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[Switzerland] Thronar - Alternate Tibia Server 8.7

I have closed the server now. In a few hours I will open it again for a last beta pvp event or maybe another cathedral raid.

So, yes this will be the end of the beta. This may appear sudden but, Ive noticed that the longevity of the content is still lacking, and that there isnt much to do after level 30 or so, not to mention that most players arent logging often due to the beggining of the school year, being annoyed by kicks or by being bored or whatever the reason. I got good results with this beta, I believe that, aside from some balance issues, the only thing lacking right now is more objectives to the players, more places to explore and puzzles to solve, so that will be what I will be working while it is offline. About the accounts, as I said I intend to keep them, but many players think that I should reset them for an official release, so for that reason Ill make a poll to decide this later on.

Another reason that made me decide to close it today is that Im too stressed by making everything by myself, not to mention that running the server on my own pc makes me unable to do anything else on it, and this is incredibly annoying. Before the release I will look for a scripter/programmer or 2 and a web designer to help me, and add a donation system to help me pay a dedicated server.

So, thats it. I hope everyone who played enjoyed it, and will look forward to play at the official release (which I dont know yet when it will be).

this is a nice server i don't want to be rude but if you think the only issue is objectives you are mistaken it's totally unbalanced for wizrads and knights.
wizards are too weak can get killed fast but that how wizards should be but the healing spells sucks and weak means you can't survive and knights are overpowered blockers and can't die most of the time.
And again, a knight is much slower than a mage, so how is a knight supposed to even hit you? if you increase the strength of healing there is no sense in even kiting the knight as you can simply counter heal. With a stronger heal you can tank simply everything that needs 2 hits to kill you, why would you take a tank with you then? Maybe for monsters that 1 shot you, lol. How many do so? Aside from bosses.
And again, a knight is much slower than a mage, so how is a knight supposed to even hit you? if you increase the strength of healing there is no sense in even kiting the knight as you can simply counter heal. With a stronger heal you can tank simply everything that needs 2 hits to kill you, why would you take a tank with you then? Maybe for monsters that 1 shot you, lol. How many do so? Aside from bosses.

knight are slow? lol. not all wizards have haste spells only clerics and knight have a charge spell they run fast at you as i said knights are overpowered and wizards are weak.
Yes, knights have -speed on their equip and can not attack while using rush, so op.
Yes, knights have -speed on their equip and can not attack while using rush, so op.

Thank you. Because apparently, none of these people have not a clue what they're talking about. All gear, and I mean from the helm to boots, that are suitable to Squires, have -speed. My lvl 25 Swordsman had a total of -35 speed, and she wasn't even in the best gear for her level. I was just lucky to have had a crafted light helm with good def and -had- to use the +8 speed boots bought from store to keep myself from going insane. Hell, -20 speed on a shield that was suitable for lvl 15's is already insane, I can only imagine the level 30+ shields.

I've seen wizards 1-2 hit pretty much every mob that I've witnessed them fight. Can swordsman do that? Hell no. It takes us 2-4, and if that (-NOT- including if we miss or are blocked/parried). Yes, we can tank. We're designed to tank. But with our slow speed and low healing (because believe it or not, we don't have any healing spells (OMGOSH, DAT B TTLY SURPRISIN'!), we rely on herbs for all of our healing. And don't even bring up Clerics, because they're far nerfed down and can't tank like a swordsman can (as it should be, because they're meant to be secondary tanks.)

Oh, and one final thing, the swordsman "tanking mode" (Guard Spell) makes them unable to attack. Hence, they don't just tank for themselves, they can only be a viable tank when they're with others.

So wizards, next time you want to complain, try to take the facts of other classes into consideration. Swordsman can survive (as well as they should), but they once their enemy runs, they can't catch them for crap. Wizards can kite the hell out of their mobs and loldistancekill. If YOU can't kite your mobs/enemies, then that's solely on who? YOU. :)
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Yes, knights have -speed on their equip and can not attack while using rush, so op.

On Liam (37 swordsman) I was using this set (-3spd on helm, -4 on armor, - 3 on legs, +8 spd on boots, +7 spd on ring, no shield, 2h-sword)
I was pretty strong on that dude, since I killed Eoowie (40 wizard) with 2 hits (melee crit + fierce3) and I can say, it was really LUCKY.
When we tried a battle after that, he just pwned me aswell with his 100~ fire dmgs + slow + silence.
What I tried to say is, swordsmans arent meant to battle, they are TANKS or atleast supposed to be tanks, anyways, if you get luck you can also use them for it.

Thank you. Because apparently, none of these people have not a clue what they're talking about. All gear, and I mean from the helm to boots, that are suitable to Squires, have -speed. My lvl 25 Swordsman had a total of -35 speed, and she wasn't even in the best gear for her level. I was just lucky to have had a crafted light helm with good def and -had- to use the +8 speed boots bought from store to keep myself from going insane. Hell, -20 speed on a shield that was suitable for lvl 15's is already insane, I can only imagine the level 30+ shields.

