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Neon's latest mapping works!

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Some of you guys are asslickers.. honstly its not that good unit its finnished... and i see on that unplayable shit (one with stairs, wood etc) how can you say its good.. he doestn have to be perfect.. indeed i dont have anything aginst him.. but some of maps arent that "good" so stop asslicking i think he will more respect one truth critisam then that you guys do..
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Neon, iv looked through alot of your mapping and wow... just wow
your great at what your doing so just keep doing it ;D

and @SeloothDomink: Whats wrong with you?
Some of you guys are asslickers.. honstly its not that good unit its finnished... and i see on that unplayable shit (one with stairs, wood etc) how can you say its good.. he doestn have to be perfect.. indeed i dont have anything aginst him.. but some of maps arent that "good" so stop asslicking i think he will more respect one truth critisam then that you guys do..

I have absolutely no idea what this crap is or will be...


Ps: Totally unplayable.

if people could swem trough that small water river
and if u removed that unwalkable border on the second floor on the left house
then it would be playable.
To all the fans: Neon is WORKING and coming home thursday the 27th.

I am surprised you have been going on all these years.

I created ot's around 2003-2008, got tired of it cuz it didnt feel good, I got as far as I could @ the time with lua and now, hopefully, I'm back with some new knowledge in scripting

I where always (still am) a fan of you and wish you best luck in the future and hope you enjoy mapping.
stop mapping, waste of time lol

Neon is the best mapper I EVER seen, and u tell him to quit?

@Topic, nice one there Neon!

Regards, Radeon
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