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[Switzerland] Thronar - Alternate Tibia Server 8.7

Mystics are supposed to have all spells as well, but the best I could do with wind was about 80 dmg with w-vortex2...I think you need to add something to really make them equal with all elements. Would be fine with that already lol.
@Deadbringer: There should be a reason to play any vocation and as I am trying to find out what suits me I want to see something more than just a class picked to craft items for you in Mystics. Just taking a look on the server, we had every vocation mained by someone, but how many did really go for mystic as first choice?

I can only give statements about the lv 10 vocations as the 40 ones were not finished and the game is mostly only for the range of 1-40 so far, so once it gets further I think I can make my feedbacks based on the level 40 vocs, while the range from 10-40 still is a big part.
I think there must be other beta to test lvl 40 vocs, where the people start at lvl 40
Ye, the beta should go on once there is enough content for higher level players, as well as the lv 40 vocations finished.
Lv 40 is only a temporary max lv as far as I know, so there will be lot more to test.
Once this is done I also hope for a reset on the server, so more people will join the competition about becoming the best... As for now most forgers made high amounts of money with the high prices of items at NPCs :S
and...whos cares about the money? nothing to spend it on.

Lvl 4 mystic with a bot and make him walk with search herb max and ull be good forever. Mass craft pots. There ya go. You dont actually need to trade with anyone on this serv cause its cheaper to do it on your own.
A lv 4 mystic? You get the vocation at level 10...
Still, I guess there will be a use for it...Not everyone wants to sit on his potion char for ages, and if you are found botting you will get punished anyways.
Since it was pretty much only untill lv 40, most mages had to spend their entire money on spells and masteries also took quite a bit...There has to be a use afterwards tho...
A lv 4 mystic? You get the vocation at level 10...
Still, I guess there will be a use for it...Not everyone wants to sit on his potion char for ages, and if you are found botting you will get punished anyways.
Since it was pretty much only untill lv 40, most mages had to spend their entire money on spells and masteries also took quite a bit...There has to be a use afterwards tho...

What i meant was lvl four mystic...as in... 4 different mystic. Doesnt takes long to lvl. If you get delete,make some other one. the game was poorly design to make us waste time finding herb on noob char. I bet the owner think a main mystic would actually sells his herb. k endrant.
What i meant was lvl four mystic...as in... 4 different mystic. Doesnt takes long to lvl. If you get delete,make some other one. the game was poorly design to make us waste time finding herb on noob char. I bet the owner think a main mystic would actually sells his herb. k endrant.

I wont stray the design of the features to avoid abusers and botting, punishing is more efficient. This is where real tibia failed hard. About the money issue, Im developing more ways for it to be necessary, and also already reduced much of the players income from mining and crafting, which used to be the main source. By reducing the global drop rates, and also by making profession advancement harder, I hope to increase the rarity of materials and equipment in order to add the possibility of a player-based market.

Changing the issue, I am writing some guides to help the new players, and Im finishing the classes proprer descriptions. I will post them here when Im done.


Classes: The classes are divided into 3 main branches, the Squires, the Archers and the Magicians, with each of them dividing
further into more classes. The overall stats are rated between 1 and 5, and they are Damage (overall damage potential),
Defense (overall survivability), Speed (includes movement and attacking speed), Utility (buffs, debuffs and other forms of battle
utilities excluding damage) and Difficulty (how hard it is to play the class, with 1 being the easiest).

The Squires are the melee fighters, which are almost always more tanky than the other branches, but also able to deal high
damage, utility and even support! At level 10, a Squire can promote into either a Swordsman, a Warrior, a Cleric or a Tracker.