I've seen wizards 1-2 hit pretty much every mob that I've witnessed them fight. Can swordsman do that? Hell no. It takes us 2-4, and if that (-NOT- including if we miss or are blocked/parried). Yes, we can tank. We're designed to tank. But with our slow speed and low healing (because believe it or not, we don't have any healing spells (OMGOSH, DAT B TTLY SURPRISIN'!), we rely on herbs for all of our healing. And don't even bring up Clerics, because they're far nerfed down and can't tank like a swordsman can (as it should be, because they're meant to be secondary tanks.)

Oh, and one final thing, the swordsman "tanking mode" (Guard Spell) makes them unable to attack. Hence, they don't just tank for themselves, they can only be a viable tank when they're with others.

So wizards, next time you want to complain, try to take the facts of other classes into consideration. Swordsman can survive (as well as they should), but they once their enemy runs, they can't catch them for crap. Wizards can kite the hell out of their mobs and loldistancekill. If YOU can't kite your mobs/enemies, then that's solely on who? YOU. :)

About healing as you said, there are potion that you can use in battle, since I was a potion brewer I had a mastery that removes the skill/ml reduction while using them, thats why I just threw away my shield and was using two-hand sword.. it was more powerfull so I could 1 hit most low enemies like cave beasts, etc, even Lizards if I did criticals.
And about -speed on shields, mostly of them are -20 as defaut, only high-level ones like Blacksteel is -50 if I remember right.

About crossbowmans, I know they are pretty balanced at all, but I think you should make like, when they use charged shot make they MORE vulnerable, since when it charges it can hit up to 1k if they are high skilled + good eq.
The only solution I can think is adding more time delay to them while charging, so the Charging Mastery would be more usefull.

Well, Thats all.
Yes killa read the post of siegh on the previous page :the beta is over.
and I agree what Hyral said: i played a swordsman also on the server as my second char and they are really tanky, especially with the potions. but they can also hit good on monsters but not that great in pvp, slow and pretty easy to kill as a ranged vocation.
as my first char i played a priest and that was hard as hell ^^ , great heals tho but didnt hit nothing, like 60 or something like that ( more on undeads). In 1v1 pvp a priest sucks cause of its low health and almost no damage, but in group pvp priest can come in handy cause of the high amount that he can heal other teammates.

another thing i would change is lower the amount that potions heal so thats its even more important to get a healer in a party, cause what I saw at beta is party being formed without healer of with a offhealer like a cleric and the tank just using potions that heals almost all damage off.

hope to see a new beta or release soon :)
He already lowered them, its now at:
Small - 32/per tick -> lv1+
Medium - 52/ per tick -> lv20+
Great - 82/ per tick -> lv35+
knights maybe got eq that lowers there speed but they can still rush and yes they can attack while they rush i fought a knight with a wizard i know what i am talking about.
wizards are still too weak they need lower exhaust or a higher healing spells and you said a wizard lvl 40 killed you lol it lvl 40 that's the max lvl in game no? not all wizards are lvl 40 and because knights are strong
at melee atks and wizards are weak knights are like monsters basically they can kill wizards 1 hit 2 hits and it's not luck i fought a knight he was about 3 lvl more then i was and he slayed me wasn't able to run cuz i didnt have haste and slow speed. so again unbalanced
thats good :) i think he said that he would do it in game also but forgot ^^
any idea when its coming up again? ^^ nothing else to play atm lol :p
knights maybe got eq that lowers there speed but they can still rush and yes they can attack while they rush i fought a knight with a wizard i know what i am talking about.
wizards are still too weak they need lower exhaust or a higher healing spells and you said a wizard lvl 40 killed you lol it lvl 40 that's the max lvl in game no? not all wizards are lvl 40 and because knights are strong
at melee atks and wizards are weak knights are like monsters basically they can kill wizards 1 hit 2 hits and it's not luck i fought a knight he was about 3 lvl more then i was and he slayed me wasn't able to run cuz i didnt have haste and slow speed. so again unbalanced

They can attack while using RUSH but they cant use spells.

You want to add more healing power to mages?
My Mystic, level 22, base ml 15 + eq goes up to 35 it heals about 55 per selfheal .. 110 when crits.
You want more healing power, so they can be the tankers, mostly all eq of a wizard add spd, like his boots and legs.
And about level, it almost dont add nothing to magic damage, its mainly ML magic eq has not level requeriments, so if you are lv 10 you can use high level stuff so you can heal/dmg more aswell.
As I said, there are still some balance issues, but even before the beta ended I have done some changes in warriors/swordsmen strenght that was scaling much higher than other classes at higher level/gear.

First: Ive rebalanced (mostly reduced) most high level weapons atk values, to not hurt their early levels but reduce their scaling at the higher ones.
Second: The Rush spell was basically what was making knights too strong in 1v1 situations, since they were able to outrun most classes while meleeing them for about 8 seconds. In order to make this less abusive, I reduced the Rush speed buff AND duration to 5 seconds (same as sprint), and increased their cooldowns.
Third: Warriors Berserk spell was also overpowered, and for that reason I reduced its strenght and drastically increased its cooldown (shared between versions).

