• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Gamemaster None makes everything! but!

Dudes.. Your failed on your life, all you have you and rushfucker, Just spammin!noobs

Get outta dude! Let him give you a PM with saying (I love you ) then im gonna kill myself after it by like hhmmmm! (3 seconds)
1-I did travel in many countries
2-Stop tripling and doubling post
3-I can't understand anything from what your saying just rubbish
4-Elite Soldier is my rl tibia name
And if i want to make a project i will
Atleast it wont fail like you :)

*Note*I didn't understand the picture Nor the....Well everything... i didn't understand anything
Dude, m8, Im your master! Thats all i can say to a babe! thats fightin the master! Byee :)


You didn't understand anything, because your a noob! you must accept yourself as a noob from today! Trust me :)
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Anas FAILS and Rush WINS!! haha dude your almost Owned 10x stop talking in Weird English language,so you wont be owned more than this Stop double posting.
@"RushCrush" & @"MrDean"

Maybe you two guys should grow up, let the guy be. If he want to copy it's his own choice. This is so pathetic. Just look MrDean's application because it failed you must got and drag it on to another player, seriously. Both of you guys are reported this is so F***ing pathetic.
Just report him dude and get him banned that way we will save him from being owned and he will stay quite :)

My application didn't fail, I am still looking for severs, Please don't talk about my posts/Threads in other posts/Threads :)

Mr Dean
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I didn't say anything about reporting siranosa, i said i will report you two guys. Both of you are just flamers, bug off please.

Lol, just read your application one more time, you scammed and advertised and such. So you should be quiet.
We are flammers? Dude check the comments again see who is flamming -.-.

Mr Dean 90% Not a flammer :)

Sorry for this double post I am going to bed to lazy to argue,Good night :)

Mr Dean Out!
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We are flammers? Dude check the comments again see who is flamming -.-.

Mr Dean 90% Not a flammer :)

You two started to upset him, ofc he will do anything to defend himself, you are two persons flaming him. AND YES you are flaming. Just stop it and i hope a mod can truncate this thread.
No mods online :/ and sorry dude for flamming I didn't mean it,But seriously I want to go to bed good night.

Mr Dean Out! Again! :p
Sir, but you can help me? please! I need from your a hosting to my server, I just need a hoster really needed to my server! my server doesn't want to grow up ,please need your help!

Fakkahe, please if you can help me?!
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Enough with this senseless fighting. If you guys have any kind of personal problem solve it in private and remember; when posting, use the edit (Had to merge like 8 posts, rawr!) button if you need to add anything else to your post. It's there for a reason, you know? Oh in case you're wondering—yes, this is a warning.

Now that I have the chance, I'd like to recommend anyone considering in hiring siranosa1998 or MrDean to reconsider by reading this thread. Just with this thread is more than enough to come to a conclusion regarding the type of "PROFESSIONAL GameMaster" they both (siranosa1998, MrDean) are.

Oh and while I'm at it, I'd like to bold the parts of the application which are obviously lies as shown in this thread:
Real Name: Anas

[b]Age : 16 (Going 17 next 3 monthes!)[/b]

Hobby : Internet!

[U]How long can you be active daily (hours) : 7 hours- 9 hours.[/U]

[b]What languages do you speak

[b]Do you speak fluent English
[U]Yes I speak English fluently, and specially:).[/U][/b]

[b]Are you a talking shit (FlammingPlayers)? 
[U]Absolutely Not,I don't use insults.[/U][/b]

Why should we choose you to be a GM 
[U]Because im knowledgeable about everything in staff membership.. Else i know about scripting/mapping, and i played many times as a staff member + senior tutor! and a owner too!.. Btw.. Im going to help you mapping if you needed so![/U]

Why you want to help us 
[U]I have reached high tibia points, thats not going easily, So i liked to help players as a staff member, maybe getting points in this![/U]

Why you choosed yourself as a GameMaster or etc

[U]I would be chosen as a staff member or gamemaster! because i like it, and i have more exprinceing in it
So. asap if you asked me for anything,, i will be ready if i can, and i will do all i can![/U]

Do you think yourself you will be a multiple good gamemaster working 100% by rules nothing gets out your hand?

[U]As being a gamemaster.. Im ready 100% and 100 points.. To be a staff member as a gm or !.. SO Im ready for your help .. You wont need another staff member until i leave or die!

Are u going to waste all your time on your server?

[U]Ofcourse Yes.. Because im a lover of tibia and otservers! Else im avaliable more than 9Hours.. so i will be able to help players long time![/U]

What advantages do u have to be chosen instead of otherS?
[U]Thats im funny/smart/playing hardly/rules100%/Friendable with players../ And my comment always : If you been good with me.. I will be good with ya and get you up my head.. If u been bad and a boy with me! I will make you like a juice..
Tell who will choose you as a staff member.. which another information do you like to add?
[U]Iam 16 years old.. and im always fine.. and getting the finally with players! but without any sadly things!

[b]Do you think yourself your patient?

Yes i do, because im funny, and not hurry in talking..and else not spammingplayers,etc![/b]
Are u want to be a gamemaster or another staff member only for fun? or another things?

[U]Yes i want, Because in the last, im playing a game! for my fun!.. to get fun and not getting bored atleast like other guys! So .. Im choosing to be a free gamemaster, not for money or etc![/U]

[U]Regluar, Im not going to be a sucksboy, thats always spamming or saying the same things at the same time or being begg!!
Have you ever been staff on another server?[/U]

[U]Yes .. I've been a staff member in many servers from them (Forgottenl.com) A gamemaster and was choosed to be a admin in the new updates!
And else (25January) as a owner!. Else going soonly to be a staff member on forgottenl.se (Patiently waiting).. So[/U]
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I don't have a problem about anyone reading my application twice or even for the fifth time.
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