*Swordsmen are the best choice for a real tank class, their unique ranged and aoe taunt spells, higher base armor values and
high hp, makes them the best tanks in the roughest situations. Their damage isnt neglegible, and can be fairly high with good
gear and skills, but lacks in comparison with a Warrior.
Taunting Master: increases Taunt sucess rate and reduces SP cost. (1 point)
Guard Master: increases Guard duration and area of effect. (1 point)
Threatning Blade: 40% chance per attack to taunt the targeted monster. (1 point)
Sharpened Blade: increases normal attack damage by 15%. (2 points)
Sword Mastery: increases sword attacks skill gain by about 15%. (1 point)

Role: Primary tank, secondary damage dealer.
Damage: 3
Defense: 5
Speed: 2
Utility: 4
Difficulty: 3

*Warriors are a reckless high damage melee class. Their close range damage potential is really high, and they reach higher
health points than swordsmen, but the lack of aggro spells and shield usage isnt much suitable to tank for big groups. Their
natural health tankiness can be really useful in solo or small team hunting, but a Swordsman is definetely better in making his
team survive.
Strong Armor: increases normal attack damage by 15%. (1 point)
Berserk Master: reduce hp lost and SP cost of Berserk. (1 point)
Bashing Strenght: 10% chance per attack on adding confuse to the target. (1 point)
Fierce Warrior: increases Fierce Strike damage and reduce SP cost. (2 points)
Axe Masters: increases axe attacks skill gain by about 15%. (1 point)
Sword Mastery: increases sword attacks skill gain by about 15%. (1 point)
Club Mastery: increases club attacks skill gain by about 15%. (1 point)

Role: Primary melee damage dealer, secondary tank.
Damage: 4
Defense: 3
Speed: 3
Utility: 1
Difficulty: 1

*Clerics are a variation of the Priest class, with their focus on supporting with buffs and healing. Being much more tanky than a
Priest, Clerics can, aside from support, also works as secondary tanks, but they will never exceed Swordsmen and Warriors
in the melee role. Clerics can cast really usefull buffs such as Blessing and Regeneration, but their healing power lacks
severely comparing with a Priest.
Blessing Master: increases Blessing strenght, duration and sucess rate. (1 point)
Haste Master: chance to auto-cast haste whenever healing a target. (1 point)
Holy Might: increases Divine Strike and Repel Undead damage. (2 points)
Club Mastery: increases club attacks skill gain by 15%. (1 point)
Regenerator: increases Regeneration and Refill duration and reduces SP cost. (1 point)

Role: Secondary support, secondary tank.
Damage: 2
Defense: 4
Speed: 2
Utility: 4
Difficulty: 4

*Trackers are an utility and damage based melee class, using fast daggers with no shield, they can deal high ammounts of
damage and debuffs to their enemies, and even use throwing weapons for moderate damage. To compensate their frailness,
they are the only class able to get stealthed to monsters (and later on to players aswell), and also the only class able to Track
other players, which works the same as "Exiva".
Tracking Master: learns new spell Master Track with a reduced SP cost. (1 point)
Cloak Master: increases Cloak duration and reduces SP cost.
Crippler Master: increases Crippler skills sucess rate. (1 point)
Fast Hands: 7% chance per attack to deal an additional attack. (2 points)
Vital Organs: increases critical rate by 10% with any dagger. (3 points)
Bloodshed: increases critical damage by 25% with any dagger. (3 points)

Role: Secondary damage dealer, assassin.
Damage: 3
Defense: 2
Speed: 5
Utility: 5
Difficulty: 4

The Archers are ranged physical fighters with little defense, but overall high damage. At level 10, an Archer can promote into
either a Marksman or a Crossbowman.

*Marksmen are bow users which focus into speed and range to outrun and slay their enemies. Their attack speed is
considerably faster than a Crossbowman (still slower comparing with melees), but what really makes a Marksman a master of
speed is their main spell Strafe, which fires a rapid volley of arrows while increasing their own movement speed constantly. Able to keep distance, shoot many accurate arrows and even pierce armor, their damage is still inferior than that of a Crossbowman.
Armor Pierce: 35% chance per attack to ignore target's armor. (1 point)
Double Shot: 15% chance per attack of firing an additional arrow. (2 points)
Ammo Saver: 30% chance per attack to not use any ammo during a normal attack. (1 point)
Strafe Master: increases Strafe number of shoots and reduce SP cost. (2 points)
Bow Mastery: increases normal attacks skill gain by about 15%. (1 point)
Triple Shot: 10% chance per attack of firing two additional arrows. (3 points)

Role: Primary damage dealer, ranged.
Damage: 3
Defense: 2
Speed: 4
Utility: 1
Difficulty: 4

