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[Switzerland] Thronar - Alternate Tibia Server 8.7

Well, a cleric fighting against two vocations that deal physical damage, I am not THAAAT surprised. With the rare iron ring you already have 8% physical resist, if you add a stone amulet and heavy equipment, you will pretty much unbeatable... If your enemy is a mage, he will probably have dark equipment, forcing him to remove it, so the way to beat clerics are 2 mages, slowing the enemy down and silencing him, or using debuffs on him with other vocations... But generally speaking, vocations that are tanky AND can heal are the strongest. A mage can never counterheal if he stays in an enemies range, while clerics benefit more from healings due to the higher defense values...
Well, a cleric fighting against two vocations that deal physical damage, I am not THAAAT surprised. With the rare iron ring you already have 8% physical resist, if you add a stone amulet and heavy equipment, you will pretty much unbeatable... If your enemy is a mage, he will probably have dark equipment, forcing him to remove it, so the way to beat clerics are 2 mages, slowing the enemy down and silencing him, or using debuffs on him with other vocations... But generally speaking, vocations that are tanky AND can heal are the strongest. A mage can never counterheal if he stays in an enemies range, while clerics benefit more from healings due to the higher defense values...

In other words, the Clerics used to be by faaar the hardest class to kill, going way off his original role. Even if silenced by lets say, 5 or 6 seconds, it wouldnt be enough for him to die, he would just need to wait and heal everything again. About equipment, even a swordsman with this and more armor and physical resist items wouldnt be able to do what Clerics could.

As you said, a vocation that can tank and heal is very strong. Considering that no other class on Thronar can do that, the old clerics had a huge gap between them and others. A warrior is strong, but take his hp away once and he is dead. A cleric was never as strong as a warrior, but to kill him you would need to either disable him down for several seconds or take his hp away about 10 times, hoping for his mana to end.

And that was the unbalance.
Of course not, my intent is making every class fit into their roles and without being too much unfair with the others. The Cleric for instance, independant of most people said, could reach a point at the early 30 levels that no other class would be able to kill them, not to mention their high ability of soloing almost any monster simply by reaching huge skills with Blessing and healing non-stop. Is being an immortal powerhose the role of the clerics? I dont think so, then Ive put them where they belong, which is the half supporter (with now unique buffs, and yet a moderate healing) and half tank (which they acquire naturally by have almost the health of a swordsman, heavy armor and healing).

Wizards are powerfull, but they can be shutdowned if counter played right, due to being very fragile. My intent behind class balance is allowing flaws within each class, which makes them beatable if played right against.

Lets take for example the 2v1 pvp I mentioned above, a lvl 35 cleric vs an archer and a tracker (if Im not wrong), both higher than 30: the cleric blessed himself, start hitting hard and taking hits well. The other 2 classes could aswell hit him hard (not as hard as him due to the blessing, but its ok so far), they could bring him to about half hp, before he started healing everything back. After a long fight, both the archer and the tracker were without mana, while the cleric could still recover huge ammounts of mana with herbs (due to his high base mana) and use it for healing more and more. Result: the cleric killed both of them and still kept his life at full at the end, and probably some mana left.

This is a clear signal of unbalance, the others 2 classes couldnt stand the slightest chance against him with their powers combined. Even with equipment different, that was still pretty ridiculous, so... here comes the rebalance, which included buffs and nerfs at the same time. Buffs in his ability to participate in team hunts (which was pretty weak), due to weaker heals comparing with priests, and low mana to keep buffing the party efficiently. With now unique and rebalanced blessing, regeneration and refill, the clerics will surely be more wanted in hunts, since these are very important buffs in really hard places.
How will this affect their pvp? By removing heal 3, I removed some of his constant healing bursts, and by heavily increasing his heals cooldown while in pvp, I made the cleric closer to the other classes, which are unable to heal themselves efficiently while in battle, which was a big key to his immortality. The blessing buff which was as well a problem, Ive decided to keep the same, but reducing its duration and increasing its cooldown. This way, the clerics will still have a increased longevity in pvp, but this advantage will run out after some time, instead of being constant and non-stopping.

