teemo, Ryze, Singed, Veigar, Mundo, Nasus
* Tier 5: Evelynn, Sivir, Alistar

The one who made the list is clearly a stupid fuck. Singed tier 4? LMAO. Nasus tier 4?
No, Akali is not perfect for 5v5's.

cba arguing.
either get akali, go against a high elo team (1700+) & post ur results ;)
lol yes it does ahahaha
"Get your facts stright first please" lmao say that to urself.

I play Morgana a lot, I know what I'm talking about.

no, akali is not perfect high elo.

The one who made the list is clearly a stupid fuck. Singed tier 4? LMAO. Nasus tier 4?
No, Akali is not perfect for 5v5's.


Nice you are calling stupid to the best european clans.

SK/Dimegio(my mates)/Fureur/IR/aAa/TT/

Nice you are calling stupid to the best european clans.

SK/Dimegio(my mates)/Fureur/IR/aAa/TT/

oh you so pro, you actually know someone from wcg!!!
Singed is by far not tier 4.
Twitch is 1 tier lower. (if the enemies are any decent..)

If you think you're the only one who knows a top player then believe so.
Cake, Ikebo is by far better than you will ever be. And Akali is fine + Morganas line does not follow invis targets, Its able to be used and the line goes to the target, But does not follow it around.
Cake, Ikebo is by far better than you will ever be. And Akali is fine + Morganas line does not follow invis targets, Its able to be used and the line goes to the target, But does not follow it around.

Ikebo might be better than me sure, however if he still claim singed is tier 4 then he should just shut up lmfao.
Akali is fine for 5v5, but there's better choices. all depends on enemy team + their set up.



What Summoner Abilities should I use on Akali?

I use Cleanse & Exhaust, Its just so awesome ;D
I use Ghost (ALWAYS) and then the other heal/mana thing, and maybe something else.


won 4/4 games jungling with fiddlesticks easy.

He's so strong at lvl 6, = easy double kill.


My lastest game, sold boots in end for AP.

1 ulti and all enemys died or got very low. In the end, I had 1150 magic dmg/sec with drain + ulti.

Quite fun xD
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What Summoner Abilities should I use on Akali?

I use Cleanse & Exhaust, Its just so awesome ;D

Ghost + Flash... Atleast flash is 100% needed.. In tight situations like you pop ur stealth bomb thing.. And they surround u.. U will just go close to a wall and flash out invis and they wont even notice ur gone.
Ghost + Flash... Atleast flash is 100% needed.. In tight situations like you pop ur stealth bomb thing.. And they surround u.. U will just go close to a wall and flash out invis and they wont even notice ur gone.

so Exhaust + Flash or Cleanse + Flash? Both combinations are kinda good, CLeanse saved me sooo much and exhaust helped aloot aloot too xD