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Hoster Sreaching Hoster for custom server 854/857

Erikas Kontenis

Board Moderator
Staff member
Board Moderator
Jul 3, 2009
Reaction score
Hello, i sreaching hoster and a guy who be able to map.

Hoster should be knowledge in all positions as php/lua and allways know what he doing, i not sreaching a random noobies whos know only how to press .exe file and run the server. So your job be kinda diffucion, ofcourse as normal hoster your computer must be able to be online 24/7.

Mapper should have lot of experence in other OTservers and tibia gameplaying becouse you need to know where to put more grass or trees, ofcourse also you must have own fantasy.

The best thing if the hoster be able to map and map not bad. Ofcourse if you are hoster or a mapper and you knowledge in other languages as php/lua/C++ so dont be shiny wrote it.

Small Information about me.

I'm old tibia OTs creator i working ussualy on custom servers.

I'm knowledge in Lua/PHP/C++. By the way my name is Erikas and i not using MSN ! so you able to contact me per skype: Deadfs1 Or Send me Pm if you leaving Post in this thread about your services please contact me with private message.

About server the server is custom MID grade rates. Server got big fellingss of Rpg playing, Server console catching players whoes using bot and the self server never crash becouse i using pure made scripts without any errors. The biggest server problem is i can't map so good as needed...

Waiting for your Replies.

Kind Regards,