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[ Poland ] SupremeTibia 8.10 Real Map


PK Team Leader
Jul 16, 2009
Reaction score
Welcome to SupremeTibia 8.10 Real map

Hello Loyal tibia players,
I wanna introduce you to SupremeTibia!
Ive worked a long time on this server and added allot of custom stuff, i have made new scripts ive fixed allot of quest and added allot of towns

Before i worked on the server, the map was full of Bugs and allot of city's were missing!
But now after 2 months work i have finaly finished it!

Here is some information about the server:

Website: Click Here
IP: supreme.servegame.com
Exp rate: 50x
Loot rate: 4x
Skill rate: 15x
Magic rate: depends on your vocation
Spawn Rate: 2x
Kills to RS: 4
Kills to Ban: 7
Ban Lenght: 2 days
Donations: NO DONATIONS! We pay for our own server
Addon system: The real addon system

We also have included train monks in our server so that each vocation can train before they start hunting powerfull monsters

I wanna show you some screens, so please pay attention:



Here are the trainers like i said


Frost dragon hunt is always fun, but do go there to fast, because they will eat you alive


Ive inplanted the real ferumbras tower


As you can see, the demon has a yellow skull, i have implanted this for the following reason, you are team hunting and the demon go's away from the blocker, now you can see after who hes going.


Here are all the city's ive implanted


Ive implanted the real addon system, but are you bored hunting for the items? at this NPC you can buy them, but remember, its not cheap!

Well, thats all for now, i hope you are interested and wanna try this server out!
Nice, Finaly a real map with some custom stuff..

Going to try it out right now.
I will edit my comment later with if i liked it or not

Edit:"Server is Good, almost no laggs, good exp and lovely map.
I would say, try it
Im Arystos
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