Mages are fine, what werent was the power of the melees, and for thar reason they got nerfed a lot. Wizards can already one shot most average monsters from a safe distance, and hit really heavily in pvp. If they were to have a stronger healing, what would happen is: Warrior rush, if he is lucky he wont get slowed until he reach the wizard, he hits 1 or 2 times for about 100 dmg each, the wizard heals for about the same ammount of damage taken, the rush is over and the wizard run away while burning the warrior's dreams and hopes.

Yes, mages are made to be fragile and strong, so if any stronger healing were to be added to them, they would simply be indestructible unless ganged up, and thats obviously not their place on the power ladder.
Well, I think mages are fine, except for mystics. They got like no real wind spells at all and the thing that makes them unique is pretty useless considering the fact that any other player reaching high level with another voc simply gets a mystic to do the vocation quest to be able to craft items. Why would someone main some vocation that's only requirement to get stronger in their unique path is doing the simple vocation quest?
As 40 takes more time, fine, becoming an enchanter makes it somewhat useful - but since everyone can just get a lv 20'ish mystic as crafter FORCES you to become an enchanter if you want to maintain the unique skill you got.
Also, some people do not like the fact that you need skill to kill enemies as mage in PvP, sad story...Btw, increase the healing and what will happen? A mage picks up the robe of warding -> 18% physical resist, pick up the rare iron ring -> 8% physical resist, get a stone amulet to that and they can tank everything themselves.
Well, I think mages are fine, except for mystics. They got like no real wind spells at all and the thing that makes them unique is pretty useless considering the fact that any other player reaching high level with another voc simply gets a mystic to do the vocation quest to be able to craft items. Why would someone main some vocation that's only requirement to get stronger in their unique path is doing the simple vocation quest?
As 40 takes more time, fine, becoming an enchanter makes it somewhat useful - but since everyone can just get a lv 20'ish mystic as crafter FORCES you to become an enchanter if you want to maintain the unique skill you got.
Also, some people do not like the fact that you need skill to kill enemies as mage in PvP, sad story...Btw, increase the healing and what will happen? A mage picks up the robe of warding -> 18% physical resist, pick up the rare iron ring -> 8% physical resist, get a stone amulet to that and they can tank everything themselves.

Mystics can also be Elementalists, who actually can get all spells but dark ones in game.
And about healing, there is already a Self Heal 2 spell you just need to talk to Horzin and he will say what you need.
That's the point, elementalists, what is their speciality? Mystics are known for crafting and all elements, so elementalists only have all elements but weaker? I just miss the unique point, every vocation has something only itself has... Swordsman the high defense and best tanks, warriors the high damage with melee attacks, trackers, the dagger user with high attack speed.... Druids, the earth / ice masters with summons, wizards with the death spells but mystics? I do not want to have to choose to be an elementalists to really make use of the elements...Maybe it's just me, maybe it's just because of all the hunting spawns I know...But every mage can be awesome at one location with some extansion (wizard good pvp, druids the summons for solo hunting and also good in pvp with those)...mystics just are ... nothing special to it.. so I hope there is something unique to elementalists at least? As they lose the "unique" touch, the crafting (Siegh said it was the point to make them unique), so compared to the other vocations they scale off again?
That's the point, elementalists, what is their speciality? Mystics are known for crafting and all elements, so elementalists only have all elements but weaker? I just miss the unique point, every vocation has something only itself has... Swordsman the high defense and best tanks, warriors the high damage with melee attacks, trackers, the dagger user with high attack speed.... Druids, the earth / ice masters with summons, wizards with the death spells but mystics? I do not want to have to choose to be an elementalists to really make use of the elements...Maybe it's just me, maybe it's just because of all the hunting spawns I know...But every mage can be awesome at one location with some extansion (wizard good pvp, druids the summons for solo hunting and also good in pvp with those)...mystics just are ... nothing special to it.. so I hope there is something unique to elementalists at least? As they lose the "unique" touch, the crafting (Siegh said it was the point to make them unique), so compared to the other vocations they scale off again?

Dont take it and go wiz?
That's the point, elementalists, what is their speciality? Mystics are known for crafting and all elements, so elementalists only have all elements but weaker? I just miss the unique point, every vocation has something only itself has... Swordsman the high defense and best tanks, warriors the high damage with melee attacks, trackers, the dagger user with high attack speed.... Druids, the earth / ice masters with summons, wizards with the death spells but mystics? I do not want to have to choose to be an elementalists to really make use of the elements...Maybe it's just me, maybe it's just because of all the hunting spawns I know...But every mage can be awesome at one location with some extansion (wizard good pvp, druids the summons for solo hunting and also good in pvp with those)...mystics just are ... nothing special to it.. so I hope there is something unique to elementalists at least? As they lose the "unique" touch, the crafting (Siegh said it was the point to make them unique), so compared to the other vocations they scale off again?

Just think that, you as an elementalist, will be able to cast any elemental spell and have a higher soulmax/regen than any other mage. Yes, thats what they are, they wont rely on power solely but on the versality of having a bigger arsenal and more elements.

The Enchanter class will not solely be a equipment crafter, but also the only class able to make runes (with limitations of course, everything on Thronar should have some), which may be a huge advantage over other mages if used correctly.