*Crossbowmen are crossbow users which focus in raw devastating power over accuracy, speed and range. Being slow and
inaccurate attackers, their main skill Charged Shot can damage for unbeliveable ammounts, and is potentially the strongest of
all damaging abilliites of all classes, with the drawback of a defense-less channeling time. While being slow and innacurate,
crossbowmen may experience a harder gameplay than marksmen, but with the proper skill, positioning and possibly a blocker, they will be the strongest damage dealer of all classes.
Powerfull Bolt: increases normal attack damage by 10%. (1 point, can't be mastered with Devastating Bolt)
Chained Master: increases Chained Shot slow and sucess rate. (1 point)
Lucky Shooter: increases critical rate by 5% with any bolt. (1 point)
Charged Master: reduces channeling and SP cost of Charged Shot. (2 points)
Crossbow Mastery: increases normal attacks skill gain by about 15%. (1 point)
Devastating Bolt: increases normal attack damage by 25%. (3 points, can't be mastered with Powerfull Bolt)

Role: Primary damage dealer, ranged.
Damage: 5
Defense: 1
Speed: 1
Utility: 3
Difficulty: 4

The Magicians consists of magic-users of all types, from support to summoners. At level 10, a Magician can promote into
either a Wizard, a Druid, a Mystic or a Priest.

Wizards are potentially the strongest magic damage dealers, and also utility providers with debuffs. They are masters of the
Fire and Wind elements and also masters of Black Magic curse spells. While being a mage, Wizards are naturally very frail,
and in addition, their max soul and regen is lower than the average, crippling their summoning abilities and consequently making them yet more vulnerable.
Role: Primary damage dealer, debuffer, ranged.
Fire Mastery: increases fire spells damage. (1 point)
Wind Mastery: increases wind spells damage. (1 point)
Thunder Mastery: increases Thunderbolt, Storm and Lightning Nova damage. (1 point)
Curser: increases sucess rate of Slow, Paralyze, Silence, Confuse, Unprotect and Weaken. (2 points)
Mana Essence: 20% chance to restore about 25% of the used MP whenever a spell is cast. (2 points)

Damage: 5
Defense: 1
Speed: 3
Utility: 4
Difficulty: 2

Druids are strong damage dealers, and also masters of summoning. They are masters of Water and Earth elements, and,
aside from elemental summoning, can also, with a relative ease, summon beasts to tank and damage for them. Druids are
usually good solo hunters if they can use their summoning well, but their damage isnt neglegible while in big groups, and is in fact not much weaker than those of Wizards.
Earth Mastery: increases earth spells damage. (1 point)
Water Mastery: increases water spells damage. (1 point)
Ice Mastery: increases Crystal Lance, Iceberg and Blizzard damage. (1 point)
Life Force: greatly increases critical rate of Self Heal. (2 points)
Call of Nature: increases the chance of calling additional beasts upon summoning. (2 points)

Role: Primary damage dealer, summoner, ranged.
Damage: 4
Defense: 2
Speed: 3
Utility: 3
Difficulty: 3

Mystics are average damage dealers, and also unique magic equipment crafters. They can use most average spells from every
4 elements, and with the highest soul max and regen, and some unique elemental-summoning spells, they are very prone in
using elemental-based summons. Mystics can and will experience more hardship than Wizards and Druids, but their magical
equipment crafting makes them an exclusively needed class.
Soul Recover: doubles the ammount of SP recovered with Recharge while halving its duration; Unsummon Elemental recovers SP instead of consuming. (1 point)
Elemental Master: increases rate of sucess of Unsummon and Convince Elemental spells. (1 point)
Earth Mastery: increases earth spells damage. (2 points)
Water Mastery: increases water spells damage. (2 points)
Fire Mastery: increases fire spells damage. (2 points)
Wind Mastery: increases wind spells damage. (2 points)

Role: Secondary damage dealer, summoner, ranged.
Damage: 3
Defense: 2
Speed: 3
Utility: 5
Difficulty: 3

