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[Switzerland] Thronar - Alternate Tibia Server 8.7

I bought the "Hunter Bow" recipe as a Weapon Forger and it doesn't show up on my "!recipes" list.

The beta is still ongoing, with focused work on balancing the lvl 10 vocations, and later on releasing the lvl 40 ones.
Just a question, read it on the screenshot thread by kokokokokokokokokokokokkokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokok.

Is it true that you wont reset if theres no money/item clone bug?
Just a question, read it on the screenshot thread by kokokokokokokokokokokokkokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokok.

Is it true that you wont reset if theres no money/item clone bug?

Yes, if nothing abusive happens, I wont have a real reason to delete characters. I MIGHT remove some of the money thats ingame due to the former high prices at selling forged items, and easly mined jewels, but thats all there is to it.
30 cleric, full gear, bless2 with bless master, regen2, medium potion, heal3 and i died on 23warr with decent eq, low weapon because he hits me for like 60 while healing himself for 70.

new balance please
Ive stated like fifty-eight times today that Im working on a full rebalance on the clerics.
DoT Should be givien to druid and assasin or even range attacker. I dont think it fits a cleric. But thats me.

Trackers already have stacking DoTs. Ive made most buffs exclusive to clerics now, and with a rebalanced mana/soul cost to fits them better, and also with reworked cooldowns to avoid their immortality in pvp, so I hope its better balanced now.

And it is back online, I was out and didnt see that it crashed.
Some people know how to play, others just complain all day...Equipment is a huge factor for everything. Huge mlv on mage beats everything, that's why wizards with their silence will be the strongest in the end, disabling the enemy and using burst. Considering the fact you are not as retarded as to move right to the enemy. Knights should then also consider taking heavy equipment off as armor does not help vs. mages and they will never be able to reach them.
Smart play, thinking about how to take the enemy out and knowing their skills is what you need to win. Even tho I do not like the fact that a knight only needs his weapon and probably ring/amulet to kill mages, as to counter that you would need summons which require time, so no big use in pvp tournaments.
Btw, how far is lv 40 vocation remake?
I dont quite get it . Will you nerf everything since there will alwais be one better then another?

Of course not, my intent is making every class fit into their roles and without being too much unfair with the others. The Cleric for instance, independant of most people said, could reach a point at the early 30 levels that no other class would be able to kill them, not to mention their high ability of soloing almost any monster simply by reaching huge skills with Blessing and healing non-stop. Is being an immortal powerhose the role of the clerics? I dont think so, then Ive put them where they belong, which is the half supporter (with now unique buffs, and yet a moderate healing) and half tank (which they acquire naturally by have almost the health of a swordsman, heavy armor and healing).

Some people know how to play, others just complain all day...Equipment is a huge factor for everything. Huge mlv on mage beats everything, that's why wizards with their silence will be the strongest in the end, disabling the enemy and using burst. Considering the fact you are not as retarded as to move right to the enemy. Knights should then also consider taking heavy equipment off as armor does not help vs. mages and they will never be able to reach them.
Smart play, thinking about how to take the enemy out and knowing their skills is what you need to win. Even tho I do not like the fact that a knight only needs his weapon and probably ring/amulet to kill mages, as to counter that you would need summons which require time, so no big use in pvp tournaments.
Btw, how far is lv 40 vocation remake?

Wizards are powerfull, but they can be shutdowned if counter played right, due to being very fragile. My intent behind class balance is allowing flaws within each class, which makes them beatable if played right against.

Lets take for example the 2v1 pvp I mentioned above, a lvl 35 cleric vs an archer and a tracker (if Im not wrong), both higher than 30: the cleric blessed himself, start hitting hard and taking hits well. The other 2 classes could aswell hit him hard (not as hard as him due to the blessing, but its ok so far), they could bring him to about half hp, before he started healing everything back. After a long fight, both the archer and the tracker were without mana, while the cleric could still recover huge ammounts of mana with herbs (due to his high base mana) and use it for healing more and more. Result: the cleric killed both of them and still kept his life at full at the end, and probably some mana left.

This is a clear signal of unbalance, the others 2 classes couldnt stand the slightest chance against him with their powers combined. Even with equipment different, that was still pretty ridiculous, so... here comes the rebalance, which included buffs and nerfs at the same time. Buffs in his ability to participate in team hunts (which was pretty weak), due to weaker heals comparing with priests, and low mana to keep buffing the party efficiently. With now unique and rebalanced blessing, regeneration and refill, the clerics will surely be more wanted in hunts, since these are very important buffs in really hard places.
How will this affect their pvp? By removing heal 3, I removed some of his constant healing bursts, and by heavily increasing his heals cooldown while in pvp, I made the cleric closer to the other classes, which are unable to heal themselves efficiently while in battle, which was a big key to his immortality. The blessing buff which was as well a problem, Ive decided to keep the same, but reducing its duration and increasing its cooldown. This way, the clerics will still have a increased longevity in pvp, but this advantage will run out after some time, instead of being constant and non-stopping.

I think I wrote too much, but anyway, this is the line of thinking I use while balancing a class. Before complaining about it, please first think about everything that it involved, and not only what used to make you happy.
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I would srsly try it if it wasn't 8.7 (because I got 8.6 and when i open higher client my hotkeys resets and I use 8.6 often for the team I play with [sumus validus]) XDD

Do you know maybe if its possible to use the 8.7 client without resetting hotkeys etc. on 8.6 afterwards? in that case i would try it out ofc xD
I would srsly try it if it wasn't 8.7 (because I got 8.6 and when i open higher client my hotkeys resets and I use 8.6 often for the team I play with [sumus validus]) XDD

Do you know maybe if its possible to use the 8.7 client without resetting hotkeys etc. on 8.6 afterwards? in that case i would try it out ofc xD

There might be a tutorial somewhere, I think if you install tibia clients on separated hard drives or divisions it is possible, tho Im not really sure how.


As I said before, before heading to the next classes, I must first reach a state of balance between the current ones.