• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[SWEDEN] DeathZot 8.60 | Custom

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Hehe think its quite funny how it says im still online :)


How da hell are you already a reaper? XD
Could you log into steam so i can have a sexy time with you?

Fuck that steam shit, i just wanna log on dzot, start my bot and leave. I aint got time for this

Mr ddoser, you won, I praise you for your commanding skill of ddos. But I ask of you to plx stop this, we understand you are dominant over the internet, plz stahp.
trust me they wont stop its been going on deathzot american server for months.
Fuck that steam shit, i just wanna log on dzot, start my bot and leave. I aint got time for this

Mr ddoser, you won, I praise you for your commanding skill of ddos. But I ask of you to plx stop this, we understand you are dominant over the internet, plz stahp.

I 2nd.. I just wanna play :(
Its most likely a member viewing this thread.. It's one of us! :ninja:
Just because someone views it doesn't mean they've posted.

I didnt say that, i said viewing.. He would of had to know it was online via this thread? So..

- - - Updated - - -

Tho 5 guests
A couple are involved with 8.6 servers.. Rivals? Weaz etc (dont persecute him :< he may be innocent)
Unless they are using their own botnet, they are losing quite a bit of money

They are wasting cash for having it too. So if they aint using it why not have some fun ? If you already paying for something, Than he wont waste a shit on it
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