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  1. 3alola1

    AAC Searching for item/Char Auction for Gesior 2012 TFS 1.5

    Hello I'm probably searching for items market for site (it would be more better if you gaved me Store Market commits for tfs 1.5 downgraded by nekiro 8.6) Also searching for Character Auction for gesior 2012 AAC
  2. sevengym

    AAC Stripe Payments Gesior God please help i try for 50hrs already:(

    Hello. I did everything as Gesior uploaded here Stripe.com payments integration · gesior/Gesior2012@4d12460 (https://github.com/gesior/Gesior2012/commit/4d12460a892dd9b1f7c7f63c35b91d4f32120630) The problem I have is: I go to buy points -> stripe -> start payment -> it redirects me to paying...
  3. Jpstafe

    How can I change this? php help

    Hello, I'm trying to change this on my server page, but I can't find it, I think the web engine is the manager... I need to delete items in the shops part of the page. in the shop index.php?subtopic=shopsystem: PHP Sandbox - Execute PHP code online through your browser...
  4. ZeroSkyer

    Stripe to Gesior

    Hi, I'm looking for someone who can integrate stripe automate to my gesior.
  5. sevengym

    Solved Failed to load SPR file gesior outfit generator

    Im using this tool by Gesior. It says Failed to load SPR file. Using 854 files custom Naruto ots. https://outfit-images.ots.me/generator/
  6. sevengym

    Solved Cannot generate item images/outfits for Gesior ACC

    As in title I cannot generate item images/outfits for Gesior ACC 2012. It won't load my Tibia.spr. I tried to tick/untick every box. Nothing helps. I use custom Naruto OTS graphics in my spr, tibia client 854. Please help.
  7. sevengym

    please help me with custom samples Gesior ACC phpmyadmin

    Hello. I'm making Naruto OTS on 0.3.6 TFS with Gesior 2012 , mariadb php 7.4 and ubuntu 20.04. The WWW installation only adds Knight/Sorc/Paladin/Druid vocations. I have over 20 custom vocations and I have to make Samples for them. I tried SQL queries and tried adding them manually, it doesn't...
  8. sevengym

    Question about Gesior and acc makers

    Hello. I had ots about 8 years ago and I wanted to launch it again. I was able to run server but the the problem is the www files I have are the old gesior 0.3.4(beta4). As soon as I upload them it shows that the site is not working with HTTP ERROR 500. I'm using mariadb 7.4php with 20.04...
  9. E

    my-acc to gesior (donate page)

    hello guys, how are u doing? This code is my-acc, but I changed the directory for the manager to gesior, but he doesn't see the logged in account and directs it to "$noSessionUrl" Could someone help me, that page (pix.php) does not recognize the logged in account. thank you <?php /** *...
  10. falkyon

    AAC MyAAC v0.8.16 - cannot access admin page after installing gesior plugin

    Hello everyone, I'm having problems when installing the 'myaac-gesior-shop-system-v5.0-beta' plugin. In the older version of MyAAc worked just fine. I installed yesterday the lastest version and when I tried to install the plugin, it looked like everything was ok, but now I cannot access the...
  11. Adorius Black

    [Gesior 2012] quests.php and raids.php

    Hi. Here are my old raids.php and quests.php pages for gesior with show more/less function.
  12. B

    Deprecated Gesior acc errors

    I solved the previous problem, but now I have this one:
  13. B

    Gesior acc - cache - edit file/dir access for PHP problem.

    Hi, today I wanted to install Gesior acc, however, I am seeing such errors: I have seen similar topics, but there is no solution anywhere. Changing folder permissions to "for everyone" doesn't work either I use win10x64
  14. J

    Myacc tfs1.5 shop problem

    Hello Guys I have problem When I try buy item in shop I take (send item to player I have error Exception class: PDOException() SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'login' doesn't have a default value File: /var/www/html/ots/system/libs/pot/OTS_Base_DB.php Line: 86 Backtrace: #0...
  15. J

    Problem with Accountmangament

    Hello Guys I have Problem with gesior When I open Page accountmangament I have error like this ,can somebody Help me?please accountmangament script
  16. Petrus69


    When a player has a black skull and gets killed, it automatically removes the black skull. How can I do that? I have tried using: How can I fix it so that it doesn't get removed? Skull system by rookgaard · Pull Request #3385 · otland/forgottenserver...
  17. Petrus69

    Using Things Opening OTHIRE LAGS

    When I walk and open my backpack, the character stops I don't know in which source file to precisely set it? :
  18. Error 502

    AAC [Myacc] season rank based on highscores .html.twig

    https://otland.net/threads/create-season-rank-based-on-highscores.282083/ Hello, I don't know much about the format .html.twig , I come to ask for help I try to change .php to .html.twig why not use .php? because if i do it from php , it orders it above www\system\pages\characters.php...
  19. 4Marsupilami

    Webdesign [GESIOR] Retronia layout

    I present my new layout designed especially for the Retronia.
  20. mewses

    Gesior AAC 2012 undefined array

    TFS: https://otland.net/threads/8-60-8-00-7-72-clean-tfs-1-5-downport.277347/#post-2678297 Gesior AAC 2012 (master branch) GitHub - gesior/Gesior2012: Gesior 2012 - Account Maker [website] for OTSes, account maker you can find in BRANCHES. Select 'branch'. (https://github.com/gesior/Gesior2012)...