Priests are very weak damage dealers, but the masters of support and healing. Their healing is much stronger than Cleric's,
and also their undead killing abillities, but are also much more frail in comparison. Even being very hard to level up, due to their
damaging spells working almost exclusively only against undeads, the utility they can bring into either PvP or PvM while on a
team is bigger than any other class and will always be required by others.
Degenerator: increases duration, strenght and sucess rate of Degen. (1 point)
Balance: increases duration and sucess rate of Shield and Might. (1 point)
Holy Mastery: increases holy spells damage. (2 points)
Magic Banisher: increases damage and sucess rate of Mana Burn. (2 points)
Healer: reduces Healing MP and SP cost. (2 points)

Role: Primary support.
Damage: 1
Defense: 3
Speed: 3
Utility: 5
Difficulty: 5
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nice guide i think will be nice if u post all classes masterys that will help to select yuor class
Just asking outta curiousity, will the serv be on (official release) soon? (dont answer yes/no plz)

Like, "in weeks/months/next year" xD
nice guide i think will be nice if u post all classes masterys that will help to select yuor class

Thanks for the suggestion, Ive added them.

To the next page>
Classes: The classes are divided into 3 main branches, the Squires, the Archers and the Magicians, with each of them dividing
further into more classes. The overall stats are rated between 1 and 5, and they are Damage (overall damage potential),
Defense (overall survivability), Speed (includes movement and attacking speed), Utility (buffs, debuffs and other forms of battle
utilities excluding damage) and Difficulty (how hard it is to play the class, with 1 being the easiest).

The Squires are the melee fighters, which are almost always more tanky than the other branches, but also able to deal high
damage, utility and even support! At level 10, a Squire can promote into either a Swordsman, a Warrior, a Cleric or a Tracker.

*Swordsmen are the best choice for a real tank class, their unique ranged and aoe taunt spells, higher base armor values and
high hp, makes them the best tanks in the roughest situations. Their damage isnt neglegible, and can be fairly high with good
gear and skills, but lacks in comparison with a Warrior.
Taunting Master: increases Taunt sucess rate and reduces SP cost. (1 point)
Guard Master: increases Guard duration and area of effect. (1 point)
Threatning Blade: 40% chance per attack to taunt the targeted monster. (1 point)
Sharpened Blade: increases normal attack damage by 15%. (2 points)
Sword Mastery: increases sword attacks skill gain by about 15%. (1 point)

Role: Primary tank, secondary damage dealer.
Damage: 3
Defense: 5
Speed: 2
Utility: 4
Difficulty: 3

*Warriors are a reckless high damage melee class. Their close range damage potential is really high, and they reach higher
health points than swordsmen, but the lack of aggro spells and shield usage isnt much suitable to tank for big groups. Their
natural health tankiness can be really useful in solo or small team hunting, but a Swordsman is definetely better in making his
team survive.
Strong Armor: increases normal attack damage by 15%. (1 point)
Berserk Master: reduce hp lost and SP cost of Berserk. (1 point)
Bashing Strenght: 10% chance per attack on adding confuse to the target. (1 point)
Fierce Warrior: increases Fierce Strike damage and reduce SP cost. (2 points)
Axe Masters: increases axe attacks skill gain by about 15%. (1 point)
Sword Mastery: increases sword attacks skill gain by about 15%. (1 point)
Club Mastery: increases club attacks skill gain by about 15%. (1 point)

Role: Primary melee damage dealer, secondary tank.
Damage: 4
Defense: 3
Speed: 3
Utility: 1
Difficulty: 1

*Clerics are a variation of the Priest class, with their focus on supporting with buffs and healing. Being much more tanky than a
Priest, Clerics can, aside from support, also works as secondary tanks, but they will never exceed Swordsmen and Warriors
in the melee role. Clerics can cast really usefull buffs such as Blessing and Regeneration, but their healing power lacks
severely comparing with a Priest.
Blessing Master: increases Blessing strenght, duration and sucess rate. (1 point)
Haste Master: chance to auto-cast haste whenever healing a target. (1 point)
Holy Might: increases Divine Strike and Repel Undead damage. (2 points)
Club Mastery: increases club attacks skill gain by 15%. (1 point)
Regenerator: increases Regeneration and Refill duration and reduces SP cost. (1 point)

Role: Secondary support, secondary tank.
Damage: 2
Defense: 4
Speed: 2
Utility: 4
Difficulty: 4

