• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Gamemaster Need experienced and active GMs


New Member
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score

I'm starting a new server, taking the same name as my old real map server, Xazera. This server is a detailed, custom map server. The server is teleport based. I realize this may not be some people's favorite type of server, but I felt like creating something like this. The server is powered on donations, as I have to pay for a dedicated server which I have already arranged for the first month. The server has many features such as:
  • Weapon augmentation system
  • Weapon upgrading system
  • Alchemy system
  • Splash system
  • IPB 3.1 software for the forum

As a gamemaster you are not allowed to create items, teleport players to yourself or anything that could be abused. You are simply allowed to teleport to players, ban players and answer rule violations. This is NOT a position you can abuse, so if you are looking to abuse a position - do NOT contact me. This position is strictly a volunteer position. If you are seen doing good work, you may be awarded some points in the donation shop or a small amount of real money. This is not guaranteed, however.

As a gamemaster your duties will include:
  • Watching over players in-game
  • Answering questions in the help channel and on the forum
  • Answering rule violations
  • Investigating botters
  • Banning botters and rule violators
  • Moderating the forum
Should you do a good job, promotions are available in the future. You can be promoted to a community manager, which gives you a little more liberty and the ability to create raids, fun events and have fun with the players. However, community managers will not be hired until you have gained a certain amount of trust with the owners. Now, you may be wondering what benefits you get to being a gamemaster on Xazera. Some of the benefits include:
  • Access to private boards on our forum which include abilities to submit suggestions that have high priority
  • Close contact with the owners of the server
  • Chance to be a gamemaster on a soon-to-be popular server
  • Access to our very own private gamemaster client, which allows you to teleport players to locations, kick players, ban players without the complications of typing commands
If you believe you have what it takes to be a gamemaster on Xazera, please send me a private message with the following application form. Please copy and paste the application form exactly and type where it says "Text here".
Personal Information
Real name
Text here
Online username (GM name)
Text here
Text here
Text here
Native language
Text here

Professional Information
Why do you want to be a gamemaster on Xazera?
Text here
Experience being a gamemaster
Text here
Why you deserve this position
Text here
Additional comments (optional)
Text here

Additional Questions
How active can you be on the server?
Text here
Do you have experience moderating forums such as IPB 3.1?
Text here (it's ok if you don't - its easy to learn)
Do you have any past servers you've worked on or references?
Text here[/noparse]
I wish good luck to all the applicants!
Note: If you have an account on OTFans, it's better to PM me there as I'm a lot more active there. My name there is Raxon.

Owner of Xazera.net
I am setting up the dedicated server atm, it should be up tomorrow or even tonight. First few days there will be a bit of downtime to weed out the bugs I didn't find, though.