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[Sweden] 7.4 - Nevila - Low Experience Rate! CHECK IT!

tried it and was pked at lv 4 by 2 lv 20's... couldnt get into playing this

That was obviously badluck. It was like aggmackan (known botter) getting bored pking . Doesnt happen everyday. Actually havent saw much random pking. Beside people like me getting bored pk'ing botters since Kungenn seems to be too much busy to actually log into the server. ( we got different timezone ,doesnt help)
Since theres no way to catch you ingame (obviously fail host...as i mention in the very beginning -lack of active gm)

Spend about 1 week+runemaking to actually PG . LvL(50 +/- / ML48) My hmm do 20-50 ?..My sds (on creature) Are hitting like 260 ...some low 300 sometime. My explosion (does 100-180 ... wtf) ... Seems like explosion is OP. Flow (knight with noob skill) soloing dragonlords with no waste. Back in the day knight was getting rape by DL at lower level. They would actually bring people to hunt them. I dont see how a knight with noob skills can hunt everything solo whilew not wasting. Even drags was a waste for knight at lower level. I remember hunting them with 88skills and still wasting more money on uh. At the moment its very unbalance. You made them hit too much while monster hit like crap. Even gs doesnt rape me for 200 dmg. They actually hit 70-80 which is just plain stupid. Dragon used to spam way more then they are actually doing. (your using nerf dragon). They used to fwave for about 120-150dmg/gfb 70-90? . Im a sorc and i tank dragon without trying to avoid wave bcuz i dont get hit at all...heck,i dont even run them lol. I see knight hitting 120+ EACH HIT on dragons/dl ..while obviously there should be some lower dmg+a lot of miss considering newb skill(for dl at least). My explos are totally OP....no low damage. Once again an advantage to other class. I spend a week manasitting only to end up having crappy rune...while i could have made a knight and hit 120-200 each hit and used 1uh now and then. This is seriously not it was supposed to be back then. I dont mind at all but since i know your gonna close/ bring back another ot in 1 month. Take this into consideration. Your damage is all messed up. xplo hitting too much/ hmm/sds seems low...gfb seems (ok) . I bet someone playing the server gave you those formula because it wasnt like that when i was "active"..its been nerf. Probably a knight or paly that wanted to get an advantage--(just a thought...not a fact). Take it or not..this my very own opinion..No offense intended.

Next time put more GM...even GM with no power lol. So people can actually at least see 1 gm only and talk to them. Even if the gm doesnt have power,noob will actually love talking to him and knows someone close to the hoster is around frequently. Not like you that only log once a day at random time for about 10min...Not even sure your logging (Last Login: 23rd December 2011 00:06:59)

I know its christmas but...its been like that since beginning. Good luck. Alwais liked your server but its getting worse as time goes by. Next time you say you have 2 more active gm..i really hope your not telling lie.
This is a true fact and a problem to me.
However I've added two gamemasters that I trust to 100%. And they also got very limited powers.
Hopefully it will be enough to start with :)

Never saw those 2 GM . And god knows i played your ot way too much (16h/day) (semi-afk in house but alwais checking now and then)
@dead how the fuck do you know if i waste at dls or not? Sure i do hit more then knights should, explosions is verry diferent.. i can hit from 10-100~ avrage for me would be 30-40dmg. Melee hits is sure great hits. my max hit can be i believe 200 with war hammer and Noob skills not that bad rly 79 in cub and war hammer isnt to bad. And yes i waste ALOT on dragon/dragon lords. i usaly bring 10bp uhs and get loot for about 10k some times less sometimes more. consider it profit? pff

But YES he should really get more gms to the server.. etc a guy with not the same time zone as the currently owner so it will always be one gm nearby.

Forgot to mention i usuly go with Raevsax when i hunt dragon lords. else i use about 1bp uh and half bp mana fluids. +/-
but yep its not balanced enough.

And Kungenn will you shut the server down and open a new one? then make ur custom client more custom so you cant use bot.
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Fail GM

Name: GM Miss Lisa [Online]
Level: 2
Vocation: No Vocation
Gender: Female
Residence: Romar
Position: Gamemaster
Last Login: 23rd December 2011 00:06:59


Rox server.

Not gonna invest more time though. Recrute some (no-power) GM that have youre msn or something. Advertise a new server with a set date/hour and use the same map/rate (try to fix damage...actually the defense/attack/arm value seems all messed up) (my monks getting rape by 1 dwarf guards(2 monks ye) ....2 cycs owning my 2x monks. Obviously theres a problem with atk/defense/damage etc)

runes are kinda messed up aswell.

Lootrate is just plain stupid.Seems like people getting dsm/rh/dlance etc out of a couple of dl while they hunt gs for 30lvl and gotten 0 stuff. Not to mention your price are offtrack. Okay i hunt cyclops and make like 25k/hour money. I go drags(5h+crap exp+more waste of rune then cycs(lure 6 cyc +gfb) loot maybe 1 rare ,sell it for 3k lol.People prefer botting rotworm then actually hunting anything hard because rotworm/ghouls/cycs droops are wayy better then the rest. You CANT use tibia 8.6 price on a 1x lowrate server.Ive spend 16hour at necro for 6 skullstaff(thats like 50k)..those 16h i could have spent at cyc would have gave me 300k + about 15lvl. While ive made 2 lvl at necro. Back then skullstaff was worthing way more then 6k.

