• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[Poland] [8.5 Global Tibia Map | Cerberia.Com]


Banned User
Apr 30, 2009
Reaction score


GeneralHosting Service

  • [*]System Type: 64-bit Operating System
    [*]CPU: Quad Q6600 4x 3.00GHz
    [*]Memory (RAM): 8,00GB
    [*]Reserved HD: 1.5TB
    [*]Connection: 1GB/s
    [*]Location: Poland

  • Experience Rate: Stages
  • Skill Rate: x20
  • Magic Rate: x10
  • Loot Rate: x3
  • Spawn Rate: x2
  • Level 1->25: x80
  • Level 26->50: x60
  • Level 51->75: x40
  • Level 76->100: x25
  • Level 101->125: x15
  • Level 126->150: x10
  • Level 151->175: x6
  • Level 176+: x4
Battle System
  • World Type: PvP
  • Hotkey Aimbot: Enabled
  • Protection Level: 0
  • Kills To Redskull: 4
  • Kill To Banishment: 8

See you in, Cerberia!:wub:
Last edited:
News thief sasir is the god hueahueahueah.
There is going to be an lunch of Cerberia v1 at 18.11.2009 14.00. Character creation from 18.00(to avoid nick theft.) Any information regarding server can be found at serverinfo page (i will update it soon properly).
There is going to be an lunch of Albania v3 at 13.11.2009 20.00.
Character creation from 18.00(to avoid nick theft.)
Any information regarding server can be found at serverinfo page (i will update it soon properly).
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Sorry ... Register Account temporarily suspended. Try another time.
ta muzyka tak wkurwia...
za pierwszym razem moze byc, ale pozniej to wkurwia jak chuj.


I played this OT for 1 hour and I was asking the GM if he could help the english community the understand the PL by puttin only english rule.. and he actually said.. "it's simple, leave OT bye"

Enough said,

The best real tibia map so far, even signs are done. Make something with this wierd flash top, enoying music and try to get more people. Anyway I'm totally in!
The best real tibia map so far, even signs are done. Make something with this wierd flash top, enoying music and try to get more people. Anyway I'm totally in!

yeah well you're pl.. atleast you can talk with everyone else
Przepraszamy !

Wszystkie konta zostały usunięte, gdyż został Hack'nięty nasz manager od servera. Tak zwany Hacker zrobił reinstalacje wszystkich naszych serverów. W miarę swoich możliwości postaramy się wam to wynagrodzić ...

Możemy zapewnić, iż taka sytuacja się już na pewno nie powtórzy !

v2 :>
polish server 100 %