*Trackers are an utility and damage based melee class, using fast daggers with no shield, they can deal high ammounts of
damage and debuffs to their enemies, and even use throwing weapons for moderate damage. To compensate their frailness,
they are the only class able to get stealthed to monsters (and later on to players aswell), and also the only class able to Track
other players, which works the same as "Exiva".
Tracking Master: learns new spell Master Track with a reduced SP cost. (1 point)
Cloak Master: increases Cloak duration and reduces SP cost.
Crippler Master: increases Crippler skills sucess rate. (1 point)
Fast Hands: 7% chance per attack to deal an additional attack. (2 points)
Vital Organs: increases critical rate by 10% with any dagger. (3 points)
Bloodshed: increases critical damage by 25% with any dagger. (3 points)

Role: Secondary damage dealer, assassin.
Damage: 3
Defense: 2
Speed: 5
Utility: 5
Difficulty: 4

The Archers are ranged physical fighters with little defense, but overall high damage. At level 10, an Archer can promote into
either a Marksman or a Crossbowman.

*Marksmen are bow users which focus into speed and range to outrun and slay their enemies. Their attack speed is
considerably faster than a Crossbowman (still slower comparing with melees), but what really makes a Marksman a master of
speed is their main spell Strafe, which fires a rapid volley of arrows while increasing their own movement speed constantly. Able to keep distance, shoot many accurate arrows and even pierce armor, their damage is still inferior than that of a Crossbowman.
Armor Pierce: 35% chance per attack to ignore target's armor. (1 point)
Double Shot: 15% chance per attack of firing an additional arrow. (2 points)
Ammo Saver: 30% chance per attack to not use any ammo during a normal attack. (1 point)
Strafe Master: increases Strafe number of shoots and reduce SP cost. (2 points)
Bow Mastery: increases normal attacks skill gain by about 15%. (1 point)
Triple Shot: 10% chance per attack of firing two additional arrows. (3 points)

Role: Primary damage dealer, ranged.
Damage: 3
Defense: 2
Speed: 4
Utility: 1
Difficulty: 4

*Crossbowmen are crossbow users which focus in raw devastating power over accuracy, speed and range. Being slow and
inaccurate attackers, their main skill Charged Shot can damage for unbeliveable ammounts, and is potentially the strongest of
all damaging abilliites of all classes, with the drawback of a defense-less channeling time. While being slow and innacurate,
crossbowmen may experience a harder gameplay than marksmen, but with the proper skill, positioning and possibly a blocker, they will be the strongest damage dealer of all classes.
Powerfull Bolt: increases normal attack damage by 10%. (1 point, can't be mastered with Devastating Bolt)
Chained Master: increases Chained Shot slow and sucess rate. (1 point)
Lucky Shooter: increases critical rate by 5% with any bolt. (1 point)
Charged Master: reduces channeling and SP cost of Charged Shot. (2 points)
Crossbow Mastery: increases normal attacks skill gain by about 15%. (1 point)
Devastating Bolt: increases normal attack damage by 25%. (3 points, can't be mastered with Powerfull Bolt)

Role: Primary damage dealer, ranged.
Damage: 5
Defense: 1
Speed: 1
Utility: 3
Difficulty: 4

The Magicians consists of magic-users of all types, from support to summoners. At level 10, a Magician can promote into
either a Wizard, a Druid, a Mystic or a Priest.

Wizards are potentially the strongest magic damage dealers, and also utility providers with debuffs. They are masters of the
Fire and Wind elements and also masters of Black Magic curse spells. While being a mage, Wizards are naturally very frail,
and in addition, their max soul and regen is lower than the average, crippling their summoning abilities and consequently making them yet more vulnerable.
Role: Primary damage dealer, debuffer, ranged.
Fire Mastery: increases fire spells damage. (1 point)
Wind Mastery: increases wind spells damage. (1 point)
Thunder Mastery: increases Thunderbolt, Storm and Lightning Nova damage. (1 point)
Curser: increases sucess rate of Slow, Paralyze, Silence, Confuse, Unprotect and Weaken. (2 points)
Mana Essence: 20% chance to restore about 25% of the used MP whenever a spell is cast. (2 points)

