• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!



Active Member
Feb 12, 2012
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Nice layout man good job! though i'm not a fan of the banner above most powerful guilds..
reupload http://speedy*****malware.localhost/mC4xn/richfrog.rar

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Use my latestnews.php on gesior 2012


// top kills - guilds

$main_content .= '
            <article><a  class="top">Most powerfull guilds</a>

$main_content .= '<table border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="4" width="100%"><tr>';
foreach($SQL->query('SELECT ' . $SQL->tableName('g') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ' AS ' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('g') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ' AS ' . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ', COUNT(' . $SQL->tableName('g') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ') AS ' . $SQL->fieldName('frags') . ' FROM ' . $SQL->tableName('killers') . ' k LEFT JOIN ' . $SQL->tableName('player_killers') . ' pk ON ' . $SQL->tableName('k') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $SQL->tableName('pk') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('kill_id') . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . ' p ON ' . $SQL->tableName('pk') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('player_id') . ' = ' . $SQL->tableName('p') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $SQL->tableName('guild_ranks') . ' gr ON ' . $SQL->tableName('p') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('rank_id') . ' = ' . $SQL->tableName('gr') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $SQL->tableName('guilds') . ' g ON ' . $SQL->tableName('gr') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('guild_id') . ' = ' . $SQL->tableName('g') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ' WHERE ' . $SQL->tableName('g') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ' > 0 AND ' . $SQL->tableName('k') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('unjustified') . ' = 1 AND ' . $SQL->tableName('k') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('final_hit') . ' = 1 GROUP BY ' . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ' ORDER BY ' . $SQL->fieldName('frags') . ' DESC, ' . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ' ASC LIMIT 4;') as $guild)
$main_content .= '<td style="width: 25%; text-align: center;"><a href="?subtopic=guilds&action=show&guild=' . $guild['id'] . '"><img src="guild_image.php?id=' . $guild['id'] . '" width="64" height="64" border="0"/><br />' . htmlspecialchars($guild['name']) . '</a><br />' . $guild['frags'] . ' kills <div class="news_bottom">
$main_content .= '</table><div class="news_bottom"</div> </article>';

function replaceSmile($text, $smile)
    $smileys = array(';D' => 1, ':D' => 1, ':cool:' => 2, ';cool;' => 2, ':ekk:' => 3, ';ekk;' => 3, ';o' => 4, ';O' => 4, ':o' => 4, ':O' => 4, ':(' => 5, ';(' => 5, ':mad:' => 6, ';mad;' => 6, ';rolleyes;' => 7, ':rolleyes:' => 7, ':)' => 8, ';d' => 9, ':d' => 9, ';)' => 10);
    if($smile == 1)
        return $text;
        foreach($smileys as $search => $replace)
            $text = str_replace($search, '<img src="images/forum/smile/'.$replace.'.gif" />', $text);
        return $text;

function replaceAll($text, $smile)
    $rows = 0;
    while(stripos($text, '[code]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/code]') !== false )
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        $text = str_ireplace('[quote]'.$quote.'[/quote]', '<table cellpadding="0" style="background-color: #'.$bgcolor.'; width: 480px; border-style: dotted; border-color: #007900; border-width: 2px"><tr><td>'.$quote.'</td></tr></table>', $text);
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        $url = substr($text, stripos($text, '[url]')+5, stripos($text, '[/url]') - stripos($text, '[url]') - 5);
        $text = str_ireplace('[url]'.$url.'[/url]', '<a href="'.$url.'" target="_blank">'.$url.'</a>', $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[player]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/player]') !== false )
        $player = substr($text, stripos($text, '[player]')+8, stripos($text, '[/player]') - stripos($text, '[player]') - 8);
        $text = str_ireplace('[player]'.$player.'[/player]', '<a href="?subtopic=characters&name='.urlencode($player).'">'.$player.'</a>', $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[img]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/img]') !== false )
        $img = substr($text, stripos($text, '[img]')+5, stripos($text, '[/img]') - stripos($text, '[img]') - 5);
        $text = str_ireplace('[img]'.$img.'[/img]', '<img src="'.$img.'">', $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[b]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/b]') !== false )
        $b = substr($text, stripos($text, '[b]')+3, stripos($text, '[/b]') - stripos($text, '[b]') - 3);
        $text = str_ireplace('[b]'.$b.'[/b]', '<b>'.$b.'</b>', $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[i]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/i]') !== false )
        $i = substr($text, stripos($text, '[i]')+3, stripos($text, '[/i]') - stripos($text, '[i]') - 3);
        $text = str_ireplace('[i]'.$i.'[/i]', '<i>'.$i.'</i>', $text);
    while(stripos($text, '[u]') !== false && stripos($text, '[/u]') !== false )
        $u = substr($text, stripos($text, '[u]')+3, stripos($text, '[/u]') - stripos($text, '[u]') - 3);
        $text = str_ireplace('[u]'.$u.'[/u]', '<u>'.$u.'</u>', $text);
    return replaceSmile($text, $smile);

function showPost($topic, $text, $smile)
    $text = nl2br($text);
    $post = '';
        $post .= '<b>'.replaceSmile($topic, $smile).'</b>';
    $post .= replaceAll($text, $smile);
    return $post;

    $last_threads = $SQL->query('SELECT ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('name') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('post_text') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('post_topic') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('post_smile') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('replies') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('post_date') . ' FROM ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . ', ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . ' WHERE ' . $SQL->tableName('players') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('author_guid') . ' AND ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('section') . ' = 1 AND ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('first_post') . ' = ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('id') . ' ORDER BY ' . $SQL->tableName('z_forum') . '.' . $SQL->fieldName('last_post') . ' DESC LIMIT ' . $config['site']['news_limit'])->fetchAll();
        $main_content .= '<table width="100%">';
        foreach($last_threads as $thread)
            $main_content .= '<article><a  class="top">' . htmlspecialchars($thread['post_topic']) . '</a>';
            $main_content .= '<section class="body">' . showPost('', $thread['post_text'], $thread['post_smile']) . '<div class="clear"></div>';
            $main_content .= '<div class="news_bottom">Autor: <a href="?subtopic=characters&name='. urlencode($thread['name']) .'">'. htmlspecialchars($thread['name']) .'</div> </article>';
        $main_content .= '</table>';
        $main_content .= '<h3>No news. Go forum and make new thread on board News.</h3>';
can i got all latestnews.php and createaccount.php cuz i got error in createaccount i must select world but there's no world in createaccount :(