I think I wrote too much, but anyway, this is the line of thinking I use while balancing a class. Before complaining about it, please first think about everything that it involved, and not only what used to make you happy.

Okay so the whole problem came from the fact that the herb heal from the amount of max mana/health one got. It would be an easier fix to make a fix recovery for every voc cause anyway all the voc use mana to hunt. Rather then nerfing everything down. If you up the lvl cap eventually when people start getting over 2k health or mana u'll have trouble balancing things out. But anyway i havent logged in a while gonna give it another shot eventually.
Okay so the whole problem came from the fact that the herb heal from the amount of max mana/health one got. It would be an easier fix to make a fix recovery for every voc cause anyway all the voc use mana to hunt. Rather then nerfing everything down. If you up the lvl cap eventually when people start getting over 2k health or mana u'll have trouble balancing things out. But anyway i havent logged in a while gonna give it another shot eventually.

The health and mana is quite limited for this reason, I dont want to mess with high numbers. A lvl 40 warrior right now has about 850~ hp, and no more than lets say 1100 at 50 which will be the next level cap.

Reducing the ammount of mana recovered by herbs would help, but creating an exception due to an unbalance instead of balancing it properly would as well create problems in the future. If you have a cleric, try using it first. Test his new mana costs on his buffs and new durations/bonuses and you will see that the clerics are working fine, not over neither underpowered, as intended.
The health and mana is quite limited for this reason, I dont want to mess with high numbers. A lvl 40 warrior right now has about 850~ hp, and no more than lets say 1100 at 50 which will be the next level cap.

Reducing the ammount of mana recovered by herbs would help, but creating an exception due to an unbalance instead of balancing it properly would as well create problems in the future. If you have a cleric, try using it first. Test his new mana costs on his buffs and new durations/bonuses and you will see that the clerics are working fine, not over neither underpowered, as intended.

u can make the healing of the herbs limited it would be balanced for low lvls and for high lvls
or u can make herbs for squire tree that low lvls can use and make it balanced for them
u can make the healing of the herbs limited it would be balanced for low lvls and for high lvls
or u can make herbs for squire tree that low lvls can use and make it balanced for them

The herbs recovers based on the percentage of the max health/mana, so it works and is balanced for lows and for highs. The problem with the Clerics were the high base mana (comparing with other melees) and very low cost heals. There is many ways I could have chosen to balance it, I picked the one I find most suited.
you are all talking 'bout clerics but none of you actually played him. You think that hes unbeatable or was like that. It's just marksman and tracker are underpowered. Try win wight vs decend warrior - that was only one reason i left beta. Heavy gear, full blessings with mastery, healing with mastery, potions and herbs and noob warrior killed me like a pig - 4 or 5 hits and i was dead. He just uses berserk 3 times and hits u like 150 every time, no matter what your skills are either equipment.
Talk more about balancing or invincible cleric, then try playing him and you'll start complaing as me, cause everything you're talking about is completly wrong. Unbeatable jack? ye maybe that's why i could kill level 16 swordsman but that's it. silence from nowhere, lack of defense in pvp and one heal isn't enough because you can die before cooldown of that spell goes down. It's like 3 seconds of living for you, when you're gettin pwned by warrior. Stop whining bout mages and light armor classes. Consider that warrior finally! He's to damn op!
you are all talking 'bout clerics but none of you actually played him. You think that hes unbeatable or was like that. It's just marksman and tracker are underpowered. Try win wight vs decend warrior - that was only one reason i left beta. Heavy gear, full blessings with mastery, healing with mastery, potions and herbs and noob warrior killed me like a pig - 4 or 5 hits and i was dead. He just uses berserk 3 times and hits u like 150 every time, no matter what your skills are either equipment.
Talk more about balancing or invincible cleric, then try playing him and you'll start complaing as me, cause everything you're talking about is completly wrong. Unbeatable jack? ye maybe that's why i could kill level 16 swordsman but that's it. silence from nowhere, lack of defense in pvp and one heal isn't enough because you can die before cooldown of that spell goes down. It's like 3 seconds of living for you, when you're gettin pwned by warrior. Stop whining bout mages and light armor classes. Consider that warrior finally! He's to damn op!

