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[Poland] [7.72/8.0] RetroTales | Custom Oldschool Low Rate

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Great server so far, admin is really putting effort in it and is active with the community, giving little hints, but not too much so people can explore his custom map + quests. Fixing bugs fast and polling potential new features on the discord.
thanks we are putting as much effort as we can and we are very happy that our players notices it
thanks we are putting as much effort as we can and we are very happy that our players notices it
Indeed I can tell, have you thought about hiring a mapper? Or u have one? Just more time for u to focus on other stuff, I saw some people mentioning a little bit of map bugs here and there and I know you are very busy pulling ALL the threads, watching discord etc.
Server just died what is so sad becouse i never played that much RPG server for last 2 Years Like this one. ....
Server just died what is so sad becouse i never played that much RPG server for last 2 Years Like this one. ....
yeah, I liked the server but very low pop and lots of unfixed bugs, think it's too much for one GM he should hire a few guys to help with different stuff, always active on discord but there just seems to be alot of issues i see people posting every day, im taking a break for now but was one of the best servers i've played so i'll return when it has more work done.

I've seen GM talk alot in discord so he will refute this and I say it's ok, he has built a nice server but anything good wont be done in a week :) Awaiting more progress and perhaps the launch of a secondary server when things are more stable!
yeah, I liked the server but very low pop and lots of unfixed bugs, think it's too much for one GM he should hire a few guys to help with different stuff, always active on discord but there just seems to be alot of issues i see people posting every day, im taking a break for now but was one of the best servers i've played so i'll return when it has more work done.

I've seen GM talk alot in discord so he will refute this and I say it's ok, he has built a nice server but anything good wont be done in a week :) Awaiting more progress and perhaps the launch of a secondary server when things are more stable!
I have nothing to add. Also will be back in next edition
I am playing here for 3 weeks, it has been really enjoyable so far. We ever witnessed some pvp recently between two main teams