Damage: 5
Defense: 1
Speed: 3
Utility: 4
Difficulty: 2

Druids are strong damage dealers, and also masters of summoning. They are masters of Water and Earth elements, and,
aside from elemental summoning, can also, with a relative ease, summon beasts to tank and damage for them. Druids are
usually good solo hunters if they can use their summoning well, but their damage isnt neglegible while in big groups, and is in fact not much weaker than those of Wizards.
Earth Mastery: increases earth spells damage. (1 point)
Water Mastery: increases water spells damage. (1 point)
Ice Mastery: increases Crystal Lance, Iceberg and Blizzard damage. (1 point)
Life Force: greatly increases critical rate of Self Heal. (2 points)
Call of Nature: increases the chance of calling additional beasts upon summoning. (2 points)

Role: Primary damage dealer, summoner, ranged.
Damage: 4
Defense: 2
Speed: 3
Utility: 3
Difficulty: 3

Mystics are average damage dealers, and also unique magic equipment crafters. They can use most average spells from every
4 elements, and with the highest soul max and regen, and some unique elemental-summoning spells, they are very prone in
using elemental-based summons. Mystics can and will experience more hardship than Wizards and Druids, but their magical
equipment crafting makes them an exclusively needed class.
Soul Recover: doubles the ammount of SP recovered with Recharge while halving its duration; Unsummon Elemental recovers SP instead of consuming. (1 point)
Elemental Master: increases rate of sucess of Unsummon and Convince Elemental spells. (1 point)
Earth Mastery: increases earth spells damage. (2 points)
Water Mastery: increases water spells damage. (2 points)
Fire Mastery: increases fire spells damage. (2 points)
Wind Mastery: increases wind spells damage. (2 points)

Role: Secondary damage dealer, summoner, ranged.
Damage: 3
Defense: 2
Speed: 3
Utility: 5
Difficulty: 3

Priests are very weak damage dealers, but the masters of support and healing. Their healing is much stronger than Cleric's,
and also their undead killing abillities, but are also much more frail in comparison. Even being very hard to level up, due to their
damaging spells working almost exclusively only against undeads, the utility they can bring into either PvP or PvM while on a
team is bigger than any other class and will always be required by others.
Degenerator: increases duration, strenght and sucess rate of Degen. (1 point)
Balance: increases duration and sucess rate of Shield and Might. (1 point)
Holy Mastery: increases holy spells damage. (2 points)
Magic Banisher: increases damage and sucess rate of Mana Burn. (2 points)
Healer: reduces Healing MP and SP cost. (2 points)

Role: Primary support.
Damage: 1
Defense: 3
Speed: 3
Utility: 5
Difficulty: 5
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If i remember u got 3 mastery poits at 10, other at 20, and one more at 40. True?
When you get you class at level 10 you earn 3 points and you get one each 10 levels you get, so its on 20, 30 and then 40.
Actually i would give the priest a 2 at defense and not a 3 cause they die very easy and 3/5 makes it look like it doesnt die that easy
Actually i would give the priest a 2 at defense and not a 3 cause they die very easy and 3/5 makes it look like it doesnt die that easy

Priests defense is at 3 because they can heal much better themselves, and since other mages are at 2 due to their weak but considerable healing, priests have more.
the other thing i dont get are the utilities, why does warrior only get a 1 in utility and a wizard gets 4, there both high damage dealers but dont see that big of a difference in utility.
but all with all a very good guide :)
any release date on next beta?
the other thing i dont get are the utilities, why does warrior only get a 1 in utility and a wizard gets 4, there both high damage dealers but dont see that big of a difference in utility.
but all with all a very good guide :)
any release date on next beta?

Humm, dont take the word "utility" literally. As I said above, utillity is everything that isnt damage, like slows, silences, heals, buffs, etc.
warriors can be secondary tank is also very needed in a party, especially when u only got 2 tanks and one dies, then at a boss a warrior can become very handy
warriors can be secondary tank is also very needed in a party, especially when u only got 2 tanks and one dies, then at a boss a warrior can become very handy

It means that Warriors are very raw power based, instead of other abilities like slows.