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Myacc tfs1.5 shop problem


Jan 30, 2023
Reaction score
Hello Guys I have problem When I try buy item in shop I take (send item to player I have error

Exception class: PDOException()

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'login' doesn't have a default value

File: /var/www/html/ots/system/libs/pot/OTS_Base_DB.php
Line: 86


#0 /var/www/html/ots/system/libs/pot/OTS_Base_DB.php(86): PDO->query()
#1 /var/www/html/ots/system/libs/pot/OTS_DB_PDOQuery_PHP71.php(10): OTS_Base_DB->doQuery()
#2 /var/www/html/ots/system/libs/shop-system.php(168): OTS_Base_DB->query()
#3 /var/www/html/ots/system/pages/gifts.php(113): GesiorShop::confirmTransactionAction()
#4 /var/www/html/ots/index.php(362): require('...')
#5 {main}



 * @version 0.1.3
 * @since 0.1.3

 * @package POT
 * @author Wrzasq <[email protected]>
 * @copyright 2007 (C) by Wrzasq
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3

 * Base class for all database drivers.
 * <p>
 * It defines additional rotines required by database driver for POT using default SQL standard-compliant method.
 * </p>
 * @package POT
abstract class OTS_Base_DB extends PDO implements IOTS_DB
    use OTS_DB_PDOQuery;
 * Tables prefix.
 * @var string
    protected $prefix = '';

 * Query counter
 * @var int
    private $queries = 0;

    protected $logged = false;
    private $log = '';

 * Query-quoted field name.
 * @param string $name Field name.
 * @return string Quoted name.
    public function fieldName($name)
        return '"' . $name . '"';

    public function fieldNames()
        $ret = '';

        foreach(func_get_args() as $v) {
            $ret .= $this->fieldName($v) . ',';

        $ret[strlen($ret) - 1] = '';
        return $ret;

 * Query-quoted table name.
 * @param string $name Table name.
 * @return string Quoted name.
    public function tableName($name)
        return $this->fieldName($this->prefix . $name);

    private function doQuery(...$args)

        if($this->logged) {
            $startTime = microtime(false);

        $ret = parent::query(...$args);
        if($this->logged) {
            $totalTime = microtime(true) - $startTime;
            $this->log .= round($totalTime, 4) . ' ms - ' . $args[0] . PHP_EOL;

        return $ret;

    public function select($table, $data)
        $fields = array_keys($data);
        $values = array_values($data);
        $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->tableName($table) . ' WHERE (';

        $count = count($fields);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
            $query.= $this->fieldName($fields[$i]).' = '.$this->quote($values[$i]).' AND ';
        $query = substr($query, 0, -4);

        $query = $this->query($query);
        if($query->rowCount() != 1) return false;
        return $query->fetch();

    public function insert($table, $data)
        $fields = array_keys($data);
        $values = array_values($data);
        $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->tableName($table) . ' (';
        foreach ($fields as $field) {
            $query.= $this->fieldName($field).',';

        $query = substr($query, 0, -1);
        $query .= ') VALUES (';
        foreach ($values as $value) {
            if ($value === null) {
                $query .= 'NULL,';
            else {
                $query .= $this->quote($value).',';

        $query = substr($query, 0, -1);
        $query .= ')';

        return true;

    public function replace($table, $data)
        $fields = array_keys($data);
        $values = array_values($data);
        $query = 'REPLACE INTO '.$this->tableName($table).' (';
        foreach ($fields as $field)
            $query.= $this->fieldName($field).',';

        $query = substr($query, 0, -1);
        $query.= ') VALUES (';
        foreach ($values as $value)
            if ($value === null)
                $query.= 'NULL,';
                $query.= $this->quote($value).',';

        $query = substr($query, 0, -1);
        $query .= ')';

        return true;

    public function update($table, $data, $where, $limit = 1)
        $fields = array_keys($data);
        $values = array_values($data);

        $query = 'UPDATE '.$this->tableName($table).' SET ';

        $count = count($fields);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
            $query.= $this->fieldName($fields[$i]).' = '.$this->quote($values[$i]).', ';

