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[SWEDEN] DeathZot 8.60 | Custom

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Azur mayne and weaz have 8.6 ots.. Tho it could just as well be none of them or the guests ;< buh pleaze stop i wan play naooooow ;<
Well I have an hour before I have to go, and I won't be back for a long time...
Its still funny to see how vtune already are reaper
there is no point of Ddosing a server in the hope ppl join yours, Tibia Ot had 1k+ servers from good ones to crapy shit hosted on a home pc with 3 ppl online.

the change ppl go to the server that the Ddoser would like is les then 0.1%
Its still funny to see how vtune already are reaper

As I said I won it because I was the first one to come in! I have no idea how to get reaper otherwise nor do I know if its hard! :)
Someone told me its free, there is no door blocking it. Unless it was the first person to get in.
18:02 Congratulations to Barry for winning [Tier 1] Etched Ruinic Helmet

lol... almost won :eek:
Well, Idc if it keep going like this since im already botting 3 other chars on rl/lunar :p
Honestly, some people are REALLY jealous of success. This ddoser is so mad that people won't join his ot that hes trying to ruin other ots.
i was suppost to win! but i crashed the second i pressed enter..
Deffo connect to deathzot.seregame.com? Cause im gettin nuffin
Personally i think its weaz.. Ever since i suggested him, hes left. XD

- - - Updated - - -

deathzot.servegame.com perhaps

Yh i meant that. On phone here xD but.eu works
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