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Monsters on OT Canary are much weaker than on RL Tibia...


New Member
Sep 27, 2023
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Hey guys

I got question because i run ot server Canary 13.20,
and we came to a conclusion with my friends
that the monsters beat too weakly...
like my rp homie at 900 level he can stand with full stack of true asuras... at real tibia its not possible.
Can somoene tell me what i have to edit to feel 1:1 to rl tibia?
I know that i have to edit vocations.xml...

monster.attacks = {
    { name = "melee", interval = 2000, chance = 100, minDamage = 0, maxDamage = -700, condition = { type = CONDITION_FIRE, totalDamage = 500, interval = 4000 } },
    { name = "combat", interval = 2000, chance = 10, type = COMBAT_MANADRAIN, minDamage = -50, maxDamage = -300, range = 7, target = false }, -- mana drain beam
    { name = "combat", interval = 1000, chance = 15, type = COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, minDamage = -450, maxDamage = -830, length = 1, spread = 0, effect = CONST_ME_HITBYFIRE, target = false }, -- fire missile
    { name = "combat", interval = 2000, chance = 20, type = COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE, minDamage = -550, maxDamage = -750, radius = 4, effect = CONST_ME_BLACKSMOKE, target = false }, -- death ball
    { name = "speed", interval = 2000, chance = 15, speedChange = -200, radius = 1, effect = CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED, target = true, duration = 30000 }, -- smoke berserk

you can increase dmg by increasing chance, for example chance = 15 -> chance = 25
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maybe there is a way to reduce the character's resistance? I don't want to edit every place... :/
I think there is problem with melee calculations, 8 Cursed Books around me can't hit me once, only rare ice damage from spells.
I think we can change that in canary c++ source. Something is wrong and idk what:) Maybe armor is increasing for no reason idk

Or maybe best eq on 2k lvl ek works like that idk

Maybe Cipsoft monsters have some armor penetration, who knows.
I'm just guessing, idk how this work, but for sure there are differences and we can't make 1:1 ots, it's not possible without Cipsoft files.
Even gunzodus ots is far from real tibia calculations, some monsters hit too hard, and other too weak. For example 2 hellfire fighters hit very often for 4k combo and in real tibia paladin with 5k hp can block 5+ without problems.
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