Server that does use 8.0+ price are server with 3-4-5-6-7-999x lootrate +stage. On a serious 7.4 i personnaly think its just dumb.Who the heck like to spend 16h hunting cycs because "thats the only thing worth hunting".I dont mind hunting cycs when thats the best thing i can hunt but after a couple of day its time to move to harder stuff,more challenging and obviously more rewarding. But here = best exp-cycs....best gold cycs. Knight + bot cycs= flow +300k lol jking.

Really hope you can release another server like this one with more "balance". The map good but it is lacking lots of things. There was plenty of noob quest and then you came out with a winged helmet quest (the only one worth anything) + random quest really. Your add say

Should you think it isn't enough for you well then simply wait a week and you'll be able to play another town aswell.
There are A LOT of hidden areas that can be accessed through quests from NPCs or by using a pick on a certain sqm.
But that is all for you to find out about.
Our NPCs has been given lots of time to make sure they respond and interact with you in a nice way and supplies you with hints about the whereabouts of certain areas.

1- We still waiting on town number 2
2-Area accesible from quest given by npc ( none ? )
3-Hint on whereabout of certain area ( never saw any hint...infact we need to msg you everytime you update )

There are quests which allow you to access new areas or buy items at a discount etcetra ( where are they? )

Just a map with selling/buying npc. They give no hint/quest. Even your julius quest is not working. Found the book,talked to the dog...nothing. I was so surprise reading the books where the guy actually died and he say his dog will miss him etc etc please tells him julius miss him..I hurry'ed to town ...all he did was wuff wuff.

Lots of potential...
But lots of promise that wasnt delivered.
Deadbringer you say it all!
yeah much of this server is fucked.. lots of potential if he add all he write about indeed.
And i really thought it didnt work to bot on the server until i found many botters out there. So rotworms was getting boring and i started my bot, got so much boring to exp manually now when i just can setup the bot since there is not much hunt places.

the loot rate is nice. I have killed about 100+ dragon lords looted rh, dsm, tower shield. But yeah i would like this server to get a new start with atleest 1 more city thats about twice the size of Romar, more houses that you dont need to buy from a gamemaster..

And the map updates are REALLY slow since you copy most of it from the global map.
Deadbringer, you got my respect but didnt u know that Kungenn is known for bad OTS? He's a bad hoster. Just saying. I only thought the 'custom' and 'ratings' were cool.
Deadbringer, you got my respect but didnt u know that Kungenn is known for bad OTS? He's a bad hoster. Just saying. I only thought the 'custom' and 'ratings' were cool.

Well i like the map when it start to be honest. But then he talked about update and when the big one came...well,it was poh from tibia lol. Actually the only mapping is the starting town. Found the 2 mummy spawn which was kinda cool (1 time quest). Then comes more update with (same map as real tibia+same spawn ... necro/vamps/gs/cyclops/behemoth/venore drag lair)i guess even demons/heroes(didnt go there). So after a couple of days i thought hey..why dont you upload all the real map while your at it? It had loads of potential. I know kungenn idea are good but he obviously doesnt have enough free time.So hes taking the easy path.
Well i like the map when it start to be honest. But then he talked about update and when the big one came...well,it was poh from tibia lol. Actually the only mapping is the starting town. Found the 2 mummy spawn which was kinda cool (1 time quest). Then comes more update with (same map as real tibia+same spawn ... necro/vamps/gs/cyclops/behemoth/venore drag lair)i guess even demons/heroes(didnt go there). So after a couple of days i thought hey..why dont you upload all the real map while your at it? It had loads of potential. I know kungenn idea are good but he obviously doesnt have enough free time.So hes taking the easy path.

Yeah you cannot have a great serious OT if you (the hoster) is not active(have enough spare time).

A serious great OT with an active/very active hoster is awesomeness
if the hoster is good, experienced, etc etc ofc. :p
I could help with mapping and In-game Support...
We can help you kungenn if you want... just ask for help

I got GMT -04:00 time zone if you want a 24-hour support
Well i like the map when it start to be honest. But then he talked about update and when the big one came...well,it was poh from tibia lol. Actually the only mapping is the starting town. Found the 2 mummy spawn which was kinda cool (1 time quest). Then comes more update with (same map as real tibia+same spawn ... necro/vamps/gs/cyclops/behemoth/venore drag lair)i guess even demons/heroes(didnt go there). So after a couple of days i thought hey..why dont you upload all the real map while your at it? It had loads of potential. I know kungenn idea are good but he obviously doesnt have enough free time.So hes taking the easy path.

Not saying you're wrong in any way, however you should know how it sucks to map a 7.4 format map, it's basicly like mapping with an old version of SimOne's mapeditor .__.
Not saying you're wrong in any way, however you should know how it sucks to map a 7.4 format map, it's basicly like mapping with an old version of SimOne's mapeditor .__.

No,im not aware of that. But when you release a server and say things you should at least try to make them come true. If it were too hard ,why did he even bother telling us about a second town on week2. Been waiting on it for like a month and the only update we gotten is "small spawn" of the rl tibia map.

Now if you think about it....why not use the real tibia map? Why bother to create a "custom map" AKA real map with less mobs?I mean...if its that hard? Just my opinion. But i had fun on the server,more then a great bunch of other. Hopefully he comes back with a better one someday.(actually the map is the last of my concern ...damage value/formula/mobs/lootrate/price) + all the promise that wasnt delivered. It wasnt THAT bad...but after a while all the small things add add add and you keep hoping for things that was talked/promise but never comes.
already like i said some days ago it will be hosted one day, they will exit soon this project its too much for they brains.