        $query = substr($query, 0, -2);
        $query.=' WHERE (';
        $fields = array_keys($where);
        $values = array_values($where);

        $count = count($fields);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
            $query.= $this->fieldName($fields[$i]).' = '.$this->quote($values[$i]).' AND ';

        $query = substr($query, 0, -4);
        if (isset($limit))
            $query .=') LIMIT '.$limit.';';
            $query .=');';

        return true;

    public function delete($table, $data, $limit = 1)
        $fields = array_keys($data);
        $values = array_values($data);

        $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->tableName($table) . ' WHERE (';

        $count = count($fields);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $query .= $this->fieldName($fields[$i]) . ' = ' . $this->quote($values[$i]) . ' AND ';

        $query = substr($query, 0, -4);
        if ($limit > 0) {
            $query.=') LIMIT '.$limit.';';
        else {

        return true;
 * LIMIT/OFFSET clause for queries.
 * @param int|bool $limit Limit of rows to be affected by query (false if no limit).
 * @param int|bool $offset Number of rows to be skipped before applying query effects (false if no offset).
 * @return string LIMIT/OFFSET SQL clause for query.
    public function limit($limit = false, $offset = false)
        // by default this is empty part
        $sql = '';

        if($limit !== true)
            $sql = ' LIMIT ' . $limit;

            // OFFSET has no effect if there is no LIMIT
            if($offset !== false)
                $sql .= ' OFFSET ' . $offset;

        return $sql;

    public function queries() {
        return $this->queries;

    public function getLog() {
        return $this->log;


Can help me please?
Do you have the 'shop' script inside the globalevents? It's about providing items to the player. From this site, it sends items to the player. Without the script, you cannot make it work. It's necessary to have the 'shop' script. Also, I'm not very skilled in MyAAC... only Znote and Gesior at the moment.
now is whe I open shop page is

Exception class: PDOException()

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'description' in 'field list'

File: /var/www/html/ots/system/libs/pot/OTS_Base_DB.php
Line: 86


#0 /var/www/html/ots/system/libs/pot/OTS_Base_DB.php(86): PDO->query()
#1 /var/www/html/ots/system/libs/pot/OTS_DB_PDOQuery_PHP71.php(10): OTS_Base_DB->doQuery()
#2 /var/www/html/ots/system/pages/gifts.php(128): OTS_Base_DB->query()
#3 /var/www/html/ots/index.php(353): require('...')
#4 {main}
Post automatically merged:

Do you have the 'shop' script inside the globalevents? It's about providing items to the player. From this site, it sends items to the player. Without the script, you cannot make it work. It's necessary to have the 'shop' script. Also, I'm not very skilled in MyAAC... only Znote and Gesior at the moment.
yes yes I have
"enabled": 0,
    "name": "Example Plugin",
    "description": "This is just an example of a Plugin for MyAAC.",
    "version": "1.0",
    "author": "nobody",
    "contact": "[email protected]",
    "require": {
        "myaac": "0.4.3",
        "myaac_": ">=0.7,<1.0", // support for defining versions like in composer (since 0.8)
        "php": "5.2.0",
        "php_": ">5.4,<7.0", // support for defining versions like in composer (since 0.8)
        "database": "21",
        "php-ext": "curl", // php extension needs to be installed (since 0.8)
        "ext-curl": ">5.0", // php extension with version specifiec (since 0.8)
        "table": "accounts", // table need to exist in database (since 0.8)
        "column": "players.online" // column need to exist in database (since 0.8)
This one? is example.json because I can not find Plugin.json
    "name": "gesior-shop-system",
    "description": "This is shop system taken from Gesior, modified for MyAAC.",
    "version": "2.4",
    "author": "Gesior, slawkens, whiteblXK",
    "contact": "[email protected]",
    "hooks": {
        "startup": {
            "type": "STARTUP",
            "file": "plugins/gesior-shop-system/startup.php"
    "install": "plugins/gesior-shop-system/install.php",
    "require": {
        "php-ext": "curl"