You are clearly the one who dont know what you are talking about.

First: Ive played all classes several times in closed tests, so I know what each of them can possibly do, not to mention that Im the solo designer of them. By observating players interacting between them I can know what is happening. Second: marksmen and trackers arent underpowered if you know how to play them well. Third: warriors were obviously overpowered, and by that same reason Ive nerfed them several times, and they are now close to where I want them to be, a strong damage dealer/easy to play, but easily countered if played right against. Fourth: it doesnt matter if Jack could only be unbeatable because he got high level gear, ANYONE can get them and do as much as him, so this IS a problem. Fifth: I think you know that you should expect balancing issues on the beta, but its not like Im overlooking them and leaving warriors rape everyone everytime. Ive been working non-stop on balancing since it began, and Im still doing it.
I have closed the server now. In a few hours I will open it again for a last beta pvp event or maybe another cathedral raid.

So, yes this will be the end of the beta. This may appear sudden but, Ive noticed that the longevity of the content is still lacking, and that there isnt much to do after level 30 or so, not to mention that most players arent logging often due to the beggining of the school year, being annoyed by kicks or by being bored or whatever the reason. I got good results with this beta, I believe that, aside from some balance issues, the only thing lacking right now is more objectives to the players, more places to explore and puzzles to solve, so that will be what I will be working while it is offline. About the accounts, as I said I intend to keep them, but many players think that I should reset them for an official release, so for that reason Ill make a poll to decide this later on.

Another reason that made me decide to close it today is that Im too stressed by making everything by myself, not to mention that running the server on my own pc makes me unable to do anything else on it, and this is incredibly annoying. Before the release I will look for a scripter/programmer or 2 and a web designer to help me, and add a donation system to help me pay a dedicated server.

So, thats it. I hope everyone who played enjoyed it, and will look forward to play at the official release (which I dont know yet when it will be).
I actually almost cryed while reading that, that's so sad,
since I have been expecting Thronar for more than a year if I am right.
I hope this come on official release soon.
As I said, Ive opened the server for a last event, be it a pvp tournament or a raid at a hard dungeon. You may log in if you want to participate.
Crap i havent beebn ablew to log lately but been thinking about it much. Im all in for donation if its going for dedicate. And +1 for an official release with at least 5-7days so people can actually see it and join when it start. Cause many dont join server that they havent started on day 1.
Ask tala if he could broadcast the serv some days before release on otland like he did with some of his ot :p wud get many players

I have closed the server now. In a few hours I will open it again for a last beta pvp event or maybe another cathedral raid.

So, yes this will be the end of the beta. This may appear sudden but, Ive noticed that the longevity of the content is still lacking, and that there isnt much to do after level 30 or so, not to mention that most players arent logging often due to the beggining of the school year, being annoyed by kicks or by being bored or whatever the reason. I got good results with this beta, I believe that, aside from some balance issues, the only thing lacking right now is more objectives to the players, more places to explore and puzzles to solve, so that will be what I will be working while it is offline. About the accounts, as I said I intend to keep them, but many players think that I should reset them for an official release, so for that reason Ill make a poll to decide this later on.

Another reason that made me decide to close it today is that Im too stressed by making everything by myself, not to mention that running the server on my own pc makes me unable to do anything else on it, and this is incredibly annoying. Before the release I will look for a scripter/programmer or 2 and a web designer to help me, and add a donation system to help me pay a dedicated server.

So, thats it. I hope everyone who played enjoyed it, and will look forward to play at the official release (which I dont know yet when it will be).
