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Please Pet System Evolution 8.57


New Member
Jun 26, 2010
Reaction score
•Pet hp and mana depends on your level.
•You can summon or take out your pet.
•You can make your pet talk
•If your pet die, or you die, you need to pay to revive it. It happens JUST if the pet die or you die (not when logout, etc)
•Pets can use spells, under the control of the owner.
•Its VERY easy to configurate, and to make new spells, you just need to edit a table
•Pets DO have magic level, im using the same formula that tibia uses to grow Mlvl (Spells DO have manaSpent)
•When you summon your pet, it has the same speed that you
•The damage that have recived the pet, is saved
•Damage formula depends on pet's magic level, and owner level
•Pets has exhausted when casting an spell, spells exhausted can be configurated for each spell.
•Pets talk to tell you whats happening with him
•Pets DO have mana, and it takes time to recover it, but they don't need food.
•You can get your pet info
•Pet can carry items
•And some more that I might forgot...

to yurots 8.57
system of evolution
level 50 skeleton
level 100 demon skeleton
commands /pet-attack-fire
please script